Vol 9-01-July 1 - Katanning Rotary Club

Vol 9-01-July 1 - Katanning Rotary Club

Vol 9-01-July 1 - Katanning Rotary Club


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<strong>Vol</strong> 9 - No. <strong>01</strong>1 <strong>July</strong>, 2<strong>01</strong>3

The Spoke <strong>Vol</strong> 9 - No. <strong>01</strong> - <strong>01</strong> <strong>July</strong>, 2<strong>01</strong>3<strong>Vol</strong> 9 - No. <strong>01</strong> - 1 <strong>July</strong>, 2<strong>01</strong>3<strong>Club</strong> DirectorsPresident:Julie BrownTel: (H) 08 9823 1115(M) 0408 590 006<strong>Club</strong> Service/ PresidentElect/Spoke Editor/WebmasterArthur ToddTel: (H) 9821 2<strong>01</strong>9(M) 0429 100 084International ServicePeter CaldwellTel: (H) 9823 5<strong>01</strong>6(M) 0428 235 006New GenerationsTel: (H)(W)District GovernorDistrict 9465Erwin Biemel(<strong>Rotary</strong> <strong>Club</strong> of Willeton)<strong>Rotary</strong> InternationalPresidentRon D. Burton(<strong>Rotary</strong> <strong>Club</strong> of Norman,Oklahoma, USA)Page 2Vocational ServiceNicki PoldingTel: (W) 9821 9800(M) 0419 939 546Community ServiceAndrew PritchardTel: (H) 08 9821 1241(M) 0417 904 057From ‘Anna’ who spent her RYEyear in EcuadorI had no idea what I was gettingmyself into when I applied tothe <strong>Rotary</strong> Youth ExchangeProgram, no idea that this yearwould be so life changing, noidea how hard I would have towork, and, finally, no idea howheartbreaking it would be to gohome.While at the first pre-exchangeorientation I was doubtful.How could one year change mylife so drastically?All of the rebound students sayit.It changes your life and now Iknow what they mean.If asked to name how I havechanged I stumble.How have I not changed?I feel I am more independent,assertive, and self-confident.I am now more aware of myown values and ideals.I have learned a lot about theperception of my country in theeyes of those abroad and I havelearned that just by taking thetime to speak with someone canchange that.I have realised that I can befearless, that I can face theworld with a reckless grininstead of a cautious face.Looking back I see I wascompletely oblivious to thesechanges as they were happening.I believe that having to becomecompletely independent,immersed in a new culturecauses this.It is such an instant change ofenvironment that our rapidadaptation becomes who weare.OURCOVERI am not entirely certain howgreatly this has affected my lifebut I feel that being able to walkup to someone and simply askthe time without feelingembarrassed is definitely a stepup from my previous nature.It is a combination of highs,lows, awkwardness andambiguity, knowledge and thelack of.It is uncertainty andvulnerability.Most of all it is learning…learning about life, (yours andtheirs) and about who you wantto be as a person.I landed in Ecuador as a seventeen-year-oldkid, timid andinsecure.I will leave a confident, selfassuredyoung adult ready tochange the world.This year has opened up somany possibilities for me and Iam very grateful to the <strong>Rotary</strong>Youth Exchange Program.Our new President Julie Brown displaysRI President Ron D Burton’stheme banner for 2<strong>01</strong>3/14

