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67¸conception. This approximation of Luxemburg's con- economic-theoretical conceptions. Cadres were recruitedcetion is the most positive feature of Trotsky's 1929-33 through classes of a more advanced type than had beenGermany writings, given before in the socialist movement, and "drop-outs"Despite his own considerable intellectual powers and from that instruction were thus 'automatically selfexcludedfrom involvement in the building of thecollateral contributions, Trotsky was never atheoretician. He had a certain grasp of Marxian organization. The selective process, was intensified by adialectical method and economic theories, but no real policy of ruthless factionalism against all nonsense in themastery of either. Consequently, it is not surprising that socialist movement.he lacked a firm sense of the prerequisites for building a For example, in the course of the Columbia strike, theLabor' Committees refused to adapt to the prevailingviable, self-reproducing socialist organization. The mostobvious type is the mass-based party, which exists moods of the majority. When it became apparent in earlyas the institutionalized form Of political organization of June of 1968 that Mark Rudd et al. were replicating thethe most advanced strata of an entire working class, for outlook and policies of Benito Mussolini and Gregorwhich the Communist parties of France and Italy or the Strasser, the Labor Committees committed theirmembers to explicitly identifying and orienting fac-German social-democracy are the prototypes. Even as acentrist formation without a socialist strategic outlook, tionally to that fact, During the summer and fall of 1968,such mass-based parties embody a self-reproducing the Labor Committees were unique in the entire U.S.function. The second type is the small cadre- socialist movement in leading an attack upon the Fordorganization, whose historic value is uniquely located in Foundation's "educational counterinsurgency" strike-Rs development Of strategic and tactical perspectives. In breaking program, to the effect that the members enthiscase, its peculiar viability and ability to reproduce dured accelerating bitter enmity and actual .hooliganthat viability are independent of the attributes of mass attacks from other professedly socialist groupings on thissupport. This quality depends uniquely upon the account. •qualifications of the organization as a revolulutionary In sum, the development of the Labor Committees as aintelligentsia. The criteria for leadership within the revolutionary intelligentsia was premised on the organicorganization are predominantly those of profuse mastery unity of advanced education and ruthless adherence tothe tactical consequences of policies adduced from theof Marxian theory, as expressed by creative contributionsto that theory. Such a party thus represents standpoint of the most advanced theory. The result, asuniquely essential qual!ties which the broad masses lack has been demonstrated increasingly, is the forging ofthe means to develop independently. Such an talented young potential revolutionaries into hardenedorganization meets those qualifications only to the cadres who will act ruthlessly for a scientific perceptiondegree that its leaders are at least relatively the peers of of reality against all odds.Karl Marx, Rosa Luxemburg, V.I. Lenin, and that the It is that specific quality of Promethean hubris whichstandard of membership is a commitment of the new distinguishes the revolutionary intelligentsia, the naturalrecruits to developing such qualities in themselves, leadership of the mass movement. The forging of such aIf the Trotskyist factions were to have fulfilled the cadre-organization begins with the problems of suchhistoric function which Trotsky wished to project for intellectual commitment in struggles on a more modestthem, of supplying the mass-based Communist parties scale. Subsequently, by constantly forcing the cadres towith the necessary strategic and tactical orientations escalate their responsibilities for struggles approachingthrough united-front formations, the essential quality of those of socialist transformation itself, the cadres arethe faction would have had to be emphasis upon the organically hardened in the qualities required to leaddevelopment of a revolutionary intelligentsia, mass movements.The development and presently accelerating influence It is such selection and development policies whichof the Labor Committees. are the most appropriate uniquely produce a vanguard organization capable ofcontrast with the imminently bankrupt Trotskyist developing and acting upon the development of strategicorganizations of the 1940-58 period. The Labor Commit- and tactical policies for the socialist transformation.tees are the successful fulfilment of everything the The present world situation exemplifies this point.Trotskyist factions, failed to achieve. That success is also The fate of humanity depends upon a distinct, reciprocalin part the result of a pre-calculated determination not to connection between Labor Committee efforts in Westernreplicate the bankruptcy of Trotskyism. Europe and North America. (A special, immediate roleFrom the outset, the' criterion for Labor Committee is seen for the Japanese and Australian working classes,cadre status was a receptivity to and ability to apply the and a subsequent role by the working class of the undermostadvanced and comprehensive dialectical and developed sector; the initiative role must come from

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