Property Investors Protection Plan policy document (PDF)

Property Investors Protection Plan policy document (PDF)

Property Investors Protection Plan policy document (PDF)

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<strong>Property</strong> <strong>Investors</strong> <strong>Protection</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> Policy POLICY EXCLUSIONS5 a) in respect of Section 1loss or destruction or damage causedby pollution or contamination but thisshall not exclude destruction of ordamage to the <strong>Property</strong> Insured nototherwise excluded caused byi) pollution or contamination whichitself results from a Defined Perilii) a Defined Peril which itself resultsfrom pollution or contaminationb) in respect of Section 2loss resulting from pollution orcontamination but this shall notexclude loss resulting from destructionof or damage to property used by theInsured at the Premises for thepurpose of the Business not otherwiseexcluded caused byi) pollution or contamination at thePremises which itself results from aDefined Perilii) a Defined Peril which itself resultsfrom pollution or contamination6 DAMAGE caused by or consisting ofa) subsidence ground heave or landslipunless resulting from fire explosionearthquake or the escape of waterfrom any tank apparatus or pipeb) normal settlement or bedding down ofnew structures7 DAMAGE caused by or consisting of orarising directly or indirectly froma) disappearance unexplained orinventory shortage misfiling ormisplacing of informationb) in respect of Section 2i) erasure loss distortion or corruptionof information on computer systemsor other records programs orsoftware caused deliberately byrioters strikers locked-out workerspersons taking part in labourdisturbances or civil commotion ormalicious personsii) other erasure loss distortion orcorruption of information oncomputer systems or other recordsprograms or software unlessresulting from a Defined Peril insofaras it is not otherwise excluded8 a) in respect of Section 1destruction of or damage to a buildingor structure caused by its owncollapse or crackingb) in respect of Section 2loss resulting from destruction of ordamage to a building or structure usedby the Insured at the Premises causedby its own collapse or crackingunless resulting from a Defined Peril in sofar as it is not otherwise excluded9 DAMAGE in respect of movable propertyin the open fences and gates by wind rainhail sleet snow flood or dust10 DAMAGE in respect ofa) glass (other than fixed glass) chinaearthenware marble or other fragile orbrittle objectsb) in respect of Section 1 – curiosities orworks of artother than such DAMAGE caused by aDefined Peril and not otherwise excluded11 Unless specifically mentioned as insuredunder Section 1a) property or structures in course ofconstruction or erection and materialsor supplies in connection with all suchproperty in course of constructionor erectionb) land roads pavements piers jettiesbridges culverts or excavationsc) trees or growing crops31

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