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Hot dip galvanized rebarThe IZA started its high profile campaign to develop thegalvanized reinforcement steel market in 2005. This hasresulted in the development of a resource sitewww.galvanizedrebar.com in addition to the production of thebook by Prof Yeomans. Papers have been given worldwide atrelevant conferences and industry working groups establishedto identify the challenges to be overcome in furtherdevelopment of the market. Clearly, the IZA in its mission tofurther develop markets for zinc needs to focus on sizeablemarkets. Estimates of the global market for reinforcement inconcrete exceeds 100m tonnes per annum. It is clear that evena small market penetration would result in a significantlyincreased consumption of zinc.From left: Prof. Stephen Yeomans, Keith Mackie and Prof. Mark Alexander.engineers and specifiers. A full program comprised twopresentations by Prof Yeomans with additional presentationsby Prof Mark Alexander (from the Civil EngineeringDepartment of UCT who is a well known authority in concrete,concrete degradation and concrete rehabilitation) and KeithMackie (Consulting Coastal and Harbour Engineer).Prof Yeomans completed his week with a presentation to 20post-graduate students in the Department of Civil Engineeringat UCT.By the end of the week some 170 people had been able tolisten to and question Prof Yeomans on the benefits of hotdip galvanized steel reinforcement and challenge thehypotheses and assumptions in his presentations. It is hopedthat this will result in an ongoing debate over the use oflonger life structures for infrastructure development where taxRands should be spent wisely and effectively.South Africa already has some well known examples of theuse of hot dip galvanizing for reinforcement of concrete. Theseexist in Cape Town (Groote Schuur Hospital, Seapoint seawallamongst others), Durban (Gateway Shopping Centre andothers), Port Elizabeth, Johannesburg and other cities aroundSouth Africa. The visit by Prof Yeomans certainly stimulatedthe audience in terms of widening awareness but in addition,it will result in the development of a local case histories filefor future reference and as an added incentive to aid futuremarket development.A group of students listen attentively to Prof. Stephen Yeomans.On a final note, the New York State Thruway Authority hasnow adopted hot dip galvanized rebar for all of its currentbridge decks. Within the US it is estimated that there are over600 000 bridges requiring some form of rehabilitation. Clearly,recognition has occurred that hot dip galvanizing does offeradditional benefits to concrete works. Perhaps this shouldhave been used for the coastal bridges in KwaZulu-Natal. It isbetter than the use of the words – Beware of falling concrete!Editor’s CommentAs stated by Keith Mackie at the seminar, “hot dip galvanizedreinforcement for concrete only works when you don’t need it”. To thisend and warranted by the general interest in the hot dip galvanizedreinforcement for concrete, we will be publishing a series of papers insubsequent issues of the magazine on this subject.The Association would like to acknowledge theadvertisers and thank them for their supportArmco Superlite Galvanizing..................................................Back coverBAMR ........................................................................................ page 23Bolt Fast .................................................................................... page 7Bulldog Projects cc .................................................................. page 37Cape Gate (Pty) Ltd ................................................................ page 13CBC Fasteners .......................................................................... page 9Chemplus .................................................................................. page 21Galvanising Techniques (Pty) Ltd............................................ page 41Galvrite Galvanising (Pty) Ltd ................................................ page 33Galvspin Galvanizers cc ........................................................ page 31Impala Bolt & Nut SA (Pty) Ltd .............................................. page 3New Aloe Fastening System .................................................. page 10Orlik Metal Chemicals ............................................................ page 29Pro-Viro ...................................................................................... page 27Rawlplug .................................................................................. page 11Robor Galvanizers .................................................................. page 15S.A. Bolt Manufacturers (Pty) Ltd............................................ page 5Strutfast Cable Management Systems .................................. page 35Supergalv (Pty) Ltd .................................................................. page 27Surface Treatment Technologies (Pty) Ltd .............................. page 13Tel-screw Products (Pty) Ltd...................................................... page 10Trident Steel....................................................................Inside front coverVerni .......................................................................................... page 39WLS Fastener Manufacturing Company cc .......................... page 730 Hot Dip Galvanizing Today Volume 7 Issue 1 2010

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