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6 Monitoring and EvaluationMonitoring and evaluation(M&E) is an essentialcomponent of anyprogramme that isimplementing an HCBC programme.The purpose of M&E is to keepactivities on track towards programmegoals. An effective M&E systemcomprises appropriate structures thatinclude M&E trained staff, goodreporting procedures andappropriately detailed reporting tools.6.1 Importance of M&EAll programmes implementingHCBC at all levels, from thecentre to the community,should have an effective monitoringand evaluation system in place, andshould ensure that it is used. Theresults should be shared with partnersand best practices replicatedappropriately.Community health workers shouldbe guided on how to report theactivities they carry out in thecommunity and their specificcatchment areas to minimize cases ofreporting overlap and duplication ofreports. Information collected at thislevel is very important because itconstitutes the basic data that informthe programme at higher levels andfor future planning of activities.6.2 Link between MOH andNACC M&E SystemProper linkages of home- andcommunity-based careprogrammes and health facilityinformation systems must be in place.There must be a focal point at thehealth facility to link the facility withthe CHW or CBO. The focal point canbe an office or desk with a list of allCHWs, all CBOs involved in HCBC,an HCBC client register and contactsfor care providers.It is through the focal point thatdata collected in the community willbe channelled upward. At divisionallevel, the divisional home andcommunity care coordinator willcompile data for onward flow to thedistrict level. The coordinator will alsoanalyse and interpret the data forlocal consumption and work closelywith the Constituency <strong>AIDS</strong> ControlCommittee.The District Home- andCommunity-Based Care Coordinator(DHCBCC), with the supervision ofthe District <strong>AIDS</strong>/STD ControlCoordinator (DASCO), will compilethe district data for onward flow to theprovince and analyse and interpret itfor consumption at district level. Theprovincial HCBC Coordinator, with thesupervision of the PASCO, will22 HOME- AND COMMUNITY-BASED CARE IMPLEMENTATION FRAMEWORK

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