AMAXX® Evolution -
AMAXX® Evolution -
AMAXX® Evolution -
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“This is just perfect for my needs:in any variant for any application purpose.”The rightcombinationfor eachdemand.2
MultitalentWhen we have developed a new product, this does not mean that our work is finished.Because only the ongoing development process ensures that you always get the bestpossible product. Just like with our AMAXX ® combination units. After the successful marketintroduction in the energy sector, we took things further and developed this program withsolutions for the industrial ethernet and automation sector. Therefore, we can now offer yousystem solutions variably equipped with network and automation components. Everything inone program: AMAXX ® – <strong>Evolution</strong> in an appealling, distinctive design with numerous variantsfor most applications.▪ Equipment: CEE receptaclesEnergy:▪ Protection type IP 44 andIP 67.▪ Enclosure materials:Standard consistingof AMAPLAST ® orAMELAN ® for highchemical resistance.▪ Colou<strong>rs</strong>: Bottom partblack, front cover electricgrey, silver (IP 44), yellowor red.from 16A, 3-pole to 63A,5-pole, sockets with earthcontacts in conformity withmany national standards,DUO switched interlockedsockets as well as fuseelements.AMAXX ® s is the receptacle combination forrestricted installation widths and depths.Industrial Ethernet:▪ Protection type IP 44 andIP 67.▪ Physical separationbetween network andenergy part.▪ Complete solution insteadof individual installations.▪ Suitable for the industryand safe.Automation:▪ Protection type IP 44 andIP 67.▪ Enclosure solutions readyfor the installation of smallcontrols (SPS), actuato<strong>rs</strong>,contacto<strong>rs</strong>, relays, KNX/EIB,pneumatic controls and/or other electronic components.3
DimensionsAMAXX ® receptacle combinations. Energy. Industrial Ethernet. Automation.AMAXX ® with 1 segment AMAXX ® with 2 segments AMAXX ® with 3 segments1MB531Depths of the AMAXX ® enclosures with1, 2 or 3 segments,with varying components.1MB521ReceptaclesIP-degrees DepthSCHUKO ® 16A, 230V IP 44 175 mmIP 67 194 mmCEE 16A, 3p, 230V IP 44 204 mmIP 67 205 mmCEE 16A, 5p, 400V IP 44 209 mmIP 67 213 mmCEE 32A, 5p, 400V IP 44 221 mmIP 67 227 mmCEE 63A, 5p, 400V IP 44 248 mmIP 67 248 mmCable entries:closed for cut out1-unit enclosures 130 mm x 225 mm:2 x M 25 each top and bottom2-unit enclosures 260 mm x 225 mm:2 x M 32 each top and bottom3-unit enclosures 390 mm x 225 mm:2 x M 40 each top and bottomFor all enclosures:2 x M 20 each on top andbottom for cut out.1MB522AMAXX ® with 4 segments AMAXX ® with 5 segmentsAMAXX® s (5 segments)1MB523Depths of the AMAXX ® enclosureswith 4 or 5 segments, with varyingcomponents.ReceptaclesIP-degrees DepthSCHUKO ® 16A, 230V IP 44 186 mmIP 67 208 mmCEE 16A, 3p, 230V IP 44 216 mmIP 67 220 mmCEE 16A, 5p, 400V IP 44 222 mmIP 67 226 mmCEE 32A, 5p, 400V IP 44 231 mmIP 67 236 mmCEE 63A, 5p, 400V IP 44 260 mmIP 67 260 mmFuse elements:If not stated otherwise, delivery without fuseelements.Cable entries:closed for cut out1MB5404-unit enclosures 520 mm x 225 mm:5-unit enclosures 650 mm x 225 mm:2 x M 40 each top and bottomWith both:2 x M 20 each top and bottom for cut out.1MB541Depths of the AMAXX ® enclosureswith 5 segmentsand varying components.ReceptaclesIP-degrees DepthSCHUKO ® 16A, 230V IP 44 140 mmIP 67 157 mmCEE 16A, 3p, 230V IP 44 170 mmIP 67 169 mmCEE 16A, 5p, 400V IP 44 172 mmIP 67 174 mmCEE 32A, 5p, 400V IP 44 182 mmIP 67 188 mmCable entries:closed for cut outAMAXX ® s 650 mm x 112,5 mm:1 x M 25 top and 1 x M 25 bottom or1 x M 32 top and 1 x M 32 bottomIn addition:1 x M 20 top and bottom for cut out.4
