Invest NI No Nonsense Guide 11 (PDF) - Invest Northern Ireland

Invest NI No Nonsense Guide 11 (PDF) - Invest Northern Ireland

Invest NI No Nonsense Guide 11 (PDF) - Invest Northern Ireland


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Premises andhealth and safetyCheck for changes in the lawRegulations, figures and sumsof money may have changedsince publicationAdditionally, you may have topay business rates for the part ofthe property you use for work —it depends on the circumstancesof each case. You would paydomestic rates for the remainderof the property. Check for advicewith Land & Property Services.}Carry out a health andsafety induction for staffand ensure you stay on topof any changes in the law~Employers On Health AndSafety.Contact 01787 88<strong>11</strong>65;www.hse.gov.ukFire protection31Next steps● See Planning consent forbusinesses, opposite● See Your business rates,page 23● Visit www.nibusinessinfo.co.uk/homeworkplace● You must check to see if yourequire planning permission.Contact the Planning Servicefor advice: 028 9041 6700;www.planningni.gov.uk● You must check with the Land &Property Services to see if youwill be charged business rates.Contact 101 or 02891 513101;www.dfpni.gov.uk/lps● You should check with yourmortgage lender, landlord and/or freeholder to see if there areany reasons why you cannotbase your business at home● You should check your taxposition with HM Revenue &Customs or an accountant● You must carry out a healthand safety risk assessmentwhen you start trading.See Carrying out a riskassessment, page 36● For more information abouthealth and safety whenworking at home, read:Risk Assessment Simplified.Contact 0800 0320 121;www.hseni.gov.ukHomeworkers: Guidance ForBrian McMahonMcMahon EngineeringA fire can have disastrouseffects. Every business needsto undertake simple steps tominimise the riskA fire risk assessment iscompulsory for almost allpremises other than privatehomes. If you control any part ofthe premises — for example, asthe occupier or owner — you areresponsible for carrying out afire risk assessment.You must take reasonablesteps to reduce the risk from fireand to ensure that people areable to escape safely if there is afire. You must:● carry out a risk assessmentand identify possible dangersand risks;● think about who might beparticularly at risk;● get rid of the risk from fire asfar as reasonably possible;● put in place fire precautions todeal with any remaining risks;● make sure there is protectionif you use or store flammableor explosive materials;● have a plan to deal withemergencies;● review your risk assessmentwhen necessary (for example,if you alter the premises).The <strong>No</strong>-<strong>No</strong>nsense <strong>Guide</strong>

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