Prepared by Umberto Frixione March 2010 - Foster Wheeler Italiana

Prepared by Umberto Frixione March 2010 - Foster Wheeler Italiana

Prepared by Umberto Frixione March 2010 - Foster Wheeler Italiana

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SPCIALISED FUNCTIONSThe “LINE Management” make use HSE specialised Staff functions that have thefollowing duties:HSE&Q DIRECTOR (General Co-ordination)1. Establish general guidelines for Health, Safety and Environmental and their coordinationin the various fields (FW personnel, construction, design,commissioning) - interpretation of the new laws and their enforcement.2. Define the principal HSE functioning rules of the System and verify the goodfunctioning of it.3. Be consultant for what concerns the health and safety of FWI personnel, whereverthey are working, i.e. carrying out the activities foreseen <strong>by</strong> the EEC Directive89/391 for the Protective and Preventive Service (Risk Assessment, Preventionand Protection measures plan, training and information, Emergency procedures,etc).4. Prepare and issue the HSE System Documentation.5. Help Commercial Department, particular in the proposal phase, in the definition ofthe Design Safety Project Scope of Work.6. Verify the implementation of new European Directive requirements.7. Verify that the Machinery Directive Dossier is executed and sign the declaration ofconformity.8. Guarantee that the HSE Design and Process Engineer’s activities, relevant todesign safety, will be performed.9. He is also the HSE&Q Management representative, with the followingresponsibilities and authorities:a) ensuring that processes needed for the HSE&Q management system areestablished, implemented and maintained,b) reporting to top management on the performance of the HSE&Q managementsystem and any need for improvement, and.6

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