YAWL - User Manual - Polytechnic of Namibia - Mirrors

YAWL - User Manual - Polytechnic of Namibia - Mirrors

YAWL - User Manual - Polytechnic of Namibia - Mirrors


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50 CHAPTER 4. THE EDITOR2. Position your mouse just to the right <strong>of</strong> the Input Condition (the symbol), and click the left mousebutton once to place an Atomic Task.3. Set the decomposition <strong>of</strong> this task by right clicking on the Atomic Task and choosing Select TaskDecomposition. You should see a dialog as per Figure 4.4.Figure 4.4: The “Select Task Decomposition” dialog4. Press the Create. . . button, and in the following Update Task Decomposition dialog, enter the decomposition’slabel.See Section 4.5.5 for a full explanation <strong>of</strong> this dialog’s features.Set the label to “Begin My Career”, and click the Done button.5. Note that by default, a task takes on the label <strong>of</strong> the decomposition that it is associated with (severaltasks are allowed to share the same decomposition). Once you’ve created your task, you are free torelabel the task to whatever you like. This can be done by right-clicking on the task and choosing SetLabel. . . from the pop-up menu. This will not change the name <strong>of</strong> the decomposition with which thetask is associated.6. Connect the Input Condition to your Atomic Task, as shown in Figure 4.5, by finding the flow connectorsthat appear as small blue boxes as you hover your mouse over the sides <strong>of</strong> the objects. Hold theleft mouse button down over a flow connector and draw a line by dragging the mouse from the flowconnector on the Input Condition to the one on the Atomic Task (which will appear when the mousehovers over the edges <strong>of</strong> the task). The editor will only show a connection point if it is valid to draw aflow connection between the objects. The directed arc (arrow) between two objects is referred to as aFigure 4.5: An established flow relationflow relation, or most <strong>of</strong>ten simply a flow – it shows the ‘flow’ <strong>of</strong> execution from one object in the net tothe next. That’s it! Your Atomic Task is set.Repeat the process for the following Atomic Tasks in order: Go to University, Get A Job, Career Started.Link the ‘Career Started’ task to the Output Condition (the symbol), as per Figure 4.6.7. Finally check the validity <strong>of</strong> specification by clicking on the Validate Specification button, , in theMenu Toolbar or click on Specification in the Menu and choose Validate Specification. If all things

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