AMAXX ® receptacle combinationsEnergyPageProduct Information 6 - 17Quick finder product matrix 18 - 23Products for wall/surface mounting• Standard combinations made of AMAPLAST ® , IP 44 24 - 31• Standard combinations made of AMAPLAST ® , IP 67 32• High resistant to chemicals, made of AMELAN ® , IP 44 / IP 67 33Mobile products• Standard combinations made of AMAPLAST ® , IP 44 34Accessories 35References 36 - 37Industrial EthernetPageProduct Information 38 - 39Example of an industrial ethernet 40 - 45Application examples 46 - 47Products 48 - 53Accessories 53References 54 - 55AutomationPageProduct Information 56 - 60Products 61Application examples 62 - 635
“If I want the whole program, I opt for AMAXXreceptacle combinations.”The rightcombination foreach application.6
Practice-conform31Liftable DIN railsLiftable DIN rails and a large, smooth wiring spacesignificantly ease the insertion as well asconnection of large cables.2One-man installationShorter installation times with the new,user-friendly external fixing..Energy21434Hinged coverThe hinged cover, which opens to one side,eases connection work.Ready for applicationAll combinations are pre-wired for installation andtested for electric safety and quality.▪ Generally angledinsertion direction,also with SCHUKO ®receptacles.▪ Both hands freebecause inspectionwindows opendownwards.▪ Especially fast openingand closing of theenclosure dueto captive doublethreadedcover screws.▪ Window can belocked with a padlock,enclosure can bevorgeprägt???sealed.7
"AMAXX s allows you to work optimally,even in the smallest spaces."Lots of comforteven with littlespace.8
The space-saverAMAXX ® s is the optimum solution for restricted spaces. Besides mounting on the rear, you canalso mount it on the right or the left thanks to optionally available attachment set. Or you optfor the variant that can be swivelled by 90 degrees on the left or the right for even morecomfort.More comfortable working:Swivel attachment fitted tothe base allows for 90° rotationleft or right, with perceivablesnap-in positions.Application fields:In restricted spaces, e.g.niches, double T-ba<strong>rs</strong>, etc.EnergyFlexible application:Thanks to the optionallyavailable attachment set,AMAXX ® s can be mountedon the left or the right.9
"AMAXX DUO provides switched and interlockedsafety as multiple distributor."Highest degreeof variability.For eachapplicationpurpose.10
InterfaceWith DUO, AMAXX ® is also available in a switched and interlocked ve<strong>rs</strong>ion: After insertionand activation, the plug is interlocked. After deactivation and pulling the plug, the receptacleswitch is locked. Even the smallest AMAXX ® combination with one segment and a size of only225 × 130 mm is available with the switched and interlocked DUO receptacles. The largerAMAXX ® enclosures are also available as DUO multiple distributo<strong>rs</strong>, providing even more safetyin just one enclosure.Energy▪Protection typeIP 44 and IP 67.▪16A, 3-pole,up to 63A, 5-pole.▪Fuse elements like RCD´s,MCB´s and neozed fuseelements.▪Unique AMAXX ® designwith one to five segments.▪Also available in containe<strong>rs</strong>tandard 32A, 4-pole,400-440V, 3h as multipledistributor with orwithout monitoringreceptacles.11