The Spoke <strong>Vol</strong> 9 - No. <strong>01</strong> - <strong>01</strong> <strong>July</strong>, 2<strong>01</strong>3<strong>Rotary</strong> <strong>Club</strong> of <strong>Katanning</strong><strong>Club</strong> SecretaryPeter MolinariTel: (H) 9821 1673(W) 9821 1933<strong>Club</strong> OfficersResidents look over the damage in Moore, Oklahoma, USA, after a category fivetornado touched down 20 May.The Moore wayBy Brent Wheelbarger, a member of the<strong>Rotary</strong> <strong>Club</strong> of Moore, Oklahoma, USAI sat in a bus along with othermedia outlets from around theworld.It was the day after the tornadoand we were being shuttled tothe various damage sites soreporters could shoot video andfile stories.For many of them, it was a firstglimpse at the extent of destruction… for me, it was a pit ofemotion.Many of our neighborhoodsgone.Our hospital destroyed.Hundreds of cars twisted,stacked, crushed.Innumerable businesses gutted.Two of our schools reduced torubble.I didn’t like what I saw and Ididn’t like how I felt.But that awful feeling evolved.The stories of survival andcompassion began flooding outof those decimated places.The outpouring of support fromacross the world descended.Our grass roots “faith basedFEMA” kicked in as churches andcommunity organisations rallied.All of that began impacting myoutlook every bit as much as thetornado.Don’t get me wrong, I still don’tfeel better … but I do feel good.I feel good about the way Mooreresponded, about theperseverance of our people,about our determination to riseout of this.Moore Assistant City ManagerStan Drake once told me,“there’s three ways to do things;the right way, the wrong wayand the Moore way.”I tend to agree with him.As we continue to recover fromthis disaster, the whole world isseeing “the Moore way,” and itis good.May God bless Moore as wewalk through this together.Editor’s Note: <strong>Rotary</strong> districts5770 and 5750 (Oklahoma,USA) have set up a bi-districtfund to help those affected bythe tornado that struck nearOklahoma City, Oklahoma.Learn more on District 5770′swebsite:http://www.clubrunner.ca/Portal/Home.aspx?accountid=50022<strong>Club</strong> TreasurerCraig McKinleyTel: (H) 08 9821 4141(M) 0427 817 008Sergeant at ArmsKevin NewmanTel: (H) 9821 1404(M) 044 8211 102AttendanceCameron TaylorTel: (H) 08 9821 1673(W) 08 9821 1933(M) 0427 446 597Program DirectorNigel AitkenTel: (H) 9821 1690(M) 9821 2000<strong>Club</strong> ProtectionMichael HobleyTel: (H) 9821 4797(M) 0428 214 794<strong>Rotary</strong> <strong>Club</strong> of <strong>Katanning</strong>Postal Address:PO Box 127 <strong>Katanning</strong> WA 6317Web: www.katanningrotary.org/Meeting time: Mondays - 6.30pm for 7.00pmVenue: <strong>Katanning</strong> Country <strong>Club</strong>Round Drive, <strong>Katanning</strong>Apologies & Guests: Peter Molinari08 9821 1933 or 08 9821 1673DISTRICT 9465 - District Governor - Bob CooperDistrict Web: http://rotary9465.org.au/Page 3

The Spoke <strong>Vol</strong> 9 - No. <strong>01</strong> - <strong>01</strong> <strong>July</strong>, 2<strong>01</strong>3Meeting SummaryMonday, 1 <strong>July</strong>, 2<strong>01</strong>3VENUE:<strong>Katanning</strong> Country <strong>Club</strong>, Round Drive, <strong>Katanning</strong>PRESIDING:President, Julie BrownATTENDANCE:Julie Brown, Arthur Todd, David Meyer, BrentLadyman, Andrew Pritchard, Nigel Aitken,Kevin Newman, Peter Molinari, Jacquie Stade,Cameron Taylor, Robert Ndong’a, Lesley Trimming,Peter Kerin, Michael Hobley, Peter Caldwell,Craig McKinleyPartners & FamilyNilVisiting Rotarians and PartnersNilGuestsNilGuest SpeakerAlannah WoodsStudent - West Australian Academy of PerformingArts - Edith Cowen University - Perth.MEETING:Grace: PP David MeyerToast to <strong>Rotary</strong>: Arthur ToddPRESIDENTS REPORT - Julie BrownOther <strong>Club</strong> ChangeoversJulie attended the Wagin and Narrogin <strong>Rotary</strong> <strong>Club</strong>Changeover dinners.Barbara Edwards Update (Peter Kerin)Barbara had her operation today and was in theatrefor over six hours. The operation seems to havegone well but she is currently under sedation for afew days. Adrian thanks everyone for their supportand thoughts.<strong>Rotary</strong> Four Way Speaking CompetitionThis is a competition for high school students. Kojonupand Gnowangerup District High Schools competein the competition and we are hoping to startit at <strong>Katanning</strong> Senior High School. The speechmust include the <strong>Rotary</strong> Four-Way Test in it. Localwinners get to speak at the District Conference andthe overall winner will represent the state at the<strong>Rotary</strong> International Annual Conference in Sydneynext year.District Governor Erwin Biemel’s VisitThe DG’s visit to our club will be on Monday,4 November and will be a partner’s night.CLUB PROGRAM - Nigel AitkenCommittee Meetings will be the third Monday ofeach monthThis week’s winner was Peter Molinari pictured (centre) with outgoingOrb Master Peter Caldwell and incoming Orb Master Kevin Newman (left)Page 4

