Baseline Spec Template - NEXRAD Radar Operations Center - NOAA

Baseline Spec Template - NEXRAD Radar Operations Center - NOAA

Baseline Spec Template - NEXRAD Radar Operations Center - NOAA


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Document Number 2620003NCode Identification 0WY55WSR-88D ROC2009Build 12.019 HAIL INDEX (HI)19.1 SS Description"This product shall provide, for each storm cell identified by the Storm Cell Identification andTracking algorithm, the Probability of Hail, the Probability of Severe Hail, and the MaximumExpected Hail Size. The hail probabilities and size shown for each storm cell shall be generated bythe Hail Algorithm. This product shall be produced in a tabular format of alphanumeric values, as astand alone graphic product, and in a format for generating graphic overlays to other products. Thisproduct shall include a standard set of annotations. Upon user request, all site adaptableparameters identified as inputs to the algorithm(s) used to generate data for this product shall beavailable at the alphanumeric display."19.2 Display FormatThe Probabilities of Hail and Severe Hail are computed in 10% increments. The Maximum ExpectedHail Size is calculated to the nearest 0.25 inch.19.2.1 Graphic DisplayThe product is displayable in full- or quarter-screen formats (See Appendix B, Formats I and II). Data DisplayIf the Probability of Hail and/or the Probability of Severe Hail for a storm cell meet minimum displayadaptable parameters, then a Hail Symbol (see Appendix A, I(A)(6) is placed immediately to theright of the storm cell ID. That position will be 19 pixels to the right and 2 pixels down form thestorm cell centroid location. As a graphic overlay to other products, the hail symbol flashes and onlythe overlay portion of this product are displayed. The operator has the option to stop the flashing ofthe hail symbol. No hail symbol is displayed if the Probability of Severe Hail and the Probability ofHail are 0%.The Maximum Expected Hail Size is also displayed in the middle of the Hail Symbol in white to thenearest inch. In this display, if the Maximum Expected Hail Size is less than 0.75 inches, anasterisk will be displayed, and if the size is greater than 4 inches, "4" inches will be displayed. Range/Data ResolutionCoverage Area(nmi radius)Resolution (nmix deg)Product <strong>Center</strong>0 to 124 N/A N/A19.2.1.3 Graphic OverlayAs a graphic overlay to other products, only the overlay portion of the graphic display product andthe attribute table is displayed.19.2.2 Alphanumeric19.2.2.1 Alphanumeric DisplayIn the alphanumeric product (tabular format for the alphanumeric screen), the Hail Attribute Table(see Appendix B, format III, configuration 4), and the combined Attribute Table (see Appendix B,Format III, configuration 5), the following apply: if the Probability of Severe Hail and the Probabilityof Hail are 0%, then "0.00" inches is displayed; if the Probability of Severe Hail and the Probability of19-1

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