Club Information - Sun City Anthem

Club Information - Sun City Anthem

Club Information - Sun City Anthem

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<strong>Club</strong> <strong>Information</strong>Officers are:President-Jeff BerkowVice President-Allan SebotnickVice President Membership-Maxine DrapkinTreasurer-Elaine HalprinSecretary-Pam FineMember at Large-Ron WilenCheck our website at: www.sca-havurah.orgPlease contact us for upcoming events and programs such asthe afternoon Lake Mead cruise and lunch, movie nights andmore..HIKING AND OUTINGPresident Mike Picciano mike4245@cox.net702- 468-8542New Member Advisor - Burt Davisburtdd@aol.com 702-466-3821Next MeetingMay 30th Social MeetingIndependence Center Multi PurposeRoom Social Hour 6:30 p.m.70+ Birthday Celebration/ Ice Cream SocialSEE CLUB WEBSITE – www.sunhikers.homestead.com• Membership and contact information• Schedule and description of monthly hikes & lastminute weather/trail condition changes• Social Calendar• Away trip information & sign upEnjoy the wonderful outdoors and hiking trails in and nearthe Las Vegas Valley. Stay fit and healthy with theencouragement and camaraderie of friends. Our social eventsand away trips offer fun times and great memories.Trail hikes vary by levelto build endurance andskill. If you prefer to walkin the neighborhood orwant to work on yourconditioning for trailhikes, check out theweekly walks. Socialevents and away tripsoffer fun times andgreat memories.Trail hikes vary by levelto build endurance andskill. If you prefer to walk in the neighborhood, or want towork on your conditioning for trail hikes, check out theweekly walks.Hikes: Monday and Friday morning (start times dependon seasonal conditions.) Meet in northeast <strong>Anthem</strong> Centerparking lot. New members should attend hikingorientation session or receive “hike clearance” from theNew Member Advisor. ALL hikers must wear hikingboots and bring adequate water. Trails are rated frommoderate to extremely strenuous.V. P. Beth Lane 592-8733 keithandbeth@embarqmail.comNeighborhood Walks: Wednesday mornings meet in<strong>Anthem</strong> Center parking lot at 8:00 a.m. Check website forchanges.COMING UP……..May 4 – Annual PicnicMay 5 – Komen Race for the CureMay 30 – Ice Cream SocialAway Trips• June - Bryce Canyon• September - Yellowstone• October - Capitol ReefMembers sign up on website & include email.V.P. Greg Pardee nvgreg@cox.net 702-896-7364HOW TO, CAN DOThird Thursday, 10:00 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.How To — Know your wills, trusts, deeds, maritalcontracts, life insurance and annuities. Morbidity andmortality issues are not just creative liabilities for you andyour family.Can Do — Learn to do the right things in law andeconomics when it comes to your money by knowing thequestions that you need to ask. Then learn to ‘Pro Se’yourown solutions to probable negative issues and difficultiesin law, in economics and when it comes to your money,your investments, your taxes and your estate andfinancial health. The key to the club is knowledge,learning right from wrong and making sure you know theright questions to ask for your security and peace of mind.Contact John Waterhouse 492-0186 or johnwaterhouse@cox.netICCCThe International Culture Connections <strong>Club</strong> (ICCC) is achartered SCA club dedicated to exploring culturesaround the world. We welcome people who are interestedin promoting and sharing their ethnic heritage with all<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> residents. We also encourage members tosupport the community, deserving youth-oriented groupsand worthy charitable organizations.The “Happiness <strong>Club</strong>” is a Shared Interest Group underthe ICCC which meets every first Tuesday of the month inthe Greene Room at <strong>Anthem</strong> Center from 10:00 a.m. tonoon. For more information about the group, pleasecontact Christine Kevorkian at 702-516-0914 or email herat momsnuggets@yahoo.com.The The Social Group Dance is now scheduled onTuesday at 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the Liberty Center. ThisGroup Dance is offered under the auspices of the FilipinoSocial Group. Anyone interested in joining the DanceGroup may contact Mel Aguelo at 702-478-8861 or emailhim at mel_aguelo@yahoo.com.The St Patrick’s Day Celebration, held on March 18, 2012,featuring the Clark High School Chamber Orchestra, the<strong>Anthem</strong> Jazz Dancers and the Show Stoppers DanceGroup was a tremendous success. It was a standingovation - the band performance and music selections wereoutstanding; the dances and dancers were fantastic withbeautiful costumes and graceful movements. The showwas followed by an afterglow reception. What a lovelyway to spend a <strong>Sun</strong>day afternoon!For your info, the Clark High School Chamber Orchestracontinued...May 2012 • <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> 41

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