The Spoke <strong>Vol</strong> 9 - No. <strong>01</strong> - <strong>01</strong> <strong>July</strong>, 2<strong>01</strong>3MEETING SUMMARY - ContinuedBoard Meetings will be the third Thursday of eachmonth.Monday, November 4 - District Governor’s VisitPartner’s nightSECRETARY - Peter MolinariNo reportTREASURER - Craig McKinleyFinancesTerm Account - remains unchangedGeneral Account - $6,370 after donations paid outand cheques banked.CLUB SERVICE - Arthur ToddOther <strong>Club</strong> ChangeoversMembers attended the following <strong>Club</strong> changeovers:Wagin, Gnowangerup, Kojonup and Narrogin.Reports and photos from Wagin, Gnowangerup andKojonup are on following pages.COMMUNITY SERVICE - Andrew PritchardMeals on Wheels RosterArthur Todd will continue to cover our rostereddays.INTERNATIONAL - Peter Caldwell<strong>Rotary</strong> Youth Exchange (RYE)Mike Hobley is following through with MirandaMcKinlay’s <strong>Rotary</strong> Youth Exchange to SouthAmerica. She and John-Paul Collins (GSE) will talkto us shortly.International Dinner & Auction 2<strong>01</strong>4Next year’s dinner will be Saturday, 29 March andTiny Holly has been booked for that date.Don’t forget: If you are travelling overseas, or knowsomeone who is, please organise items for theauction.VOCATIONAL - Nicki PoldingAbsent - No ReportNEW GENERATIONS - Still no DirectorNo ReportATTENDANCE -Cameron Taylor/Peter Molinari29 members: 3 Leave of Absence - 1 make-up17/26 = 65.38%Cameron Taylor is the person to contact if you arenot able to make a meeting. Call before 2pmMondays.FELLOWSHIP - Robert Ndong’aBirthdays:<strong>July</strong> 1 - Charmaine Meyer<strong>July</strong> 3 - Brenda Becker<strong>July</strong> 5 - Cameron BeeckAnniversaries:<strong>July</strong> 7 - Ian & Deb BillingMEMBER’S REPORTS:Lesley TrimmingRotoractRotoract will be holding a reunion in February. Moreinformation as it comes to hand.David MeyerBali Kids ProjectToothbrushes and some further equipment from thehospital will be taken to the Perth depot by DonaldCoventry on our behalf. This is the last of the equipmentthat will be available from the hospital.Cameron TaylorEnd of Financial YearJust a reminder:If you are a business person - count your stockIf you are a farmer - count your stockAnd read your vehicle odometers.GUEST SPEAKER:Alannah WoodsStudent - WA Academyof Performing Arts -Edith Cowen UniversityBefore moving to PerthAlannah (the daughter ofIian Woods) lived in both <strong>Katanning</strong>, attending StPatrick’s Primary School and <strong>Katanning</strong> Senior HighSchool, and Albany. Alannah spoke of her wish tocontinue her studies in the Eastern States. She willbe holding a series of fund-raising concerts in Perth,<strong>Katanning</strong> and Albany and was seeking our support.The <strong>Katanning</strong> concert will be Thursday, 12December at the <strong>Katanning</strong> Town Hall.Classically trained, she sang two songs for us fromMozart's opera “The Marriage of Figaro” - Voi cheSapete and Non so più cosa son sung by thecharacter Cherubino.RAFFLE & FINES - Kevin NewmanRAFFLE: Nigel AitkenFINES:Julie, Arthur, Mike, Cameron, Peter Kerin, Docker’ssupporters, Alannah, Peter Molinari, Robert.Buy the Box:Arthur - on Eagles supportersArthur - on AndrewBrent - on SelfMeeting Close: 8.30pmPage 5

<strong>Vol</strong> 9 - No. <strong>01</strong> - <strong>01</strong> <strong>July</strong>, 2<strong>01</strong>3Fiona Taylor, Daphne Kerin and Jenny HobleyADG Garry Griffiths (R) with Stephen Donohue (RC Wagin)Attendance:Members: Julie Brown, David Meyer, Arthur Todd, MariannePerrie, Danielle Perrie, Andrew Pritchard, Kevin Newman,Jacquie Stade, Nicki Polding, Nigel Aitken, Peter Molinari, CraigMcKinley, Geoff Beeck, Lesley Trimming, Keith Ohlsen, RusselThomson, Peter Caldwell, Cameron Taylor, Mike Hobley, PeterKerin, Wayne Sergeant.Partners & Family: Tim Brown, Alex Brown, Charmaine Meyer,Louis Meyer, Pauline Todd, Rachelle Newman, ChristineMolinari, Morris Trimming, Fiona Taylor, Sandra Sergeant,Fiona Taylor, Daphne Kerin, Margaret Thomson.Visiting Rotarians: Joan Barritt (RC Armadale), Terry Barritt(RC Armadale), Geoff Shipton (RC Kojonup), MalcolmMcDonald (RC Kojonup), Ross Richardson (RC Gnowangerup),Geoff Shepherdson (RC Gnowangerup), Philip Patterson (RCGnowangerup), Linda Bilney (RC Kojonup), Greg James (RCAttadale), Steve Donohue (RC Wagin), ADG Garry Griffiths (RCWagin).Partners & Family: Christine McDonald (Kojonup), HelenJames (Attadale).Other Service <strong>Club</strong>s: Norm King (Lions <strong>Katanning</strong>), DougCherry (Lions <strong>Katanning</strong>).Guests: Alan McFarland (Deputy Shire President, Shire of<strong>Katanning</strong>), Kendal O’Connor (Great Southern Herald), DonaldCoventry (Paul Harris Fellow), Kerry Coventry.MC: Peter CaldwellFine of the Year: Marlene ShackleyNew Board of Directors:President - Julie Brown; President Elect/<strong>Club</strong> Service - ArthurTodd; International Service - Peter Caldwell; Community Service- Andrew Pritchard; Vocational Service - Nicki Polding;<strong>Club</strong> Secretary - Peter Molinari; <strong>Club</strong> Treasurer - CraigMcKinley.Page 6Above: Outgoing President, David Meyer with hiswife Charmaine.Left Top: Peter Kerin with Wayne Sergeant.Left: Mum-to-be Danielle Perrie with Joan Barrittfrom the <strong>Rotary</strong> <strong>Club</strong> of Armadale.

