ST HOUR - Winston Churchill

ST HOUR - Winston Churchill

ST HOUR - Winston Churchill


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FROM SIRMARTINGILBERTI have recentlyread a noteappearing onthe <strong>Winston</strong> Listserv (Internet) about anarticle regarding the pressure put by<strong>Churchill</strong> on the American government tosuppress certain documents. W. J. Shepherdstates: "The disturbing thing in thisarticle is that virtually none of the<strong>Churchill</strong> memos cited appear to comefrom Gilbert but rather from the BeaverbrookPapers, which begs the question asto whether Gilbert suppressed this in hisofficial biography."Since the very first day on which Ibegan work on the <strong>Churchill</strong> biography in1961, alongside his son Randolph, I havenever suppressed (nor did Randolph eversuppress) a single document or fact.Indeed the whole enterprise, from the outset,was based on discovering documentsand bringing them to the light of day.In my Volume VHI of the biography Icited the documents from the Beaverbrookpapers because that is where I foundthem. If I had found more on this subjectin the <strong>Churchill</strong> papers, or elsewhere, Iwould have published it. One particularinterest is that this episode links up withone about which I published material inVolume V and its Companion Volumes,<strong>Churchill</strong>'s request that all potentially anti-American statements in The World Crisisshould be deleted in the serialisation byThe Times of London.As W. J. Shepherd states, "<strong>Churchill</strong>the politician always superseded <strong>Churchill</strong>the historian"—except of course when<strong>Churchill</strong> was writing history!SIR MARTIN GILBERT, LONDONDESPATCH BOXRE "FRASIER"I assume from your remarks ("AmidThese Storms," FH 95) that you have notactually seen the programme "Frasier"(not spelled "Fraser"). "Frasier" and"Home Improvement" have little in commonother than that their characters speakEnglish—although the elitist Frasier himselfuses French and Latin phrases so frequentlythat even this can be argued. Infact, "Frasier" is witty, smart, and unfailinglyfunny, and you done him wrong—even if he does make occasional mistakes.But no matter, I shall continue to look forwardto FH every quarter. Keep up thegood work.CHRIS DUNFORD THEMON<strong>ST</strong>ER<strong>ST</strong>ATUEPermit merespectfully todisagree withJohn Gallagher'sassessment ofthe statue of Sir<strong>Winston</strong> in ParliamentSquareas "a monstrosity...[which] doesnot conjure up the dynamics and vivaciousnessof the great man, but insteadshows [a] stooped, infirm old man leaningon his cane." (FH 95, Despatch Box, p. 25).On the three occasions when I havelooked up, admiringly, at this great workof art, it has spoken to me of "<strong>Churchill</strong>...indomitable, even in old age!"JONAH TRIEBWASSER, RED HOOK, N.Y.Editor's response: John Gallagher actuallysaid much more—he really despises thething!—but we ran out of space. It is interest-ing that the sculptor himself had his doubtsabout the work. Roberts-Jones (obituary,Finest Hour 94 page 8) had nightmares of themonolith coming to life and walking alongwith its thundering footsteps echoing throughoutParliament Square. But the statue doeshave some wonderful angles, especially frombehind with St. Stephen's Tower in the background—avery fine photo from this angle iscoming up on a FH cover. Judge for yourself.WWW.WIN<strong>ST</strong>ONCHURCHILL.ORGAs of last year I have been on theInternet. Our members would be surprisedto see all there is in cyberspaceabout Sir <strong>Winston</strong>. The <strong>Churchill</strong> CenterHome Page (www.winstonchurcliill.org)is frequently updated with new informationand facts. Another fine service is"Listserv <strong>Winston</strong>," through which Ireceive messages from the Finest Hour editors,professors, students, critics andchampions (see also page 20 -Ed.) One ofthe subscribers sends a message to anaddress (<strong>Winston</strong>@vm.marist.edu) and itis automatically sent to all members of theservice. I have received up to twenty messagesa day. It is free, and supplies mewith all kinds of interesting <strong>Churchill</strong>iana.Many times heated discussions erupt,ranging from <strong>Churchill</strong>'s opinions on theHolocaust to his fantastic skills. Thanks!BEV THOMASNEXT UP: FDR IN 1944During the writing of my book onHarry Hopkins I was concerned that Iwould be able to do him justice. Your generousreview in FH 93 makes it all worthwhile.It also has given me encouragementto proceed with my next book, which willfocus on Franklin Roosevelt in 1944. Therewill be at least a chapter on the FDR-<strong>Churchill</strong> relationship at a time whenRoosevelt was not at his best because ofweariness and serious health problems. Iam most grateful for your kind words.MATT WILLS, COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO.THANKS, CRAIGPlease let me take this opportunity toexpress my admiration for the work youare doing to keep the legacy of <strong>Churchill</strong>alive. I was at the Washington Conferencein 1993. At one discussion, a member ofthe audience made a comment that couldhave been construed as limiting the<strong>Churchill</strong> legacy to certain groups of people.You immediately stood up and politelyreminded everyone that <strong>Churchill</strong>'swork serves everyone. How very true!CRAIG DE BERNARDS, GLENSIDE, PENNA.RIGHT: Anent MattWills's letter (righthandcolumn), Douglas Halloffers us this charminglittle black and whitemug backstamped"Ascot White Made inEngland," dating probablyfrom 1941: "The mugshows little sign of use...I suspect it has spentmost of its 50+ yearslocked away. Very rare."FINE<strong>ST</strong> <strong>HOUR</strong> 96/44

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