"I can count on AMAXX made of AMELAN even inaggressive environments."Always on thesafe side.12
GuardAMELAN ® is the name of the plastic used by MENNEKES for application in especially aggressiveenvironments. AMELAN ® has a high resistance to chemicals, e.g. fuels, diluted acidsand bases, most watery saline solutions and aliphatic hydrocarbons. In addition, all AMAXX ®receptacle combinations consisting of AMELAN ® are equipped with highheat-resistant contact carrie<strong>rs</strong> and nickel-plated contacts and have excellent mechanical,thermal and electric properties.EnergySolutions for all environments where the material comes into contact with aggressive substances,e.g. mines, the chemical industry, food processing industry, abattoi<strong>rs</strong> and refineries.AMAXX ® receptacle combinations made of AMELAN ® in IP 44 or IP 67 are available in manyvariations.AMELAN ® is resistantagainst:▪Sea water▪Detergents▪Trichloroethylene▪Toluene▪Edible fats▪Aqueous soap solutions▪Caustic soda solutions▪Motor oils▪Milk▪Caustic potash solution▪Fruit juices▪Dishwashing detergent▪Diesel oil▪Gasoline▪Aqueous ammoniasolutions13
"I rely on the portable safetyof AMAXX mobile."Mobile safetyin anylocation.14
RangeAMAXX ® mobile. For all requiring safe distribution on-site. With cable and plug. With one, twoor more segments as well as in an AMAXX ® s ve<strong>rs</strong>ion.Application fields:Maintenance work in theindustry, retail and craftssector, temporary buildings,e.g. at fai<strong>rs</strong>, exhibitions,market places and everywhereelse where temporaryenergy supply is required.Energy15
Master of combinationsBoundlessdive<strong>rs</strong>ity.The AMAXX ® online configurator takes you to the right solution in justthree easy steps. Compile your preferred combination from our rangeof SCHUKO ® and CEE receptacles as well as fuse elements.24 hou<strong>rs</strong> around the clock. The configurator immediately displays theselected combination, complete with text, image, price and deliverytime.Your advantage: a drastically reduced offer time and thereforefast delivery of your AMAXX ® combinations. You will find theAMAXX ® configurator at ® online configurator at www.AMAXX.info16
EnergyAs specialists for receptacle combinations, we havelongstanding experience in the development and realisationof individual, customised solutions.Weather protection cove<strong>rs</strong>made of stainless steelavailable for all AMAXX ®enclosure sizes.AMAXX ® camping combinationin a CombiTOWERmade of stainless steel.AMAXX ® is international:AMAXX ® receptacle combinations are also perfectly suitedfor the international market with many differentstandards. For example: British, French/Belgian, Danish andSwiss standard as well as the NEMA standard(USA and Canada). Ask us.17