Documentos seleccionados para trabajar la presente propuesta.1. International Confederation of Dietetic Associations. International Code of Ethics and Codeof Good Practice [en línea] International Federation of Dietetic Associations; 2008.[consultado el 20 de junio de 2<strong>01</strong>1]. Disponible a:http://www.internationaldietetics.org/Downloads/ICDA-Code-of-Ethics-and-Code-of-Good-Practice.aspx2. European Federation of the Associations of Dietitians. International Code of Ethics andCode of Good Practice [en línea] 2008 [consultado el 20 de junio de 2<strong>01</strong>1]. Disponible en:http://www.efad.org/everyone/1390/5/0/323. De Looy Anne, ed. Dietitians Improving Education and Training Standards (DIETS) Report 5:Quality Assurance, Dietetic Competence and Practice Placement Standards 2006-2009.DIETS Thematic Network; 2009.4. Asociación Española de Dietistas-Nutricionistas. Decálogo de estándares éticos en elejercicio de la profesión de dietista-nutricionista. Aprobados en Asamblea GeneralOrdinaria de la Asociación Española de Dietistas-Nutricionistas el 5 de octubre de 2008.Ratificados en Junta de Gobierno del Colegio Oficial de Dietistas-Nutricionistas de IllesBalears el 30 de enero de 2009. Aprobados en la II Asamblea General Ordinaria del ColegioOficial de Dietistas-Nutricionistas de Illes Balears el 20 de marzo de 2009.5. Antúnez C., et al. Propuesta de código ético en la profesión de nutrición humana ydietética = Proposta de codi ètic en la professió de nutrició humana i dietètica. Cabrils(Barcelona). Prohom Edicions i Serveis Culturals, S.L.; 2009.6. American Dietetic Association/Commission on Dietetic Registration Code of Ethics for theProfession of Dietetics and Process for Consideration of Ethics Issues. J Am Diet Assoc.2009; 109(8) 1461-7.Código Deontológico de la profesión de Dietista-Nutricionista.Barcelona, setiembre de 2<strong>01</strong>1. Página 7

The Spoke <strong>Vol</strong> 9 - No. <strong>01</strong> - <strong>01</strong> <strong>July</strong>, 2<strong>01</strong>3<strong>Katanning</strong> is becoming more heart safethanks to the local St John Ambulanceand support from the <strong>Rotary</strong>, Rural Youth,Apex and Lions <strong>Club</strong>s.The community organisations arecontributing funds to St John to installdefibrillators throughout town in an effortto help save lives in heart attackemergencies.It is part of the St John Ambulance‘Community First Responder’ program,which enables individuals to provideimmediate help to cardiac arrest victimsbefore an ambulance arrives.Between seven and nine of the life-savingdefibrillator devices are planned to beinstalled in <strong>Katanning</strong> and surroundingtowns, with proposed locations in<strong>Katanning</strong> including the town centre, nearWoolworths and at the Country <strong>Club</strong>.Community paramedic Sonia Hugginspresented the idea to communityclubs about how worthwhile the projectwould be.“All the clubs that have come forwardhave been very generous with theirsupport for the project,” she said.Contacting other clubs in <strong>Katanning</strong> andhelping organise the project was one ofDavid Meyer’s final tasks as <strong>Rotary</strong> <strong>Club</strong>president.“We have had our major fundraisingevents like the international night, so thisis a good end result for a good communityPage 8based project that we see would be helpingSt John’s with their response and alsohopefully save a life,” he said.The <strong>Rotary</strong> <strong>Club</strong> will contribute $15,000towards the project.Rural Youth and Apex are each providingfunds to cover one defibrillator, which retailat $2900 apiece.The Lions <strong>Club</strong> is also assisting with gettingtwo or three of the devices to outlyingtowns.St John and the clubs are encouragingbusinesses to provide appropriatelocations.During a sudden cardiac arrest, everyminute that the victim is not defibrillatedthey lose a 10 per cent chance ofrecovering.St John Ambulance WA Community FirstResponder System is designed to helpimprove the chances of survival.Kendall O’ConnorGreat Southern Herald<strong>Rotary</strong> helps specialneeds studentsBeing able to prepare meals may be somethingpeople take for granted but forstudents of the inclusive learning programat <strong>Katanning</strong> Senior High School it is a skillthey can now learn with more confidence.This is due largely to a fridge that wasdonated by the <strong>Katanning</strong> <strong>Rotary</strong> <strong>Club</strong> tohelp in a lunch program that began thisyear.The Lunch Time program allows studentswith special needs to not only preparetheir lunch but learn how to store andpackage it.It aims to give students more independenceand confidence in life skills such aspreparing food.Inclusive learning unit teacher SandyHodge said she realised the program waslacking the resources that would allowstudents to engage in the program.“We were halfway through term and Irealised that we didn’t have the storageand we had challenges in accessingfood,” she said.“The executive assistants were trottingback and forth from the home economicsroom every week with frozen foods to beused.”The fridge, valued at just under $600, wasinstalled in April and Mrs Hodge has seensignificant changes in the students since.“It think it is certainly giving them a lotmore confidence in being able to preparesomething relatively independently andnot having someone to support them,” shesaid.Kendall O’ConnorGreat Southern HeraldReproduced with permission

