Invest NI No Nonsense Guide 11 (PDF) - Invest Northern Ireland

Invest NI No Nonsense Guide 11 (PDF) - Invest Northern Ireland

Invest NI No Nonsense Guide 11 (PDF) - Invest Northern Ireland


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Premises andhealth and safetydisabilities● You must review your servicesand premises with disabledaccess in mind● Contact the EqualityCommission for <strong>No</strong>rthern<strong>Ireland</strong>: 028 90 890 890;www.equalityni.org● Read: Goods, facilities,services and premises - ashort guide to discriminationlaw.Contact 028 90 890 890;www.equalityni.orgManaging andtransporting wasteand packagingYour business is responsiblefor any waste it creates.Remember that good wastemanagement could save youmoneyYou must store waste safelyand securely in suitable sacks,containers or skips, making sureit does not harm the environment.All waste collected from yourbusiness must be disposed ofcorrectly using an ‘authorisedperson’ such as the districtcouncil or a waste contractor.When you hand over yourwaste, you must complete awaste transfer note clearlydescribing the waste and itsorigin and keep the note for atleast two years.Special rules apply if youdispose of hazardous waste suchas oils, acids, solvents andsolvent-based products (includingpaints) or fluorescent light tubes.A good indication that materialis covered by these rules is if ithas a hazard symbol or safetydatasheets. You must complete aconsignment note when this typeof waste is moved or disposed of.Everyone involved must retain acopy of the note, with copiespassed to the <strong>No</strong>rthern <strong>Ireland</strong>Environment Agency.Businesses that turn overmore than £2m and handle morethan 50 tonnes of packaginga year must register with the<strong>No</strong>rthern <strong>Ireland</strong> EnvironmentAgency or join an approvedcompliance scheme. You mustprovide evidence that you arerecovering and recycling a setamount of packaging waste (acompliance scheme can do thisfor you). Handling packagingcan mean manufacturing rawmaterials used for packaging,turning these raw materials intopackaging, putting goods intopackaging, selling packaging orpackaged goods, or importingpackaging.Businesses that transportwaste, or arrange to collect ortransport waste on behalf ofothers need a licence from the<strong>No</strong>rthern <strong>Ireland</strong> EnvironmentAgency.If you manufacture electricaland electronic equipment(EEE) you must join a producercompliance scheme, mark yourgoods with a crossed-out wheeliebinsymbol, and meet recoveryand recycling targets. Sellers ofEEE must enable users to returntheir waste goods (WEEE) freeof charge when buying newreplacements — this can alsobe done through a collectivedistributor takeback scheme.Next steps● Visit www.nibusinessinfo.co.uk/environment● Envirowise gives free,independent and confidentialadvice designed to help you toreduce waste and save money.Contact 0800 585794;http://envirowise.wrap.org.uk● For advice on packagingwaste legislation, andthe management andtransportation of waste,contact the <strong>No</strong>rthern <strong>Ireland</strong>Environment Agency:0845 302 0008;www.doeni.gov.uk/nieaOther environmentalconcernsYour business can affect peopleand property around youBusinesses that dischargewaste water from their premisesinto the sewerage system mustget consent from <strong>No</strong>rthern<strong>Ireland</strong> Water.If waste water from yourpremises goes directly intorivers, streams, lakes, ponds,canals, estuaries, coastal watersor groundwater, you must applyfor a permit from the <strong>No</strong>rthern<strong>Ireland</strong> Environment AgencyWater Management Unit.Businesses that cannot meettheir water needs through the33The <strong>No</strong>-<strong>No</strong>nsense <strong>Guide</strong>

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