AMAXX ® receptacle combinations ■ ready wired for installationWall/flush-mounted installation, mobileMade of AMAPLAST ® , high resistance against chemicals made of AMELAN ®The stated page numbe<strong>rs</strong> refer to the product pages “Energy” after this matrix.For items without a page number, you will find more information and illustrations in the master MENNEKES catalogue.Further combinations on request or at ®Fuse5p, 400V63A 32A 16A3p, 230V16A16ARCDMCBNeozedIP-degreeSpecialfeaturesPart no.Ex stockPage2 1 FI 25A, 2p, 0,03A 2 LS 16A, 1p, C IP 44 910001 242 1 FI 25A, 2p, 0,03A IP 44 9100022 1 FI 25A, 2p, 0,03A IP 44 Mobile 9100302 2 LS 16A, 1p, C IP 44 9100032 empty DIN-rail with space for max. 4 modules IP 44 9100043 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A 3 LS 16A, 1p, C IP 44 920003 243 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A 3 LS 16A, 1p, C IP 44 960001 1)3 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A 3 LS 16A, 1p, C IP 44 920036 333 3 LS 16A, 1p, C IP 44 9200023 3 D01, 1p IP 44 9200013 IP 44 910005 243 IP 44 Mobile 910031 344 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A 4 LS 16A, 1p, C IP 67 930021 324 1 FI 25A, 4p, 0,03A IP 44 Mobile 9200335 IP 44 960002 1)5 IP 44 960050 2)6 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A 6 LS 16A, 1p, C IP 44 9300016 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A 6 LS 16A, 1p, C IP 44 9300266 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A IP 44 Mobile 930024 346 IP 44 9200286 IP 44 Mobile 9200321 2 IP 44 9100063 3 FI 25A, 2p, 0,03A 3 LS 16A, 1p, B IP 44 9200316 6 FI 25A, 2p, 0,03A 6 LS 16A, 1p, B IP 44 9400111 2 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 16A, 3p, CIP 44 920009 242 LS 16A, 1p, C1 2 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 16A, 3p, CIP 44 960003 1)1 LS 16A, 1p, C1 2 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 16A, 3p, CIP 44 960051 2) 251 LS 16A, 1p, C1 2 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 16A, 3p, CIP 67 960030 1) 321 LS 16A, 1p, C1 2 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 16A, 3p, CIP 44 9200372 LS 16A, 1p, C1 2 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 16A, 3p, CIP 44 960040 1)1 LS 16A, 1p, C1 2 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A 2 LS 16A, 1p, C IP 44 9200071 2 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A 1 D01, 3p IP 44 9200081 D01, 1p1 2 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A IP 44 Mobile 9200351)AMAXX ® s (slim design)2)AMAXX ® with swivelling frame (connection via flexible lead)18
Protective type IP 44/IP 67CEECEESCHUKO ®Fuse5p, 400V63A 32A 16A3p, 230V16A16ARCDMCBNeozedIP-degreeSpecialfeaturesPart no.Ex stockPage1 2 1 LS 16A, 3p, DIP 44 9200062 LS 16A, 1p, C1 2 1 LS 16A, 3p, CIP 44 920005 252 LS 16A, 1p, C1 2 1 D01, 3p IP 44 920004 251 D01, 1p1 2 empty DIN-rail with space for max. 10 modules IP 44 9200291 2 IP 44 910007 251 2 IP 44 910020 331 2 IP 44 Mobile 9100321 3 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 16A, 3p, CIP 67 9300223 LS 16A, 1p, C1 3 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 16A, 3p, CIP 67 9300273 LS 16A, 1p, C1 3 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A IP 44 Mobile 960060 1) 341 3 1 LS 16A, 3p, CIP 44 960004 1)1 LS 16A, 1p, C1 3 IP 441) 3)9600051 4 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 16A, 3p, CIP 44 9300194 LS 16A, 1p, C1 4 IP 44 960006 1)1 4 IP 67 960031 1)2 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A 2 LS 16A, 3p, C IP 44 920019Energy2 2 LS 16A, 3p, D IP 44 9200182 2 LS 16A, 3p, C IP 44 9200172 2 LS 16A, 3p, C IP 44 930031 4)2 2 D01, 3p