Club Information - Sun City Anthem

Club Information - Sun City Anthem

Club Information - Sun City Anthem

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Committee ReportsHEALTH AND FITNESSCOMMITTEENo Meeting in MayPatricia Carrell, Chair @ 260-3383pcarrell22@gmail.comLET'S DO IT! The Health and Fitness Committee iscontinuing to accept proposals for resident-directedhealth, wellness, fitness programs and activities.Residents interested in getting together to maintain orimprove their health and fitness are invited to submitproposals for the Health and Fitness Committee's PilotProgram. The committee will sponsor pilot programs ofup to six months in duration, beginning May 1. Thisprogram is a cooperative effort with the Lifestyle Committeewhich is assisting by accommodating space andscheduling. If you have a concept or idea related to health,wellness or fitness that you would like to explore or haveidentified an area of need, please contact the committeechair.The Health & Fitness Committee holds regularlyscheduled meetings, at least quarterly. All residents arewelcome to attend these meetings and feedback isappreciated.LIFESTYLENext Meeting Date: Thursday, May 3, 1:00 p.m.<strong>Anthem</strong> Center, Arlington RoomKaren Lotspiech, ChairE-Mail: koddy@aol.comPhone: 263-2347Recently, a resident asked me what the LifestyleCommittee does. What is our area of focus? The otherstanding committees all deal with very specific subjects,and then there’s us – “lifestyle,” kind of vague.The majority of our time is devoted to all our wonderfulclubs. We just approved club number 51, The Filipiniana<strong>Club</strong>. A lot of time was spent reviewing their charter andbylaws, and helping them get off to a good start. The clubscome to us when they want to revise their bylaws or holda special event, something open to the SCA community,not only club members. The clubs really keep us on ourtoes, and as a result, we have begun another round ofrevisions to the Chartered <strong>Club</strong> Guidelines & Rules.This year, for the first time, the standing committee chairsare meeting together, informally, to strengthen ourcommunication with each other and discuss topics thatoverlap. Committee members are attending othercommittee meetings as needed. We are striving to make iteasier for clubs and residents to navigate through thesystem.With the current lack of a restaurant on campus, the clubshave been inconvenienced by not having a caterer with aliquor license easily accessible for parties and events. Wedid some research and learned about the NV approvedAlcohol Awareness Course which certifies “pourers” toserve liquor. We then wrote a new Chartered <strong>Club</strong>sActivities and Alcohol Policy, which was disseminated tothe clubs and will become an appendix to the Chartered<strong>Club</strong> Guidelines.Our two monthly meetings are open to the community.The second one in May will be Friday, May 11, at 9:00 a.m.PROPERTIES & GROUNDSNext Meeting: May 8, 2012, 10:00 a.m.Location: Arlington Room, <strong>Anthem</strong> CenterChairperson: Stan LenciContact Info: 702/953-5796 or sjlenci@att.netThe members of the Properties and GroundsCommittee (P&G) would like to welcome RoyMontambeau as our newest member. Roy has been anactive volunteer of the community over the years. Hehas been involved with the recommendation ofamenities for both the Independence and LibertyCenters, chaired the workgroup which developedthe charter for the Plans and Processes Committeeand was a member and Chair of the LifestyleCommittee. We look forward to the experience,expertise and background Roy brings to ourcommittee.Although the Properties & Grounds Committee isnow fully staffed with nine members, we alwaysencourage anyone interested in joining thiscommittee to submit an application at anytimethroughout the year. Applications are available 24/7on SCA’s website under the Volunteers Tab or at theMembership Desk at <strong>Anthem</strong> Center. Just completethe form and drop it off at the Administration Officein <strong>Anthem</strong> Center to the attention of the AssistantCommunity Manager.As members of the Properties and GroundsCommittee, we have many responsibilities. One ofthese responsibilities is providing a liaison to theLandscape Supervisor in regard to all Association-ownedproperties. Marge Pierzchala is that liaison. Her role in thistask is to make monthly inspections with Christine Noble,<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong>’s Landscape Supervisor. Our intent isfor P&G to assist with an eye, voice and awareness of thelandscape conditions and make recommendations whereappropriate. Our mutual goal is to keep our communitylooking as beautiful as possible, while being very aware ofbudgetary restrictions.The Properties and Grounds Committee supports theBoard of Directors and serves as a communication linkwith the residents in the management and development ofour common amenities. We meet on the Tuesdaypreceding the second Thursday of every month at 10:00a.m. in the Arlington Room at <strong>Anthem</strong> Center. Residentsare encouraged to attend to offer comments on our agendaitems or voice other concerns regarding our commonamenities.12 <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> • May 2012

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