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Functioning to co-ordinate the BusinessAdministration College with the othercolleges, the BizAd Commission controlsthe affairs of the school, arranging forspeakers and elections in the school.The purpose of the Engineering Commissionis to provide activities of interestfor engineering students. To this end,the Engineering Symposium and AwardsBanquet were held this year.BUSINESSADMINISTRATION COMMISSION -left toRight: Bill Gravely, Janie Einersen, Dave Kegaries, DaveMcGowan, Jim McBrier, Ted Roosendahl.ENGINEERINGCOMMISSION -Front Row, left to Right: DaveDelaney, Butch Ney, Ed Block, Jim Walker. Row Two: Ken Fosha,Dr. Warren Wheeler, Jim Fiorillo, Jim Conner. Row Three: Joelemaire, Steve Bruland, Arwin Priest, Mike Wenzel.121

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