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Original Research Original Research - STAR Journal

Original Research Original Research - STAR Journal


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Tesfay Tolessa Bessa <strong>STAR</strong> <strong>Journal</strong>, July-Sep 2012, 1(3): 88-96opposition songs against the then oppressivegovernment policy (Asafa Jalata, 1993;Mohammed Hassen, 1999).The movement of Oromo Cultural Troupesunder the Imperial RegimeIn the history of their political struggle, theOromo made courageous attempts to performmusic, drama and theatre in their language towithstand the assimilation policy of the Ethiopiangovernment (Bariisa, 1991). Although there wereinformant reports reflecting religious drama andsinging of psalms on the bases of written themesby Protestant Christian Missionaries in Wallagga(Informants: Admasu Birehanu, Hailu Disasa,Kebede Firrisa), the written secular music anddrama for the purpose of cultural movement werepresented on stages by the Afran Qalloo culturaland musical bands (Bariisaa, 1991).OromoGariin ilma namaa yaada gabaabbataaQottuu jechuu se’aa arrabatti fudhataaWaa arraba mitii maqaa tarkaanfataaUmmanni wabaree qonnadhaan dhadataaDafquma isaa nyachuuf hojiidhaan bututaaHojjetee mullisee bilchesse oomishaateeDinagdee ol kaasuf qutudhaa hidhateeHalkanillee hirafuu hojidhaan bututeeAkkasumaan naminni itti dhaadateeRoorroo keessa darbe yoom irranfatee.The song dictates the ignorance of the peoplewho called Afran Qalloo Oromo pejoratively“Qottuu” (Farmer) forgetting the importance offarming for the sustenance of the life of thepeople and for the development of the country.For the learned and those who have understoodthe world, farming is the bedrock of developmentfor those who used to live on their products whichis achieved not through dependence but throughhard work. The song also taught people torecover their displaced names in the process ofthe imperial assimilation policy.Nonetheless, according to Asafa Jalata, theimmediate cause for the establishment of thecultural band was the refusal of Harare musicalband on certain marriage of Oromo coupleresponding that their musical instrument couldnot produce Oromo language musical tone. Theentire group of the nuptials who requested for theOromo songs was Oromo language speakers.OromoKa’aa hirribaa kottaa walbarrannaaDardara alagaa if cina hingartaaniiAmeta sadii dura maaliin wal faarsaniiAmeta sadii dura walleen Afaan keenyaasaan nijijjirratan nut immoo inteenyaaDurbumaan keenyallee kan karaa yaatulleenWanuma wallisan tan jaraati walleen B(Bariisaa,1997)Afran Qalloo musical and cultural band, whichwas established in Dirree Dhawaa in the early1962, was the first Oromo troupe to appear in anorganized manner for preserving Oromo cultureand reflecting multifaceted subjugation of theOromo (Ibid.). The name Afran Qallo was torefute the pejorative name “Qottu” given to themby the newly Amhara settlers for the four sons ofQalloo: Alaa, Babbillee, Dagaa and Oborraa (BadirKabir, 1995). Afran Qalloo began the oppositionagainst the Oromo with the early naming of thecultural band itself. The band posed their objectionto this name “Qottuu” by the following songscomposed by Abubakir and later on presented byHalloo Dawwee on the Oromo cultural show of1977 in Addis Ababa( Alfia, 2007). It reads asfollows:GlossSome people are narrow-mindedConsider farming as insultNot insult but advancementCivilized people take pride in farmingStrive hard to live on his workBy showing practically and working exhaustivelyFor development has to farm without reservationNever slept even in the night being exhausted by workPeople roared at him without reasonHe never forgets the tyranny passed through(Asafa, 1993). However according to Bariisa onthe marriage ceremony of the Oromo the Harareand Somali musical bands were invited withcompensation. The then privileged band playingin Amharic was not willing for they had low honorfor the Oromo. It was on this circumstance thatcertain Hassan Omar Tarree forced to advice theOromo youngsters to establish their own culturalband. The advised youngsters were IsmailMohammed, Abdulhaji Mohammed, AbubakriMusa, Abdurrahman Yusuf, and others.Consequently, Afran Qalloo Musical and culturalband was established by eighteen members in1962(Bariisa, 1991). Whatever the argument isthe immediate causes for the establishment ofAfran Qalloo Musical and cultural band was inresponse to the Oromo subordination to theHarare language. The Afran Qalloo musical andcultural band responded to the Harare band by itsfirst song as follows.GlossWake up, let us understand each otherWhy you do not see the alien youthThree years before in what they sang?Three years before, our language songThey changed but we quittedOur girls who travel along the roadSing the songs of the others (Harari and Amharic)89

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