<strong>Vol</strong> 9 - No. <strong>01</strong> - <strong>01</strong> <strong>July</strong>, 2<strong>01</strong>3WAGINThe new teamleft to right:Stephen Donohue,Shelley Foley, Paul Powel,Peter Foley, Ian Pederick,Maurie Becker,John Johansson,new President Tony Baxter,and outgoing PresidentCarolyn Webster.Changing of the Guard… Incoming President Tony Baxter (left)with Assistant District Governor Garry Griffiths and outgoingPresident Carolyn Webster“Guest Speaker” John Giumelli and his wife Kerry.John was a very funny comedian. He was originally a dairyfarmer in Dardanup before moving to Wagin.<strong>Katanning</strong>’s President Elect Julie Brown with husband Tim atthe Wagin Changeover dinner.Spoke Editor Arthur Todd with the President ofthe <strong>Rotary</strong> <strong>Club</strong> of Narrogin, Stewart Meldrum.Page 9

<strong>Vol</strong> 9 - No. <strong>01</strong> - <strong>01</strong> <strong>July</strong>, 2<strong>01</strong>3Adrian Edwards, ably supported by wife Barbara,has been a hardworking and popular member ofthe <strong>Rotary</strong> <strong>Club</strong> of <strong>Katanning</strong> for many years. Hehas always made himself available whencommunity members or his fellow Rotarians havebeen in need. He was President of the <strong>Club</strong> in2004-05 and has been made a Paul Harris Fellowby his peers for his outstanding efforts.Now its their turn to receive. Adrian’s wife Barbarais about to undergo major life-threatening surgery.She will require extensive nursing and care formany months after the surgery which will meanAdrian’s time will be limited. He will be unable toget out as he usually does to cut up firewood forwinter. So <strong>Club</strong> members, family and friends cametogether at Peter and Daphne Kerin’s ‘Bundaleer’property on Sunday morning (June 16) to cut up aheap of firewood for them.Rotarians included David Meyer Wayne Sergeant,Nigel Aitken, Arthur Todd, Peter Kerin, MikeHobley, Greg Ramm, Ray Ford, Peter Caldwell,and Adrian.Family members included Charmaine Meyer,Daphne Kerin, Christine Aitken, Jenny Hobley,Sandra Sergeant, Julie Ford, and Matthew, Simon,Sharon and Chrissie Kerin.Several friends rocked up to help and they wereWally O’Halloran, Donald Coventry, and Steve andSharon Tunbridge.Ashleigh Severin from H Hardware in <strong>Katanning</strong>donated the use of his tipper truck for theexercise.There was more wood cut than required by Adrianand Barbara so it was put aside and will be usedas a raffle to raise money for the club in the nearfuture.After a hard morning’s work everyone finished offwith a barbecue and a few quiet drinks.President David Meyer works the chainsaw whileWayne Sergeant supports the fallen log.Donald Coventry and Mike Hobley carrying a logto the circular sawPage 10Nigel Aitken and Sandra Sergeant manhandle a log to a waitingute while David Meyer looks on with the chainsaw.

