Property Investors Protection Plan policy document (PDF)

Property Investors Protection Plan policy document (PDF)

Property Investors Protection Plan policy document (PDF)

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<strong>Property</strong> <strong>Investors</strong> <strong>Protection</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> Policy SECTION 3Provided always thata) each such additional person insured shall asthough they were the Insured observe fulfiland be subject to the terms of this Policyinsofar as they can applyb) the Company shall retain the sole conductand control of all claimsCompensation for Court AttendanceIn the event of any of the undermentionedpersons attending court as a witness at therequest of the Company in connection with aclaim in respect of which the Insured areentitled to indemnity under this Section theCompany will provide compensation to theInsured at the following rates per day for eachday on which attendance is requireda) any director or partner ofthe Insured £100b) any Employee £50Data <strong>Protection</strong> ActThe Company will indemnify the Insured inrespect of liability arising under the Data<strong>Protection</strong> Act 1998 to pay compensation fordamage or distressProvided thata) the process of registration under the aboveAct has been commenced or completed bythe Insured and the application has not beenrefused or withdrawnb) no liability arises as a result of the provisionby the Insured of the services of aData ProcessorThe Company shall not be liable in respect ofa) the recording or provision of data for rewardor for determining the financial status ofany personb) any liability which arises as a result of adeliberate act or omission of the Insured andwhich could reasonably have been expectedby the Insured having regard to the natureand circumstances of such act or omissionThe total liability of the Company includingall costs and expenses in this respect shallnot exceed £250,000 during any one Periodof InsuranceFor the purposes of this Extension the phrasesor words ‘Data Processor’ and ‘Data’ shall carrythe same meaning as defined under the Data<strong>Protection</strong> Act 1998Defective Premises ActThis Section subject otherwise to the terms ofthe Policy extends to indemnify the Insuredagainst liability for Injury loss or damage arisingsolely by reason of Section 3 of the DefectivePremises Act 1972 or Article 5 of the DefectivePremises (Northern Ireland) Order 1975 inrespect of any premises previously owned forpurposes pertaining to the Business and sincedisposed of by the Insured provided that –1 this extension shall not indemnify the Insuredin respect of loss of or damage to the land orpremises disposed of or in connection withthe cost of rectifying any defect or allegeddefect therein2 the Company will not be liable under thisextension if the Insured are entitled toindemnity under any other insuranceOverseas Personal LiabilityThe Company will indemnify the Insured and ifthe Insured so request any director or partner ofthe Insured any Employee or spouse of suchperson against legal liability incurred in apersonal capacity whilst temporarily outsideGreat Britain Northern Ireland the ChannelIslands or the Isle of Man in connection withthe BusinessThe indemnity will not applya) to legal liability arising out of the ownership oroccupation of land or buildingsb) in respect of which any person referred toabove is entitled to indemnity under anyother insurance25

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