IP 44 9200162 1 2 LS 16A, 3p, CIP 44 960007 1)1 LS 16A, 1p, C2 2 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A 2 LS 16A, 3p, CIP 67 9400132 LS 16A, 1p, C2 2 2 D01, 3p IP 44 930002 262 D01, 1p2 2 IP 44 9200242 3 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A 2 LS 16A, 3p, CIP 44 940002 263 LS 16A, 1p, C2 3 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A 2 D01, 3p IP 44 9400013 D01, 1p2 3 2 LS 16A, 3p, DIP 44 9300043 LS 16A, 1p, C2 3 2 LS 16A, 3p, CIP 44 930003 263 LS 16A, 1p, C2 3 IP 44 960008 1)2 3 IP 44 Mobile 920034 341)AMAXX ® s (slim design)3)with 1 Cepex RJ45-twin data receptacle4)switched receptacles with DUO interlocking19
AMAXX ® receptacle combinations ■ ready wired for installationWall/flush-mounted installation, mobileMade of AMAPLAST ® , high resistance against chemicals made of AMELAN ®The stated page numbe<strong>rs</strong> refer to the product pages “Energy” after this matrix.For items without a page number, you will find more information and illustrations in the master MENNEKES catalogue.Further combinations on request or at ®Fuse5p, 400V63A 32A 16A3p, 230V16A16ARCDMCBNeozedIP-degreeSpecialfeaturesPart no.Ex stockPage2 6 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A 6 LS 16A, 1p, C 2 D01, 3p IP 44 9500013 3 3 D01, 3p IP 44 9500023 D01, 1p3 4 1 FI 63A, 4p, 0,03A 3 LS 16A, 3p, CIP 44 950003 264 LS 16A, 1p, C4 IP 44 9500271 2 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 32A, 3p, CIP 44 920015 272 LS 16A, 1p, C1 2 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 32A, 3p, CIP 44 960012 1)2 LS 16A, 1p, C1 2 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 32A, 3p, CIP 44 9200382 LS 16A, 1p, C1 2 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A 2 LS 16A, 1p, C IP 44 9200131 2 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A 1 D02, 3p IP 44 9200141 D01, 1p1 2 1 LS 32A, 3p, DIP 44 9200122 LS 16A, 1p, C1 2 1 LS 32A, 3p, CIP 44 920011 272 LS 16A, 1p, C1 2 1 D02, 3p IP 44 920010 271 D01, 1p1 2 empty DIN-rail with space for max. 10 modules IP 44 9200301 3 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 32A, 3p, CIP 67 9300233 LS 16A, 1p, C1 3 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 32A, 3p, CIP 67 930028 333 LS 16A, 1p, C1 3 1 LS 32A, 3p, CIP 44 960013 1)1 LS 16A, 1p, C1 1 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 32A, 3p, CIP 44 9200221 LS 16A, 3p, C1 1 1 LS 32A, 3p, CIP 44 9200211 LS 16A, 3p, C1 1 1 D02, 3p IP 44 9200201 D01, 3p1 1 1 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 16A, 3p, CIP 44 960009 1)1 LS 16A, 1p, C1 1 1 1 LS 32A, 3p, CIP 44 960010 1)1 LS 16A, 3p, C1 LS 16A, 1p, C1 1 2 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 32A, 3p, CIP 44 930013 271 LS 16A, 3p, C2 LS 16A, 1p, C1 1 2 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 32A, 3p, CIP 44 940018 3)1 LS 16A, 3p, C2 LS 16A, 1p, C1 1 2 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 32A, 3p, C1 LS 16A, 3p, C2 LS 16A, 1p, CIP 67 940014 321)AMAXX ® s (slim design)3)with 2 Cepex RJ45-twin data receptacles20
