Commercial Invoice - GS1 Austria GmbH

Commercial Invoice - GS1 Austria GmbH

Commercial Invoice - GS1 Austria GmbH


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EANCOM 2002 Syntax 4 INVOIC with Digital Signature 24.05.2011SG4 - M 99 - USTUSR - M 1 - Security resultFunction : Identification of the security result.Segment number : 7Data element group/Data element EDIFACT ANW * DescriptionS508 Inspection value C M05630560Segment notesInspection value, QualifierInspection valueM an..3 M * 1 = Unique inspection valueC an..512RValue determined by the hash value and the private key ofthe sender.Signature valueThis segment contains the digital signature respectively the result from the applied hash- and signature algorithms in thereferred interchange (USH,USA,USC, USA, BGM ...MOA).- Signature value (DE0560); Mandatory; A/N 512USR+1:C7DIEW6655'9. Example Security SegmentsUSH+1+323+1++6+2++++5:20060831:105531' (AT)/USH+1+323+1+1+6+2+1+1::8456789000007:2*2::8456789000014:2++5:20050607:161947' (CZ, SK)USA+1:::16:1'USC+3053E29993FB+4::MIGpMQswCQYDVQQGEwJBVDFIMEYGA1UECgw/QS1UcnVzdCBHZXMuIGYuIFNpY2hlcmhlaXRzc3lzdGVtZSBpbSBlbGVrdHIuIERhdGVudmVya2VociBHbWJIMScwJQYDVQQLDB5hLXNpZ24tY29ycG9yYXRlLUxpZ2h0LVRlc3QtMDIxJzAlBgNVBAMMHmEtc2lnbi1jb3Jwb3JhdGUtTGlnaHQtVGVzdC0wMg==:ZZZ+3'USA+6:16:1:10:1:11:1'UST+323+6'Filter, Date/TimeHash algorithmSecurity party identification,certificate serial numberSignature algorithmSegment counter© Copyright <strong>GS1</strong> <strong>Austria</strong>, <strong>GS1</strong> Czech Republic, <strong>GS1</strong> Slovakia 2011 91

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