<strong>Vol</strong> 9 - No. <strong>01</strong> - <strong>01</strong> <strong>July</strong>, 2<strong>01</strong>3L-R: Ken Pech, Thuc Haynh, Mike Moore, Knud Nymann,Ross Richardson, Phil Patterson, Geoff Shepherdson,and Gavin ParnellSmall but strongJohnston Community Service Award winners Tim & CassieBeeck with outgoing president, Phil Patterson.Phil Patterson hands over the leadership to Ross RichardsonThe <strong>Rotary</strong> <strong>Club</strong> of Gnowangerup held its annual changeoverdinner on Tuesday, June 25 at the GnowangerupBowling <strong>Club</strong>.Special guests included President Kerry and John Stone,Shire CEO Shelley Pike, and new federal Nationalscandidate William ‘Chubb’ Witham who is originallyfrom Broomehill.Members from the <strong>Rotary</strong> <strong>Club</strong>s of Kojonup, <strong>Katanning</strong>and Wagin also attended the event.Our members were Arthur Todd, Andrew Pritchard, andDavid Meyer.As part of its changeover proceedings The Gnowangerup<strong>Club</strong> recognises people who have achieved within theGnowangerup community.This year they recognised Sharon Williamson with itsVocation Award, Julian Peucker from Sadler's Butcherswith its Youth Achievement Award and Tim and CassieBeeck with the Johnston Community Service Award.Guest speaker William Witham spoke of his childhood inBroomehill and playing football with the GnowangerupFootball <strong>Club</strong> before he left for school in Perth.He has worked all over Australia as well as overseas inAfrica, Europe and the US.William is contesting the seat of O'Connor in the comingFederal election for the National Party.President Ross Richardson's new board of directors forthe Gnowangerup <strong>Club</strong> are Phil Patterson, KnudNymann, Mike Moore, Thuc Haynh, Gavin Parnell,Ken Pech, Peter Harvey and Geoff Shepherdson.Page 12

The Spoke <strong>Vol</strong> 9 - No. <strong>01</strong> - <strong>01</strong> <strong>July</strong>, 2<strong>01</strong>3<strong>Katanning</strong> Country <strong>Club</strong>Monday 17 June, 2<strong>01</strong>3Attendance:<strong>Katanning</strong> <strong>Vol</strong>unteer Fire & rescue ServiceTrevor Watson (Captain), Cameron Punch, GavinDonnison, Nathan Donnison, Aron Burnett, ReeceMartin, Stephen Brooks, Cindy Pearce, ShaneD’Aprille, Finley Leach, Ben Watson, Sam Watson.St John Ambulance <strong>Katanning</strong> Sub BranchIsabel Bradbury, Chris Obst, Wendy Obst, FionaClay, Geoff Clay, Dianne Sugg, Shelly Norrish, PamGarlick, Syd Garlick.State Emergency ServiceSue Eastcott, Jessica Hagley, Daryl Cameron.Royal Flying Doctor ServiceLes Crosby, Kath Crosby, Helen Beck, CampbellBeck, Faye Roocke, Adrian Roocke<strong>Vol</strong>unteer Bush Fire BrigadesTim Clegg, Barry Kowald, Greg Garlick.Guests (Partners of <strong>Vol</strong>unteers)Tara Punch, Clarrie Bradbury, Kate Donnison, JohnOwens, Katrina Whitnell, Lyn Kowald, Joanna Steel,Emily Howe, Kristy D’AprilleWhat is a <strong>Vol</strong>unteer ?A volunteer is someone who chooses to act inrecognition of a need, with an attitude of socialresponsibility and without concern for monetaryprofit.Not everything done by volunteers is labelled asvolunteering. In a school, it might be called servicelearning, community service or an internship.In professional society, it may be referred to aspro bono.In the streets, it is called neighbourliness.At church it is referred to as lay ministry.In a group of peers, it may be self-help and in aprotest it would be called activism.Why do People?<strong>Vol</strong>unteerSome have chosen to become involved so they canprovide a needed service, solve a problem oradvance a worthy cause.Others often look for personal development.Many volunteer for both altruistic and personalreasons.People make contacts, learn skills, gain workexperience, build self-esteem, improve their health,and sometimes find paying jobs.Some people have turned their lives around throughvolunteer work.<strong>Vol</strong>unteers do not work for money; they work forless tangible but equally important forms ofremuneration such as satisfaction, appreciation andthe opportunity to build skills.<strong>Vol</strong>unteers are seeking increasingly meaningfulresponsibilities and interesting tasks – thecommunity must therefore find ways to meet theseneeds.Guest Speaker:Claire Collis (St John Ambulance)Rotarians:David Meyer, Geoff Beeck, Arthur Todd, Peter Caldwell,Lesley Trimming, Andrew Pritchard, JulieBrown, Russel Thomson, Peter Kerin, CraigMcKinley, Wayne Sergeant, Nigel Aitken, MichaelHobley, Robert Ndong’a, Jacqueline Stade, KevinNewman, Keith Ohlsen, Peter Molinari, CameronTaylor.<strong>Vol</strong>unteers believe in the <strong>Rotary</strong> motto….Partners:Charmaine Mayer, Sandra Sergeant, Fiona Taylor.Unfortunately, due to a camera malfunctionthere are no photos available of the evening.Page 13

