Invest NI No Nonsense Guide 11 (PDF) - Invest Northern Ireland

Invest NI No Nonsense Guide 11 (PDF) - Invest Northern Ireland

Invest NI No Nonsense Guide 11 (PDF) - Invest Northern Ireland


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Premises andhealth and safety● A list of local authoritywebsites and phone numberscan be found atwww.direct.gov.uk● See Is your business in aspecialised sector?, page 46Insuring youremployeesYou must insure againstclaims arising from illnesses,diseases or injuries your staffmay pick up as a result ofworking for youEmployers’ liability insurance,which protects your businessagainst claims from employeesfor accidents or sickness theymay suffer as a result of workingfor you, is a legal requirement.The statutory minimum cover is£5m and you should display thecertificate in any place of work.Keep your certificates even afterthey have expired — employeescould make a claim many yearsafter they have worked for you.Next steps● Visit www.nibusinessinfo.co.uk/insurance● Read: Employer's Liability(Defective Equipment AndCompulsory Insurance)(<strong>No</strong>rthern <strong>Ireland</strong>) Order1972: A <strong>Guide</strong> For Employers.Contact the Health andSafety Executive for <strong>No</strong>rthern<strong>Ireland</strong>: 0800 0320 121; www.hseni.gov.uk}Ensure you have theright insurance in placewhen you set up inbusiness. Employers'liability insurance is alegal requirement~Brian McMahonMcMahon EngineeringInforming your staffabout health andsafetyIf you have staff, you need ahealth and safety policy andyou must keep employees upto date and involved with yourhealth and safety proceduresYou must have a health andsafety policy, and if you havemore than four employees itneeds to be in writing. This policymust be made easily availableand revised regularly, particularlywhenever the physical natureof your workplace changes. Youmust also have procedures inplace in case of fire or otheremergencies.You should either display theposter Health and Safety Lawin <strong>No</strong>rthern <strong>Ireland</strong> in any placeof work, or give employees thesame information in a leaflet orpocket card. It is available fromHSE Books, The Stationery Officeand book shops.You must give employeesinformation about risks to theirhealth and safety and aboutthe preventive measures thatare in place to control risks. Allemployees also have a rightto be consulted on health andsafety issues that may affectthem.If you do not oversee healthand safety in your business, youmust appoint someone to doso. They will need to be awareof all relevant law and industrystandards that exist and youmust give them the authority to37The <strong>No</strong>-<strong>No</strong>nsense <strong>Guide</strong>

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