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adventure destinationThe Road Less Traveled:Machu Picchu Via the Salkantay TrekStory and Photos By Jason HeflinBy now most of us have formed alife’s list of adventure travel destinationswe want to visit before wego. That list might live in a MicrosoftWord document, on a Facebookpage, scribbled on a drinknapkin, or just in the recesses ofyour mind. There are some tripsthat make the list over and overagain such as trekking the Himalaya,seeing the great pyramids ofGiza, or climbing Kilimanjaro. Onedestination that kept rising to thetop of my list was Machu Picchu.HistoryRoughly fifty years before ChristopherColumbus sailed acrossthe ocean blue a great citadelwas being built high in the Andesmountains of what is now Peru inSouth America. The Incans namedthis peak Machu Picchu, or OldPeak. It was to be an importantlocale, not only to the civilizationthat carved it’s stone walls,but for those who were to follow.Machu Picchu is situated on asteep mountain ridge 2,000 feetabove the Urubamba river. Thislandmark lies only fifty miles fromCusco, a major Peruvian city. Yet,unlike most other Incan settlements,it was never discovered ordestroyed by the Spanish conquistadorsas they invaded. MachuPicchu was instead abandoned. Itis not known why the residents ofthis sacred city left, or where theywent. Machu Picchu has remainedin remarkably pristine conditionthroughout the past 600 years.The great explorer Hiram Binghamre-discovered this place in 1911and brought the “lost city” to the attentionof the world. Today MachuPicchu is open to the public; it isa heavily traveled tourist attractionthat is seen by thousands of visitorseach year from around the globe.The Road Less TraveledMachu Picchu was on my life list.A few years ago I decided I wasn’tgoing to wait on this one. I didn’twant to visit this remote sanctuaryby tour bus, as is a common practicethese days. Many take what isknown as the Inca Trail, but I soonlearned there is more than one IncaTrail to Machu Picchu. The standardtrail leads the trekker throughthe highlands and up to MachuPicchu in much the same way theInca visited the city. In my life Itend to choose the road less traveledhowever. I was told the traditionalInca Trail was very busy<strong>Adventure</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> May 2009 24

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