Protective type IP 44/IP 67CEECEESCHUKO ®Fuse5p, 400V63A 32A 16A3p, 230V16A16ARCDMCBNeozedIP-degreeSpecialfeaturesPart no.Ex stockPage1 1 2 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A 1 D01, 3p IP 44 9300072 D01, 1p1 1 2 1 FI 63A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 32A, 3p, CIP 67 9400161 LS 16A, 3p, C2 LS 16A, 1p, C1 1 2 1 LS 32A, 3p, CIP 44 930010 281 LS 16A, 3p, C2 LS 16A, 1p, C1 1 2 1 LS 16A, 3p, CIP 44 960011 1)1 LS 16A, 1p, C1 1 2 1 D02, 3p IP 44 930009 281 D01, 3p2 D01, 1p1 1 2 1 D02, 3p IP 44 9300291 D01, 3p2 D01, 1p1 1 2 IP 44 9300251 1 3 1 FI 63A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 32A, 3p, CIP 44 9400061 LS 16A, 3p, C3 LS 16A, 1p, C1 1 3 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 32A, 3p, CIP 44 940005 281 LS 16A, 3p, C3 LS 16A, 1p, C1 1 3 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 16A, 3p, CIP 44 9300083 LS 16A, 1p, C1 1 3 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 16A, 3p, CIP 44 Mobile 9300253 LS 16A, 1p, C1 1 3 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A 1 D02, 3p IP 44 9400041 D01, 3p3 D01, 1p1 1 3 1 FI 63A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 32A, 3p, CIP 44 940015 331 LS 16A, 3p, C3 LS 16A, 1p, C1 1 3 1 LS 32A, 3p, DIP 44 9300121 LS 16A, 3p, D3 LS 16A, 1p, C1 1 3 1 LS 32A, 3p, CIP 44 930011 281 LS 16A, 3p, C3 LS 16A, 1p, C1 1 3 1 LS 32A, 3p, CIP 44 9300301 LS 16A, 3p, C3 LS 16A, 1p, C1 1 3 1 LS 16A, 3p, CIP 44 9300063 LS 16A, 1p, C1 1 3 1 D02, 3p IP 44 9400031 D01, 3p3 D01, 1p1 1 3 1 D02, 3p IP 44 9300053 D01, 1p1 1 4 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 32A, 3p, C1 LS 16A, 3p, C4 LS 16A, 1p, CIP 44 940007Energy1)AMAXX ® s (slim design)21
AMAXX ® receptacle combinations ■ ready wired for installationWall/flush-mounted installation, mobileMade of AMAPLAST ® , high resistance against chemicals made of AMELAN ®The stated page numbe<strong>rs</strong> refer to the product pages “Energy” after this matrix.For items without a page number, you will find more information and illustrations in the master MENNEKES catalogue.Further combinations on request or at ®Fuse5p, 400V63A 32A 16A3p, 230V16A16ARCDMCBNeozedIP-degreeSpecialfeaturesPart no.Ex stockPage1 1 4 1 LS 32A, 3p, CIP 44 9300321 LS 16A, 3p, C4 LS 16A, 1p, C1 1 6 1 FI 63A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 32A, 3p, CIP 44 950004 291 LS 16A, 3p, C6 LS 16A, 1p, C1 1 1 3 1 FI 63A, 4p, 0,03A 1 D02, 3p IP 44 9500051 D01, 3p4 D01, 1p1 1 2 1 1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 16A, 3p, CIP 44 9300203 LS 16A, 1p, C1 2 3 1 FI 63A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 32A, 3p, CIP 67 9500302 LS 16A, 3p, C3 LS 16A, 1p, C1 2 3 1 D02, 3p IP 44 9500062 D01, 3p3 D01, 3p1 2 4 1 FI 63A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 32A, 3p, CIP 44 950007 292 LS 16A, 3p, C4 LS 16A, 1p, C1 2 4 1 FI 63A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 32A, 3p, CIP 44 9500402 LS 16A, 3p, C4 LS 16A, 1p, C1 2 4 1 LS 32A, 3p, CIP 44 9400122 LS 16A, 3p, C4 LS 16A, 1p, C2 1 FI 63A, 4p, 0,03A 2 LS 32A, 3p, C IP 44 9200232 1 2 LS 32A, 3p, C1 LS 16A, 1p, CIP 44 960014 1)2 2 2 D02, 3p IP 44 930014 292 D01, 1p2 2 1 FI 63A, 4p, 0,03A 2 LS 32A, 3p, CIP 67 900005 4)2 LS 16A, 3p, C2 2 IP 44 9200262 3 1 FI 63A, 4p, 0,03A 2 LS 32A, 3p, CIP 44 940008 293 LS 16A, 1p, C2 3 2 LS 32A, 3p, CIP 44 930015 303 LS 16A, 1p, C2 1 3 2 D02, 3p IP 44 9500081 D01, 3p3 D01, 1p2 1 4 1 FI 63A, 4p, 0,03A 2 LS 32A, 3p, C1 LS 16A, 3p, C4 LS 16A, 1p, CIP 44 950009 302 2 3 1 FI 63A, 4p, 0,03A 2 LS 32A, 3p, C2 LS 16A, 3p, C3 LS 16A, 1p, CIP 44 9500103 3 LS 32A, 3p, C IP 67 940027 5)1)AMAXX ® s (slim design)4)switched receptacles with DUO interlocking5)Combinations for containe<strong>rs</strong> and terminals22
