Annual Report 2010-11 - Global Invasive Species Programme - GISP

Annual Report 2010-11 - Global Invasive Species Programme - GISP

Annual Report 2010-11 - Global Invasive Species Programme - GISP


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DIVERSITAS Committees’ initiatives in <strong>2010</strong>The following provides examples of activities undertaken by DIVERSITAS Committeesin support of the global science framework.DIVERSITAS National Committees<strong>2010</strong>(Established committee**)Full MembersArgentinaAustriaBelgium**China – Taipei**France**Germany**Mexico**Norway**Slovak Republic**South AfricaSpain**SwedenSwitzerland**The Netherlands**United Kingdom**USA**Affiliated MembersAustralia**Belarus**BrazilChileChina**EstoniaHungaryIndonesia**Ireland**Japan**KenyaMalawiMoroccoPhilippines**PortugalRussiaSaudi ArabiaVietnamJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilJuneAugustSeptemberOctobeNovember• Chinese National Committee for DIVERSITAS (China)• ASEM Workshop (Vietnam)• Meeting to prepare the decadal Dimensions of Biodiversity campaign of NSF(USA; jointly with National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE)and the Encyclopedia of Life)• Séminaire “Regards Croisés de la science et de la société sur les nouveauxenjeux de la biodiversité” (France)• 2 nd round table discussion on “Climate engineering – Responsibility ofSciences” of the German National Committee on <strong>Global</strong> Change Research(Germany)• Have biodiversity losses bottomed out in Switzerland? Conference(Switzerland)• Consultation on the Intergovernmental science-policy platform onBiodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) for North America (USA,jointly with US-NAS, UNEP RONA and IUCN)• Benefits of functional agrobiodiversity; new brochure (The Netherlands)• 1 st Conference-Workshop on the Biodiversity in Mindanao Protected Areas(Philippines)• European Alliance of <strong>Global</strong> Change Research Committees (4 th meeting;Romania)• “Impacts du changement climatique sur la biodiversité en France” workshop(France)• “Adaptation au changement climatique – Session 3 : Forêts, espacesnaturels et biodiversité” workshop (France)• The EurOCEAN <strong>2010</strong> Conference (Belgium)• Microbial Life in Extreme Environments: Ecology, Genetics and IndustrialApplications conference (Spain)• COP10 Side event “Entreprises et biodiversité : coopérer avec les partiesprenantes vers de nouvelles stratégies et pratiques” (France)• COP10 Side event “Interfaces science-politique : exemples venant d’Europe”(France)• Biodiversity: research and action needed beyond <strong>2010</strong> workshop(Switzerland)• LTER meeting (Philippines)• Les rencontres FRB : Devenir de la biodiversité, avenir des sociétés;workshop (France)SECTION 6 I National Committees 39

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