Bid Documents (Specs Pkg) - Wakulla County

Bid Documents (Specs Pkg) - Wakulla County

Bid Documents (Specs Pkg) - Wakulla County


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OCHLOCKONEE BAY TRAIL – PHASE IV FDIP PROJECT # 414032-1-58-01FEDERAL PROJECT # S E 8886 (004)mechanical) must independently achieve 50% completion in order for the project services to bedeemed 50% complete4.6. Monthly payments to Contractor shall in no way imply approval or acceptance ofContractor's work.4.7. Each Application for Payment shall be accompanied by a Release and Affidavit, inthe form attached as Section 00850, showing that all materials, labor, equipment and other billsassociated with that portion of the Work for which payment is being requested have been paid infull. The COUNTY shall not be required to make payment until and unless these affidavits arefurnished by the Contractor.4.8. Contractor agrees and understands that funding limitations exist and that theexpenditure of funds must be spread over the duration of the Project at regular intervals based on theContract Amount and Progress Schedule. Accordingly, prior to submitting its first monthlyApplication for Payment, Contractor shall prepare and submit for the COUNTY's and DesignProfessional's review and approval, a detailed Project Funding Schedule, which shall be updated asnecessary and approved by the COUNTY to reflect approved adjustments to the Contract Amountand Contract Time. No voluntary acceleration or early completion of the Work shall modify thetime of payments to Contractor as set forth in the approved Project Funding Schedule.5. PAYMENTS WITHHELD.5.1. The Design Professional or the COUNTY may decline to approve any Application forPayment, or portions thereof, because of subsequently discovered evidence or subsequentinspections. The Design Professional or the COUNTY may nullify the whole or any part of anyapproval for payment previously issued and the COUNTY may withhold any payments otherwisedue Contractor under this Agreement or any other agreement between the COUNTY and Contractor,to such extent as may be necessary in the COUNTY's opinion to protect it from loss because of:5.1.1 Defective Work not remedied;5.1.2 Third party claims filed or reasonable evidence indicating probable filing of suchclaims;5.1.3 Failure of Contractor to make payment properly to subcontractors or for labor,materials or equipment;5.1.4 Reasonable doubt that the Work can be completed for the unpaid balance of theContract Amount;5.1.5 Reasonable indication that the Work will not be completed within the Contract Time;5.1.6 Unsatisfactory prosecution of the Work by the Contractor;SECTION 00700 – GENERALCONDITIONS PAGE 4 OF 21

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