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Annex B:Additional Reading1. <strong>National</strong> Strategy to StrengthenHome-Based Care Access,Sustainability and Quality in<strong>Kenya</strong> 2005–2009, NASCOP,20042. <strong>National</strong> Home-Based Care PolicyGuidelines, NASCOP, 20023. <strong>National</strong> Home-Based CareProgramme and ServiceGuidelines, NASCOP, 20014. Training Home-Based Caregiversto Care for People Living with HIV/<strong>AIDS</strong> at Home – A Curriculum forTraining Community HealthWorkers, Second Edition,NASCOP, 20065. Home Care Handbook, SecondEdition, NASCOP, 20066. Monitoring and evaluation tools:MOH form 726/7, COPAR, CBOregister, CHW diary7. <strong>National</strong> Voluntary Counsellingand Testing Guidelines, MOH/NASCOP, 20018. Training Curriculum for VoluntaryCounselling and Testing, MOH/NASCOP, 20039. <strong>National</strong> Guidelines on Preventionof Mother to Child Transmission ofHIV, Second Edition, MOH/NASCOP, 200210. <strong>National</strong> Policy Guidelines on theUse of Anti-Retroviral drugs, ThirdEdition, MOH/NASCOP, 200511. <strong>National</strong> Condom Policy andStrategy 2001–2005, MOH andNACC, 200112. HIV/<strong>AIDS</strong> Prevention and ControlAct, No. 14 of 200613. <strong>Kenya</strong> <strong>National</strong> HIV/<strong>AIDS</strong>Strategic Plan, 2005/6 – 2009/10,NACC, June 200514. <strong>Kenya</strong> <strong>National</strong> OVC PolicyGuide, Ministry of Home Affairs(MOHA), draft15. <strong>Kenya</strong> <strong>National</strong> OVC ProgrammeGuidelines, MOHA, March 200316. The Children Act, cap 586, TheLaws of <strong>Kenya</strong>, 200117. <strong>Kenya</strong> <strong>National</strong> Nutrition in HIVGuidelines, MOH, 200618. <strong>National</strong> Health Sector StrategicPlan 2005–2010 (NHSSP II),MOH, 200519. Community Reproductive HealthPackage, MOH/DRH, 200620. Taking the <strong>Kenya</strong> EssentialPackage for Health to theCommunity: A Strategy for theDelivery of LEVEL ONEAnnex B: Additional Reading25

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