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PDF file - Community Services Center

PDF file - Community Services Center

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However, all this is done inside the cage of fire ratherthan in your very own dorm or apartment.I know how wild and crazy parties can get, andthings can get out of hand when teenagers drink toomuch alcohol. Once, I helped a classmate down thestairs, because she was too intoxicated to do it herself.As I pulled her hair back, the acidic puke rushed outof her mouth into the toilet bowl. I have witnessed thepower of alcohol, which is why I don’t drink. Whydo certain individuals choose to drink till they're sickin the stomach? A casual drink is enjoyable, but notexcessive or binge drinking. The condition lingers on tothe next day; “Hangover” would the right word for it.“Let’s party tonight!” My roommates exclaimedexcitedly as they rose from their chairs. I’m lucky tohave three wonderful, fun, and friendly roommates,but they do like to have their parties. The advantageof living in a one-floor apartment on campus is theluxury of cooking for yourself, but this also opensopportunities for hosting “social” events.I like to socialize, but when it comes to irrationaland ridiculous parties, I prefer to stay in my privateroom, especially someone like me who gets irritatedby dirt, dust, and untidiness. Cleaning is a one of myhobbies, but cleaning after drunken students isn’t fun.I find it difficult to have a normal continuousconversation, because of the blasting music in thebackground, horrible beer breaths, and sticky floors.You witness the smooching couple on the sofa, thecrazy drinking games, and the girl – who is alreadyabout to pass out – spills her drink on your carpetfloor. Whoops! Suddenly, more people walk intoyour apartment shouting, “whooo! Party Clusternumber 53!” The combination of muddy dirty shoesand freshly spilt vodka does not offer an attractivesight or scent. At the end of the night, when the largecrowd finally dissipates and goes on their way to findanother housing unit to party in, I come out of myroom, and face the disastrous mess.My roommates being nice enough (though a littlewoozy) offer to clean it up the next morning, but Isay no. I don’t want to wake up to a revolting andnauseating odor, and a muddy dark grey smearedkitchen floor. I don’t want to wake up to empty cansand bottles, and sticky tables. With the little cleaningsupplies that I have, I scrubbed, washed, cleaned,tidied, and organized until it was satisfactory, andcomfortable.As I continue to face culturally different events,I learn from them, so that the next time, I won’t besurprised. The environment is beautiful, and thepeople are amazingly helpful and kind; I am havinga fabulous time so far. As Icontinue my adventurousjourney, I hope to learngreater and more valuableknowledge, ideas, culture,a n d v a l u e s . O n e t h i n gremains true however. Eventhough Taiwan has its flaws,it is the only place in theworld that I will call home.ACC adSame as lastmonth美 僑 廣 告 與 上 月 同( 橘 色 的 )www.communitycenter.org.tw OCTOBER 201127

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