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crumpling going on inside there, too; it was possible Mutex had a whole miniature<br />

ecosystem inside, filled with poisonous frogs.<br />

Finch, still on four legs, tried to retreat from the frogs, clearly recognizing them for<br />

what they were—tiny hopping biohazards. Deadly poison with legs.<br />

“Look out!” Rondeau called, but it was too late. Finch’s rear left leg came down on top<br />

of a frog, and he roared, lifting his paw and shaking it, stumbling in the process and<br />

brushing against several more of the frogs. He gave a nearly human scream, and did an<br />

ineffectual hop of his own, as if trying to jump clear of the widening pool of frogs, but<br />

he only landed on more of them.<br />

Rondeau started forward, but Marla laid a restraining hand on his arm. The frogs were<br />

spreading out throughout the whole clearing now, scores of them, spotting the grass and<br />

churned dirt like yellow wildflowers, and Finch was surrounded. Rondeau and Marla<br />

couldn’t help him. The frogs were like mobile land mines. Finch stumbled about,<br />

swiping at the frogs, but his strikes grew slower and slower, his movements more<br />

sluggish. Even his magically enhanced bear’s constitution failed to stand up to the frogs<br />

for more than a few seconds, and Marla thought about the welts that had risen up on<br />

Lao Tsung’s dead body—just how poisonous were these creatures? Marla felt a pang<br />

for Finch—he’d been a bastard, true, but she’d respected his power, and, ultimately,<br />

he’d acknowledged hers. That was as close to friendship as most sorcerers could afford<br />

to come.<br />

Mutex watched Finch lurch about and die by degrees. The skinny sorcerer nodded<br />

thoughtfully, as if he were attending a lecture on fiscal policy or civic planning. Marla<br />

drew her non-magical, workaday dagger and held it by the blade between her thumb and<br />

forefinger. The knife wasn’t weighted for throwing, but at this distance, with sufficient<br />

force, she could probably wound Mutex grievously in the throat. She drew back her arm<br />

and, in a smooth motion that would have pleased Lao Tsung, let the dagger fly.<br />

Before the knife went a foot, it struck a hummingbird. The animal had intercepted the<br />

blade in a blur of ruby wings, moving faster than Marla’s eyes could follow. The knife<br />

bounced back and gouged a divot in the ground at Marla’s feet. The bird hovered for a<br />

moment, unharmed, and looked at her with tiny black eyes, then flashed away to rejoin<br />

the flock that was slowly but steadily carrying the Cornerstone away.<br />

Marla looked to Mutex, who waved farewell and turned away. Finch was now an<br />

unmoving heap of brown fur, sprawled on his side among the frogs. The Cornerstone<br />

drifted after Mutex, into the trees.<br />

“Want me to Curse?” Rondeau said, but Marla shook her head. It was too dangerous,<br />

too unpredictable, especially with so many lethal creatures nearby. The frogs still<br />

hopped, some of them jumping on Finch’s dead bear-body. Marla looked after Mutex,<br />

but he’d vanished. The birds were gone, too, and the stone with them, all hidden by the<br />

folded space around the island. She couldn’t follow them, either. The frogs made the<br />

clearing impassable, and if she went into the trees to skirt around them, she’d just be<br />

wrapped up in folded space herself, and might even wind up farther away from Mutex<br />

than she was now. When things got non-Euclidean, there was little hope of hot pursuit.

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