Objectives - IRAM

Objectives - IRAM

Objectives - IRAM


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The VLT Dataflow<br />

System<br />

Joseph Schwarz<br />

European Southern Observatory

ALMA Project<br />

The Egg Diagram<br />

J. Schwarz - 13 January 2000 ALMA SSR - The VLT Experience

ALMA Project<br />

Observation Blocks (OBs)<br />

Central unifying concept<br />

Include 1 target and n exposures<br />

Built up from ‘templates’ (an ISO concept)<br />

– Templates should cover ~90% of observations<br />

Prepared by observer during Phase II<br />

OBs intended to be atomic<br />

OBs are what gets scheduled<br />

J. Schwarz - 13 January 2000 ALMA SSR - The VLT Experience

ALMA Project<br />

OBs are not ASCII files<br />

OBs in Practice<br />

– Can edit ASCII version, convert to OB format<br />

There is no automatic tool for checking OB<br />

correctness (except for syntax)<br />

– User can ask for non-existent filters, 6 hr<br />

exposure, or long acquisition image (even<br />

though proposal was for spectroscopy only)<br />

– OBs are currently checked manually<br />

J. Schwarz - 13 January 2000 ALMA SSR - The VLT Experience

ALMA Project<br />

OBs in Practice (cont’d)<br />

OBs are often broken on the mountain<br />

– When exposure m of n fails, ops want to avoid<br />

repeating the target acquisition<br />

– Conditions may change during OB execution;<br />

do we want to throw out the good exposures<br />

and wait ‘till we can do them all at once?<br />

– Breaks the DFS to VCS interface<br />

J. Schwarz - 13 January 2000 ALMA SSR - The VLT Experience

ALMA Project<br />

An OB Example<br />

Example consisting of 4 ASCII files<br />

– .obx file: master w/acquisition template:<br />

ISAACSW_img_acg_Preset + parameters<br />

– .csx file: constraint set<br />

– .tpx file: target information<br />

– .odx file: observation description<br />

uses template ISAACSW_img_obs_AutoJitter<br />

– plus parameters<br />

J. Schwarz - 13 January 2000 ALMA SSR - The VLT Experience

ALMA Project<br />

Alvin_J-epoch1.obx:<br />

name "Alvin_J-epoch1"<br />

userComments "1. epoch observation of this SN"<br />

userPriority "1"<br />

calibrationReq ""<br />

type "O"<br />

template "ISAACSW_img_acq_Preset"; # type:<br />

acquisition<br />

DET.DIT "30"<br />

DET.NDIT "4"<br />

DET.MODE.NAME "DoubleCorr"<br />

DET.WIN.NX "1024"<br />

DET.WIN.NY "1024"<br />

DET.WIN.STARTX "1"<br />

DET.WIN.STARTY "1"<br />

INS.MODE "SWI1"<br />

INS.FILT1.ID "J"<br />

INS.FILT2.ID "open"<br />




constraintSet "faint_SNe.csx"<br />

targetPackage "Alvin.tpx"<br />

observationDescription "SN_44m_J.odx"<br />

J. Schwarz - 13 January 2000 ALMA SSR - The VLT Experience

ALMA Project<br />

Scheduling<br />

Long-term: follows OPC decisions<br />

– Six-month observing period<br />

– Allocates only VM nights & technical time<br />

The rest is Service Mode<br />

– Currently done manually<br />

Six weeks for VLT + 5 La Silla telescopes<br />

– Automated tool has been tested (see next slide)<br />

J. Schwarz - 13 January 2000 ALMA SSR - The VLT Experience

ALMA Project<br />

LTS: Trial Run<br />

The LTS was used for Period 64 on 2 telescopes out of 7<br />

Iterative Scheduling Process: You can never satisfy<br />

completely all the Astronomers’ Requirements.<br />

– Identify proposal constraints that cannot be respected<br />

– Edit these constraints<br />

– Run the scheduling algorithm<br />

Results: needed 2 days to complete the Schedule of 2<br />

telescopes, most time was spent analyzing the Proposals in<br />

order to change the constraints in a proper way.<br />

