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though, favoring the tropical rain forests, especially in Colombia, which was where<br />

Mutex had supposedly spent some time studying.<br />

A subheading labeled “Beneficial Uses” caught Marla’s eye. Apart from helping native<br />

hunters poison their prey—the tribespeople heated the frogs over fires, then wiped their<br />

darts on the frogs’ sweating backs—Mr. Terrible had other useful qualities. Doctors<br />

were working with extracts of their poison, batrachotoxin, to make painkillers that were<br />

potentially ten times as effective as morphine, without the nasty, physically addictive<br />

side effects. Marla wondered if Mutex had used some sympathetic magic to tap into that<br />

quality, too. If so, he could be formidable in battle. People who didn’t feel pain were<br />

difficult to fight.<br />

She turned the page. And there it was: “Predators.”<br />

Mr. Terrible only had one natural predator. Leimadopis epinephelus. It was a snake,<br />

naturally immune to the frog’s poison, and it chowed down on Mr. Terrible and all his<br />

brethren at will.<br />

B and Ray were chatting, and Marla interrupted Ray in mid-sentence. “I want to buy a<br />

snake.”<br />

“Oh, yeah?” Ray said. “What did you have in mind?”<br />

“I can’t pronounce it,” she said. “One of these.” She tapped the name.<br />

Ray frowned. “I think you’re out of luck. Even if I could get you one—which I can’t—<br />

it’d be an illegal exotic pet. Not unlike that frog you’ve got in your plastic bag there, but<br />

since it’s dead, that’s probably less of a problem.”<br />

“Money isn’t an issue,” Marla said. “Neither is legality. Time, however, is. I need one<br />

of these snakes, and I need it before morning.”<br />

Ray looked at B for help, and B cleared his throat. “I don’t think he’s holding out on<br />

you, Marla. They don’t have that snake here, and it’s not something he can get.”<br />

“Truth,” Ray said. “There might be one of these snakes in captivity somewhere in the<br />

state, but who knows? It’s a relatively rare snake from the rain forest. I don’t even know<br />

what they look like, and I know more about snakes than the average guy.”<br />

“I need one,” Marla said. “You must have some idea where I can find one.”<br />

Ray lifted his hands in a gesture of helplessness. “Sorry. I’m sure there are dedicated<br />

reptile smugglers out there somewhere, but I don’t know them. And even if I did, I<br />

doubt old Leimadopis would be a hot seller.”<br />

Marla swore, then ripped the relevant pages out of the book. Ray started to protest, and<br />

Rondeau was there as if by magic, handing him a suspiciously large bill. Ray’s half<br />

scowl deepened, but he put the money in his shirt pocket. “Want me to try to reach<br />

Langford?” Rondeau said. “He’s got sources. Maybe he could, I don’t know, ship us a<br />

snake by special courier.”

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