Part 2 - Davidkfaux.org

Part 2 - Davidkfaux.org

Part 2 - Davidkfaux.org


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make any conclusions, especially since Russians and Ukrainians are highly underrepresentedamong those who have been included in subclade testing for R-M269.R-U152 findings – To date one of the very few Ukranian R-M269 to test for thesubclades of this grouping is R-U152. His ancestors are from Galicia in WesternUkraine.BALTIC COUNTRIES – LATVIA, LITHUANIA, ESTONIA: There is no evidenceof any La Tene migrations to these regions, unless the Cimbri from Jutland established acolony here.R-M269 percentages – Percentages of P* (xR1a) range from 5% in Lithuania(Kasperaviciute et al. (2004), to 11% in Latvia 7% in Estonia (same study). This studyhighlights the importance of regional studies since within Lithuania there were zeropercent presumed R-M269 was seen in the East aukstaiciai sample, compared to 15% ofthose from North zemaiciai.R-U152 predictions – Considering the proximity to Northern Germany, it is expected thatmost Baltic R-M269 would be R-U106. However, this is far from certain, and there issimply insufficient data upon which to posit any sort of reasonable prediction based onfacts of any nature.R-U152 findings – A number of Jewish R-U152 have been found whose ancestry tracesto the region between the Baltic and Ukraine. Their migration paths doubtless differedfrom those of non-Jewish R-U152 and so will be discussed separately below.TURKEY: Cinnioglu et al. (2004) concluded that, the last ice age modulated R3-M269distribution to refugia in Iberia and Asia Minor from where it subsequently radiatedduring the Late Upper Paleolithic and Holocene. The R3-M269 related, but oppositeTaqI p49a, f ht 15 and ht 35 distributions reflect the re-peopling of Europe from Iberiaand Asia Minor during that period (p.134).The documentation in relation to the La Tene migration to Anatolia is very clear and veryprecise. In 278 three tribes (e.g., Tectosages) comprised of 20,000 men, women andchildren, moved to the region around the capital of Turkey today, Ankara. They becameknown as the Galatians. As late as the 4 th Century AD, St. Jerome reported that they stillspoke a language similar to that of the Celtic Treveri at Trier.R-M269 percentages - It is fortunate that a very comprehensive and regionally <strong>org</strong>anizedstudy of Anatolia was completed by Cinnioglu et al. (2004). He found that 14.5% of hissample was R-M269.R-U152 predictions – The Myres et al. (2007) study found that 3% of the Turkish samplewere R-U106. While it would seem logical, considering the documented presence ofCeltic people originally from Gaul, that most of the rest would be R-U152, this appears tobe very unlikely. A Turkish sample was tested for the marker which serves to divide the45

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