<strong>Vol</strong> 9 - No. <strong>01</strong> - <strong>01</strong> <strong>July</strong>, 2<strong>01</strong>3New Board: Ned Radford, John Mathwin, Jill Mathwin,Rob Watson, John Sexton, Lew Smid and Ken Stan-Bishop.The <strong>Rotary</strong> <strong>Club</strong> of Kojonup held its changeover dinner at themagnificent Glenlossie Distillery and Restaurant in Kojonup onThursday night.Special guests included Assistant District Governor FredMentha and his wife Leonie (both members of the <strong>Rotary</strong> <strong>Club</strong>of Mt Barker) and Kojonup Shire President Jane Trethowanand her husband Nick.After a stellar year second time president Malcolm McDonaldhanded over the leadership role to Ned Radford.Ned's Board includes Eric Wright, Rob Watson, John Sexton,Jill Mathwin, Jim McGregor, John Mathwin Lew Smid, and KenStan-Bishop,This year the club, besides supporting local youth, providedfunding towards the orphanage 'Stellar Child CareOrganisation', situated in the outskirts of Phnom Penh,Cambodia.Locally, the <strong>Club</strong> hosted a Group Study Exchange team fromVirginia, USA, provided support for the Kojonup District HighSchool's Year 10 Leadership Camp at the Walpole WildernessPark, and sponsored a student to attend the <strong>Rotary</strong> ScienceExperience at Curtin University in Perth.The Kojonup <strong>Rotary</strong> <strong>Club</strong>'s annual <strong>Rotary</strong> Scholarship wasawarded to Megan Bilney and the Apprentice of the Yearawards went to Troy Williams and Sean McIntyre.The <strong>Club</strong> is fortunate to have the ME Morrison Charitable Trustwhich was set up from a bequest to support local youth.Through this bequest the <strong>Club</strong> has been able to distribute over$100,000 to the youth of Kojonup since its inception in 1997.Pictured top left:Malcolm McDonald (left) hands over the chain office to NedRadfordPictured bottom left:Guest Speaker Russel Thomson from Big Bale Pilbara and<strong>Katanning</strong> Rotarian with his wife Margaret.Page 14

The Spoke <strong>Vol</strong> 9 - No. <strong>01</strong> - <strong>01</strong> <strong>July</strong>, 2<strong>01</strong>3A Golfing LifeDavid is 90 years old. He's playedgolf every day since his retirement25 years ago.One day he arrives home lookingdowncast."That's it," he tells his wife."I'm giving up golf. My eyesighthas got so bad. Once I've hit theball, I can't see where it went."His wife sympathises.As they sit down, she has asuggestion: "Why don't you takemy brother with you, and give itone more try.""That's no good," sighs David."Your brother is a hundred andthree. He can't help.""He may be a hundred and three,"says the wife, "but his eyesight isperfect."So the next day, David heads off tothe golf course with his brother-inlaw.He tees up, takes an almightyswing, and squints down the fairway.He turns to the brother-in-law."Did you see the ball?""Of course I did!", says thebrother-in-law. "I have perfecteyesight.""Where did it go?" asks David."Can't remember."With time, women gain weightbecause we accumulate so muchinformation andwisdom in our headsthat when there is nomore room, itdistributes out to therest of our bodies.So we aren't heavy,we are enormouslycultured, educatedand happy.Beginning today, when I look at mybackside in the mirror I will think,Good grief, look how smart I am!Must be where 'Smart Arse' camefrom!A Romantic Wife/HusbandText ExchangeA wife, being the romantic sort, sent herhusband a text: “If you are sleeping, sendme your dreams. If you are laughing, sendme your smile. If you are eating, send mea bite. If you are drinking send me a sip. Ifyou are crying, send me your tears. I loveyou!The husband replied,“I am sitting on the toilet.Please advise."Never laugh at yourgirlfriend's choices.You are one of them.BalanceGod was missing for six days.Eventually, Michael, the archangel,found him, resting on the seventh.He inquired, “Where have you been?"God smiled deeply and proudlypointed downwards through theclouds, "Look, Michael. Look whatI've made."Archangel Michael looked puzzled,and said, "What is it?""It's a planet,” replied God, and I'veput life on it. I'm going to call it Earthand it's going to be a place to test'Balance.'""Balance?" inquired Michael, "I'm stillconfused."God explained, pointing to differentparts of Earth."For example, northern Europe will bea place of great opportunity andwealth, while southern Europe is goingto be poor. Over here I've placed acontinent of white people, and overthere is a continent of black people.Balance in all things..."God continued pointing to differentcountries. "This one will be extremelyhot, while this one will be very coldand covered in ice."The Archangel, impressed by God'swork, then pointed to a land area andsaid, "What's that one?""That's Western Australia, the mostglorious place on earth. There arebeautiful trees and gardens, a beautifulriver, and days filled with sunshine.The people from the West are going tobe handsome, modest, intelligent, andhumorous, and they are going to travelthe world.They will be extremely sociable, hardworking,high achieving, carriers ofpeace, and producers of good things."Michael gasped in wonder and admiration,but then asked, "But what aboutbalance, God? You said there wouldbe 'balance.'"God smiled, "I will create CanberraWait till you see the idiots I'll putthere."...Page 15

