Determinants of Stock Prices: Empirical Evidence from NSE 100 ...

Determinants of Stock Prices: Empirical Evidence from NSE 100 ...

Determinants of Stock Prices: Empirical Evidence from NSE 100 ...


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EPS = Earning Price Share,DC = Dividend Cover,DY = Dividend Yield,P/E ratio = Price Earnings ratioMarket Price (MP) : It is the average price <strong>of</strong> theshare derived <strong>from</strong> the financial year high and lowhas been considered as market price. It is the currentprice at which an asset or service can be bought orsold.MP= (High Price + Low Price)/2 (2)Where, High Price = Highest market price duringthe financial year, Low Price = Lowest market priceduring the financial year.Book Value (BV): It is also known as net assetvalue per share because it measures the amount <strong>of</strong>assets, which the corporation has on behalf <strong>of</strong> eachequity share. BV shows the net investment per sharemade in the business by the shareholder. It is thevalue at which an asset is carried on a balance sheet.It can be calculated as follows:BV =(Reserves + Equity Capital –Revaluation Reserves)No. <strong>of</strong> outstanding shares (3)No. <strong>of</strong> outstanding shares is the total number <strong>of</strong>equity shares held by the company.Dividend per share(DPS): Dividend is the portion<strong>of</strong> the pr<strong>of</strong>it after tax, which is distributed to theshareholders for their investment bearing risk in thecompany. It has a significant influence on themarket price <strong>of</strong> the share. DPS shows how much thecompany has paid out as dividend. It refers to theactual amount <strong>of</strong> dividend (gross) declared pershare. The net pr<strong>of</strong>it after taxes belong toshareholders but the income that they really receiveis the amount <strong>of</strong> earnings distributed and paid ascash dividend. DPS is calculated as under:DPS = Dividend t,n (4)No. <strong>of</strong> outstanding sharesIRACST- International Journal <strong>of</strong> Research in Management & Technology (IJRMT), ISSN: 2249-9563Vol. 3, No.3,June 2013Where, DPS t,n refers to amount <strong>of</strong> dividendpaid by company t in the year n.Earning Per Share(EPS) : It refers to the ratio <strong>of</strong>the pr<strong>of</strong>it after tax <strong>of</strong> the company for any financialyear after payment <strong>of</strong> preference dividend .Theequity shareholders are the sole claimants to the netearnings <strong>of</strong> the corporation after making payment <strong>of</strong>dividend to the preference shareholders. Thesignificance <strong>of</strong> this ratio flows <strong>from</strong> the fact thathigher the earnings per share the more is the scopefor a higher rate <strong>of</strong> dividend and also <strong>of</strong> retainedearnings, to build up the inner strength <strong>of</strong> thecompany.EPS = Net Pr<strong>of</strong>it After Tax – Preference Dividend (5)No. <strong>of</strong> outstanding sharesDividend Cover(DC): is the ratio <strong>of</strong> company'searnings (net income) over the dividend paid toshareholders, calculated as earnings per sharedivided by the dividend per share. It shows theextent to which DPS is protected by the earning <strong>of</strong>the company. Dividend cover is the reciprocal <strong>of</strong>dividend payout ratio, which is calculated asDPS/EPS.DC = EPS t,n (6)DPS t,nWhere EPS t,n refers to earning per share for thecompany t in the year n and DPS t,n refers todividend per share for the company t in the year n.Price Earnings Ratio (P/E ratio) : This ratioenables an investor to make appropriatecalculation <strong>of</strong> the time required to cover hisinvestment in a company’ s stock.P/E ratioexpresses the relationship between the market price<strong>of</strong> a company’s share and its earnings per share. Itindicates the extent to which the earnings <strong>of</strong> eachshare are covered by its price.It can be calculatedas:P/E ratio = MP t,n (7)EPS t, n89

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