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Events at The <strong>Center</strong>book Club – october 11th, 10:30Luncheon of the Boating Party by Susan VreelandThis month Book Club will be reading Luncheon of the Boating Party, a novel thatuses the famous Renoir canvas of the same name to create a piece of historical fictionthat evokes life in Paris in the late 19th century. If you'd like more information abouthow to join in, please email Kath at tl@communitycenter.org.tw.Eannual <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Center</strong> auction dinner – october 21st, 6:30 pmspecial topic Coffee morning – october 13th, 10:30 ~ noonAlcohol Awareness - Perry Malcolm will come and give a brief topic on generalalcohol awareness. As always there will be snacks and conversation and new peopleto meet. Come join us.Annual <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Center</strong> Auction Dinner – This is the biggest event of the yearfor The <strong>Center</strong> and your opportunity to support The <strong>Center</strong> in so many ways! Youcan donate a valuable item to the event, or you can buy a valuable item at the event.We’ve had some spectacular items donated, trips, antiques, jewelry and so muchmore! But whatever you do support The <strong>Center</strong> by coming to this big event! Butremember tickets are going fast so contact The <strong>Center</strong> now to reserve a seat!Events About Townstage time & wine at the redroomCelebrate the spoken word withus as we read our own passages orthose that we yearn to share. Speak.Listen. Hear. Feel.Come and share a uniqueexperience with new and oldfriends. Live music and warmcompany. All languages desired!15th October 2011, 6:30 pmonwards.2F., No. 117, Sec. 1, Da'an Rd.,Taipei北 市 大 安 路 一 段 117 號 2FTel: (02) 27714195www.stagetimeandwine.comOn September 11, 2011 – the tenyear anniversary of 9-11 – morethan a thousand people gatheredat the Huashan Grassland for the 10thannual Daniel Pearl Day of Music aspart of Daniel Pearl World Music Days.It was an honor to have been invitedback to Taipei to be a part of this year’sevent, as I had been in 2009. Thisyear’s festival featured 18 bands, somefrom as far as Europe and the U.S., ontwo stages in what was hands down thebiggest, best Daniel Pearl Day of Musicto date.When I arrived in Taipei two yearsago for that year’s concert, I was struckby the genuine interest in Danny Pearland the ideals by which he lived his life.Taiwan seemed like a remote corner ofthe world for his story to have resonatedso loudly – a testament to both his storyThe Spirit of Daniel Pearl Soars at theHuashan GrasslandtExt: tODD MACKand the people of Taiwan. I believe theconcert’s founder and organizer SeanScanlan has had a lot to do with keepingDanny’s legacy alive here.Sean had invited me to be a part of theconcert that year because he wanted todeepen the connection between his eventand Danny Pearl. Danny and I had beenband mates and close friends. Inspiredby his life and in response to his tragicdeath, I began my own efforts to keephis name alive in the form of FODfest– an informal backyard jam that Istarted in 2005 that, too, was part ofDaniel Pearl World Music Days. Fueledby a resonating belief in the universallanguage of music and its power tobring people together regardless of theirdifferences, that informal back yardjam has since grown into a non-profitorganization called Music in Common.Music in Common produces innovativecommunity-building programs thatserve as a call to action in communitiesaround the world, and to date hastoured to some 75 communities acrossthe US, Middle East, and Far East,operating multiple programs locally,nationally, and internationally.A few years ago I wrote a song called“You Are There” that reflects upon themany different ways and places in whichI still find Danny. As I stood baskingin the sun of the newly regeneratedHuashan Grassland, I could feel thespirit of my friend all around me. Iwas amazed at how much the festivalpersonified him and all that he loved -awesome music, great food and beer,good friends, and a spirit of communityand camaraderie. On or off stage, itwas the kind of event Danny wouldn’thave missed. But what amazed memost was that of the nearly 1,200people present that day, I was the onlywho had actually known Danny Pearl.Clearly he and the people present thatday share a special bond. Without it,a tribute that so beautifully, accurately,and poignantly captured the essence ofwho Danny was never could have beencreated. And that was a gift worthflying halfway around the world for.Todd is a musician, writer, producer,radiohead, and consultant.Inspired by the life and in response tothe tragic death of his friend and bandmate Danny Pearl (the late Wall St. Journalreporter), musician, writer, and producerTodd Mack started FODfest in 2005 asan informal backyard jam. FODfest grewinto an internationally touring non-profitorganization called Music In Common(M.I.C.) with innovative community-buildingprogramming that serves as a call to action incommunities around the world. http://www.musicincommon.org http://fodfest.orgwww.communitycenter.org.tw october 201123

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