Protective type IP 44/IP 67CEECEESCHUKO ®Fuse5p, 400V63A 32A 16A3p, 230V16A16ARCDMCBNeozedIP-degreeSpecialfeaturesPart no.Ex stockPage3 3 LS 32A, 3p, C IP 67 940019 6)1 1 2 1 FI 63A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 16A, 3p, C2 LS 16A, 1p, C1 1 2 1 FI 63A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 16A, 3p, C2 LS 16A, 1p, C1 1 4 1 FI 63A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 32A, 3p, C4 LS 16A, 1p, C1 1 1 1 FI 63A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 32A, 3p, C1 LS 16A, 3p, C1 1 1 2 1 FI 63A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 32A, 3p, C1 LS 16A, 3p, C2 LS 16A, 1p, C1 1 1 2 1 FI 63A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 32A, 3p, C1 LS 16A, 3p, C2 LS 16A, 1p, C1 1 1 2 1 FI 63A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 32A, 3p, C1 LS 16A, 3p, C2 LS 16A, 1p, C1 1 1 2 1 D02, 3p1 D01, 3p2 D01, 1p1 1 1 3 2 D02, 3p1 D01, 3p3 D01, 1p1 1 1 4 1 FI 63A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 32A, 3p, C1 LS 16A, 3p, C4 LS 16A, 1p, C1 1 1 4 1 FI 63A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 32A, 3p, C1 LS 16A, 3p, C4 LS 16A, 1p, C1 1 1 4 1 FI 63A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 32A, 3p, C1 LS 16A, 3p, C4 LS 16A, 1p, C1 1 1 4 1 FI 63A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 32A, 3p, C1 LS 16A, 3p, C4 LS 16A, 1p, C1 1 1 4 1 FI 63A, 4p, 0,03A 1 LS 32A, 3p, C1 LS 16A, 3p, C4 LS 16A, 1p, C1 1 1 4 1 D02, 3p1 D01, 3p4 D01, 1p1 1 1 6 1 FI 63A, 4p, 0,03A 1 D02, 3p1 D01, 3p3 D01, 1p1 1 1 6 2 D02, 3p1 D01, 3p3 D01, 1pIP 44 930016IP 44930017IP 67IP 44 950026 4) 30IP 44 930018IP 44 940010 31IP 67 950031 32IP 44 940017IP 44 940009 31IP 44 9500111 D02, 3p IP 44 950012IP 44 950013 31IP 67 900003IP 44 950041IP 67 900004IP 44 950014 31IP 44 900002IP 44 900001Energy1)Combinations for containe<strong>rs</strong> and terminals plus monitoring sockets23
AMAXX ® receptacle combinations, ■ for wall/surface mountingStandard combinations made of AMAPLAST ® , Protection type IP 44ready wired for installationFront cover electric grey RAL 7035, enclosure except 130 x 225 mm, hinged to one side.Fusing behind a transparent cover.Further combinations on request or at www.AMAXX.infoCEE receptaclesCEE receptaclesCEE receptaclesCEE receptacles1 CEE 16A, 5p, 400VCEE receptaclesCEE receptaclesCEE receptaclesCEE receptaclesReceptacles SCHUKO ®2 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VReceptacles SCHUKO ®3 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VReceptacles SCHUKO ®3 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VReceptacles SCHUKO ®2 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VFusing1 FI 25A, 2p, 0,03A2 LS 16A, 1p, CFusing1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A3 LS 16A, 1p, CFusingFusing1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A1 LS 16A, 3p, C2 LS 16A, 1p, CConnection optionfor 1 cable up to3 x 10 mm 2Connection optionfor 1 cable up to5 x 10 mm 2Connection optionfor 1 cable up to5 x 10 mm 2Connection optionfor 1 cable up to5 x 10 mm 2Enclosure size130 × 225 mm (HxW)Part numberEnclosure size260 × 225 mm (HxW)Part numberEnclosure size130 × 225 mm (HxW)Part numberEnclosure size260 × 225 mm (HxW)Part number91000192000391000592000924
