Struan 1966 - Adm.monash.edu.au - Monash University

Struan 1966 - Adm.monash.edu.au - Monash University

Struan 1966 - Adm.monash.edu.au - Monash University


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S.R.C. President's ReportA most difficult task for anyorganisation such as S.R.C. is toevaluate itself. What has beenachieved? How successfully wereour tasks carried out? What shouldhave been done, or perhaps notdone? Which aspects could havebeen handled differently? Theseand similar questions spring tomind quite easi ly, but the answersare not so readily forthcoming .A large part of the work ofS.R.C., and probably the most important,is that of looking intosuggestions raised by students,through their representatives, anddeciding on their acceptability andpracticability. A variety of suchsuggestions has passed throughS.R.C. processing th is year, rangingfrom repairing the volume controlGeoff Olney (President) , Helen Turley (Vic e-President)on the radiogram (carried), to theprovision of a College Ski Hut in the Mt. Buller area (not carried). S.R.C.has dealt with such things as: the number of chairs in Lecture Rooms; the hoursof opening of the Aids' Room and Library; provision of street lighting in thearea outside the College; the re-establishment of the mid-year examination forthird year I.T.C.s; overh<strong>au</strong>l of all clocks in the College; replacement of large librarycha irs w ith tables, to provide more working space; a heater for the <strong>Struan</strong>studio, a week's warning of teaching round placings; the marking system usedon teaching rounds; the docking of students' pay; College dress standards, andmany, many others. All these suggestions came from students, which seems toindicate a healthy interest in the College, S.R.C. and our own welfare, despitethe cry of apathy constantly ring ing around the College.Of the other functions of S.R.C., the handling of thousands of dollars leviedfrom students is a d ifficult and important one. The Finance Committee, ablychaired by Helen Turley, got to work early in the year and allotted finances tothe various committees, on the basis of their forecasted requirements. This yearsaw a change in the Constitution relating to the Finance Committee, and nowalJ committee secretaries are members where, previously, Publications and SocialService Committees were not represented. The vital position of Treasurer wascapably filled by Darelle Wood.The committees themselves, integral parts of S.R.C., but nevertheless <strong>au</strong>tonomouswithin their own areas of responsibility, have functioned smoothly, andthe credit for this goes to the ir enthuslest lc members and their hard-working Secretaries.The Social Committee, led by Lyn Reid, has taken on a number of difficulttasks this year, apart from their usual work organising dances, balls, and othersgcial events. This group capably handled the provision of guides and informationcentres on Education Day, afternoon teas on 'Several occasions-inter-College3

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