2007 Annual Report - Town of Wilton

2007 Annual Report - Town of Wilton

2007 Annual Report - Town of Wilton


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TOWN OF WILTON, CONNECTICUTSTATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES (DEFICITS) -GOVERNMENTAL FUNDSFor the Year Ended June 30, <strong>2007</strong>NonmajorTotalGeneral Governmental GovernmentalFund Funds FundsREVENUESProperty taxes $ 88,067,800 $ - $ 88,067,800Intergovernmental 7,669,044 775,487 8,444,531Licenses and permits 1,981,305 1,074,340 3,055,645Investments income 2,003,645 86,227 2,089,872Tuition - 1,182,110 1,182,110School lunch sales - 1,196,502 1,196,502Contributions - 217,985 217,985Other revenue 709,145 - 709,145Total revenues 100,430,939 4,532,651 104,963,590EXPENDITURESCurrent:General government 3,363,146 198,176 3,561,322Education 63,652,774 3,041,511 66,694,285Public safety 10,135,382 297,023 10,432,405Public works 2,088,763 - 2,088,763Public health and welfare 1,446,944 3,266 1,450,210Recreation and Parks commission 1,159,650 696,214 1,855,864Other 4,592,688 - 4,592,688Debt service:Principal retirements 5,951,145 27,047 5,978,192Interest and other charges 3,127,525 17,175 3,144,700Capital outlay 1,423,201 6,344,547 7,767,748Total expenditures 96,941,218 10,624,959 107,566,177Revenues over (under)expenditures 3,489,721 (6,092,308) (2,602,587)OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES)Proceeds from bonds - 4,055,000 4,055,000Capital leases issued 333,938 - 333,938Transfers out (135,000) - (135,000)Total other financingsources 198,938 4,055,000 4,253,938Net change in fund balances 3,688,659 (2,037,308) 1,651,351FUND BALANCES, beginning 15,480,679 6,349,644 21,830,323FUND BALANCES, ending $ 19,169,338 $ 4,312,336 $ 23,481,674The notes to the financial statements are an integral part <strong>of</strong> this statement.16Audit <strong>Report</strong>38

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