The Spoke <strong>Vol</strong> 9 - No. <strong>01</strong> - <strong>01</strong> <strong>July</strong>, 2<strong>01</strong>3<strong>July</strong> 2<strong>01</strong>3Literacy Month & New <strong>Rotary</strong> Year BeginsMon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9Start ofRamadan10 11 12 13 1415CommitteeMeetings16 17 18BoardMeeting19 20 2122 23 24 25 26 27 2829 30 31 1 2 3 4Page 16

The Spoke <strong>Vol</strong> 9 - No. <strong>01</strong> - <strong>01</strong> <strong>July</strong>, 2<strong>01</strong>3August 2<strong>01</strong>3Membership & Extensions MonthMon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun29 30 31 1 2 3 45 6 7 8 9 10 1112 13 14 15 16 17 1819CommitteeMeetings20 21 22BoardMeeting23 24 2526 27 28 29 30 31 1Page 17

The Spoke <strong>Vol</strong> 9 - No. <strong>01</strong> - <strong>01</strong> <strong>July</strong>, 2<strong>01</strong>3MEMBERS CONTACT DETAILSRotarian Home Work Mobile EmailPRESIDENTJulie (Tim) Brown 9823 1115 9821 9800 0408 590 006 juliebrown62@bigpond.comCLUB SERVICEArthur (Pauline) Todd 9821 2<strong>01</strong>9 0429 100 084 rotarykatanning@gmail.comCraig (Emma) McKinley 9821 5363 9821 1985 0423 128 069 mensworldkatanning@bigpond.comCameron (Fiona) Taylor 9821 1247 9821 1277 0427 446 597 cameron.taylor@rsmi.com.auKevin (Rachelle) Newman 9821 1404 9821 1111 044 8211 102 kevin@farmerscentre1978.com.auNigel (Christine) Aitken 9821 1690 9821 2000 nigel.aitken@bigpond.comKylie Morrow 98218949 0427 248200 kylie_morrow@bigpond.comDanielle (David Hislop) Perrie 9822 8030 9861 2222 0428 231 506 dandave@optusnet.com.auCOMMUNITY SERVICEAndrew Pritchard 9821 1241 9821 2340 0417 904 057 ajp@myboomerang.com.auMichael (Jenny) Hobley 9821 4797 9821 4797 0428 214 794 hobley68@oceanbroadband.netPeter (Daphne) Kerin 9821 1858 9821 1858 0427 208 878 peteranddaphne@sctelco.net.auLesley (Morris) Trimming 98211827 98211827 0407 423 495 lesleytrimming@bigpond.comMarianne Perrie 9822 8036 9821 4327 0477 442 561 m.perrie@iinet.net.auINTERNATIONAL SERVICEPeter (Deanne) Caldwell 9823 5<strong>01</strong>6 9823 5<strong>01</strong>6 0428 235 006 diesel14@bigpond.comMarlene (Des) Shackley 9822 8040 9822 8040 0428 683 6<strong>01</strong> shackley@activ8.net.auGeoff (Helen) Beeck 9821 4333 9821 4333 0417 966 802 summerfield1892@bigpond.comKeith (Angela) Ohlsen 9821 4141 9821 3200 0427 817 008 keith.ohlsen@agric.wa.gov.auBrent (Elizabeth) Ladyman 9821 0030 9821 0030 0427 968 533 b.e.ladyman@bigpond.comDavid (Charmaine) Meyer 9824 1236 9824 1236 0417 178 387 dlm@katel.net.auVOCATIONAL SERVICENicki Polding 9821 9800 0419 939 546 Nicki.Polding@education.wa.edu.auPP Jacqueline Stade 9821 1558 j.stade@bigpond.comPeter Hayes 9821 1888 0428 345 047 hayezy13@virginbroadband.com.auAdrian (Barbara) Edwards 9821 4383 9821 2388 0427 212 388 edw@katel.net.auRussel (Margaret) Thomson 9823 1549 9823 1549 0419 950 217 kunmallup@bigpond.comNEW GENERATIONSRobert (Bridget P’ng) Ndong’a 9821 5546 9821 9800 otienon@hotmail.comPP Wayne (Sandra) Sergeant 9821 1890 9821 2379 0409 103 8<strong>01</strong> sergeant@wn.com.auGreg Ramm 9821 1718 9821 1718 0427 974 452 gvramm@wn.com.auRay (Julie) Ford 9821 2483 9821 1172 rfsigns@katel.net.auPeter (Christine) Molinari 9821 1673 9821 1933 pmolinari@tnmlawyers.com.auPage 18

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