J. Schwarz - 13 January 2000 ALMA SSR - The VLT Experience

ALMA Project<br />

Medium Term Scheduling<br />

Done every month in Garching<br />

– Database: list of certified OBs<br />

– Reports: 1 per instrument<br />

Bad seeing list<br />

Bad transparency list<br />

Very few accepted proposals want bad seeing…<br />

J. Schwarz - 13 January 2000 ALMA SSR - The VLT Experience

ALMA Project<br />

Scheduling (cont’d)<br />

What the mountain does w/MTS is<br />

instrument-dependent<br />

– Ex: FORS team wants lots of subqueues<br />

– OBs are selected and scheduled by hand<br />

Short-Term Scheduler (STS)<br />

– Based on HST’s Spike inference engine<br />

– Different Scheduling Strategies to optimize the<br />

different <strong>Objectives</strong><br />

J. Schwarz - 13 January 2000 ALMA SSR - The VLT Experience

ALMA Project<br />

<strong>Objectives</strong><br />

Short Term Scheduler<br />

maximize telescope utilization, minimize instrument<br />

setup time, minimize the airmass, give greater<br />

preference to Observations with higher scientific<br />

priority<br />

Constraints<br />

target viewing, moon-target distance, moon phase, sky<br />

transparency and seeing, timing constraints, instrument<br />

configuration<br />

J. Schwarz - 13 January 2000 ALMA SSR - The VLT Experience

ALMA Project<br />

STS: Timeline Widget<br />

Detail of the Timeline Widget which shows in a<br />

graphical way the constraints of the selected<br />

Observation Block<br />

J. Schwarz - 13 January 2000 ALMA SSR - The VLT Experience

ALMA Project<br />

Short Term Scheduler<br />

Tool about to be commissioned<br />

Learning curve is obstacle to its use<br />

– Ops team is understaffed<br />

– Mountain vs. HQ issues, too<br />

Spike engine is coded in Lisp<br />

– Lisp programmers hard to find, harder to keep<br />

– Conversion to C++ would be difficult ($$, t)<br />

J. Schwarz - 13 January 2000 ALMA SSR - The VLT Experience

ALMA Project<br />

Pipeline Processing<br />

FITS files received from VLT Control Sys<br />

QC group took over unverified S/W<br />

– “Reduction recipes”<br />

– Reduction engine<br />

– Experience w/site, telescope & instrument<br />

necessary to make the S/W work<br />

Biggest issue: identifying data received &<br />

what to do with it<br />

J. Schwarz - 13 January 2000 ALMA SSR - The VLT Experience

ALMA Project<br />

Pipelines: Status<br />

Supported & unsupported instrument modes<br />

– Not all modes offered to observers<br />

– Even supported modes need astronomer vetting<br />

– More automation possible<br />

– But pipeline was never intended to do<br />

everything (e.g., all 40+ FORS modes)<br />

QC group can produce raw data for SM<br />

observers w/in 48 hours in urgent cases<br />

J. Schwarz - 13 January 2000 ALMA SSR - The VLT Experience

ALMA Project<br />

Archiving<br />

All raw data frames & engineering data<br />

Only a handful of FITS keywords in DBMS<br />

– Restricts search possibilities<br />

User Support doesn’t have a good tool to<br />

determine observing program status<br />

J. Schwarz - 13 January 2000 ALMA SSR - The VLT Experience

ALMA Project<br />

Lessons learned<br />

Design the control system & the reduction<br />

system together - know their interaction<br />

Anticipate a lot of time to understand site,<br />

telescope & instruments<br />

– Feed this understanding back to the software<br />

Don’t underestimate “us vs. them” factors<br />

– Mountain vs. headquarters<br />

– Real-time vs. data reduction s/w developers<br />

J. Schwarz - 13 January 2000 ALMA SSR - The VLT Experience

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