Annual Report 2010-11 - Global Invasive Species Programme - GISP

Annual Report 2010-11 - Global Invasive Species Programme - GISP

Annual Report 2010-11 - Global Invasive Species Programme - GISP


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Contributing to <strong>2010</strong>,the International Year ofBiodiversityThe United Nations declared<strong>2010</strong> to be the InternationalYear of Biodiversity (IYB).<strong>2010</strong> was a celebration oflife on earth and of the valueof biodiversity for our lives. During<strong>2010</strong>, the world was invited to takeaction to safeguard the variety oflife on earth because “Biodiversity islife – Biodiversity is our life”. The IYBwas orchestrated by the Convention onBiological Diversity (CBD).The United Nations General Assemblyproclaimed the period from 20<strong>11</strong> to2020 as the United Nations Decade onBiodiversity.1-Contributing to the evaluationof progress against the <strong>2010</strong>biodiversity targetsDIVERSITAS-bioDISCOVERY (P Leadley,H Pereira) together with UNEP-WCMCcoordinated a synthesis and criticalanalysis of existing global and regionalbiodiversity scenarios as a contributionto the <strong>Global</strong> Biodiversity Outlook 3,GBO-3, commissioned by the Secretariatof the CBD. GBO-3 was officiallylaunched on May 10, <strong>2010</strong>, at CBD-SBSTTA 14. See this report page 27.The GBO-3 report served as ascientific basis to support thedecision by CBD delegates thatthe <strong>2010</strong> biodiversity target hadnot been reached.2-Contributing to the StrategicPlan for Biodiversity 20<strong>11</strong>-2020and the Aichi Biodiversity TargetsCOP10 adopted the Strategic Plan forBiodiversity 20<strong>11</strong>-2020 and the AichiBiodiversity Targets (the “20 targets for2020”).DIVERSITAS, and, in particular,ecoSERVICES and bioSUSTAINABILITY,contributed to the discussions on the2020 targets, by convening workshops,publishing papers, organising sideevents and reporting in plenary at CBD-SBSTTA 14 and COP 10. See this reportpage 30.3-Contributing to theimplementation of a globalbiodiversity observing system:the GEO BON initiativeOn 22 May <strong>2010</strong>, GEO BON released atCBD-SBSTTA 14, the GEO BON detailedimplementation plan toward a globalbiodiversity observation system. TheCBD invited GEO BON to prepare anevaluation of existing observationcapabilities relevant to the targetscontained in the Strategic Plan forBiodiversity 20<strong>11</strong>-2020.DIVERSITAS actively contributed to theimplementation plan, and representedGEO BON at both CBD-SBSTTA14 andCOP10. See this report page 28.4-Contributing to theconsultation on an IPBES<strong>2010</strong> was a very important year forIPBES, since the year ended with aformal decision by the UN GeneralAssembly, in December <strong>2010</strong>, to requestUNEP to get started with IPBES andhost the first Plenary meeting of IPBES.DIVERSITAS was involved in both theformal IPBES consultation process, andin informal activities to promote theconcept of an IPBES. See this reportpage 26.SECTION 1 I DIVERSITAS SCIENCE 5

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