Standard combinations made of AMAPLAST ® , Protection type IP 44ready wired for installation, Front cover electric grey RAL 7035, enclosure except 130 x 225 mm and 650 x 112.5 mm,hinged to one side. Fusing behind a transparent cover.Further combinations on request or at www.AMAXX.infoOrder no. 960051: with swivelling frame, swivable 90° to the right or leftEnergyCEE receptacles1 CEE 16A, 5p, 400VCEE receptacles1 CEE 16A, 5p, 400VCEE receptacles1 CEE 16A, 5p, 400VCEE receptacles1 CEE 16A, 5p, 400VCEE receptaclesCEE receptaclesCEE receptaclesCEE receptaclesReceptacles SCHUKO ®2 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VReceptacles SCHUKO ®2 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VReceptacles SCHUKO ®2 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VReceptacles SCHUKO ®2 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VFusing1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A1 LS 16A, 3p, C1 LS 16A, 1p, CFusing1 LS 16A, 3p, C2 LS 16A, 1p, CFusing1 Neozed D01, 3p1 Neozed D01, 1pFusingConnection optionfor 1 cable up to5 × 10 mm 2Connection optionfor 1 cable up to5 × 10 mm 2Connection optionfor 1 cable up to5 × 10 mm 2Connection optionfor 1 cable up to5 × 10 mm 2Enclosure size650 × 112.5 mm (HxW)Part numberEnclosure size260 × 225 mm (HxW)Part numberEnclosure size260 × 225 mm (HxW)Part numberEnclosure size130 × 225 mm (HxW)Part number96005192000592000491000725
AMAXX ® receptacle combinations, ■ for wall/surface mountingStandard combinations made of AMAPLAST ® , Protection type IP 44ready wired for installationFront cover electric grey RAL 7035, enclosure hinged to one side.Fusing behind a transparent cover.Further combinations on request or at www.AMAXX.infoCEE receptacles2 CEE 16A, 5p, 400VCEE receptacles2 CEE 16A, 5p, 400VCEE receptacles2 CEE 16A, 5p, 400VCEE receptacles3 CEE 16A, 5p, 400VCEE receptaclesCEE receptaclesCEE receptaclesCEE receptaclesReceptacles SCHUKO ®2 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VReceptacles SCHUKO ®3 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VReceptacles SCHUKO ®3 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VReceptacles SCHUKO ®4 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VFusing2 Neozed D01, 3p2 Neozed D01, 1pFusing1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A2 LS 16A, 3p, C3 LS 16A, 1p, CFusing2 LS 16A, 3p, C3 LS 16A, 1p, CFusing1 FI 63A, 4p, 0,03A3 LS 16A, 3p, C4 LS 16A, 1p, CConnection optionfor 2 cables up to5 x 25 mm 2Connection optionfor 2 cables up to5 x 25 mm 2Connection optionfor 2 cables up to5 x 25 mm 2Connection optionfor 2 cables up to5 x 25 mm 2Enclosure size390 × 225 mm (HxW)Part numberEnclosure size520 × 225 mm (HxW)Part numberEnclosure size390 × 225 mm (HxW)Part numberEnclosure size650 × 225 mm (HxW)Part number93000294000293000395000326
Standard combinations made of AMAPLAST ® , Protection type IP 44ready wired for installationFront cover electric grey RAL 7035, enclosure hinged to one side.Fusing behind a transparent cover.Further combinations on request or at www.AMAXX.infoEnergyCEE receptacles1 CEE 32A, 5p, 400VCEE receptacles1 CEE 32A, 5p, 400VCEE receptacles1 CEE 32A, 5p, 400VCEE receptacles1 CEE 32A, 5p, 400V1 CEE 16A, 5p, 400VCEE receptaclesCEE receptaclesCEE receptaclesCEE receptaclesReceptacles SCHUKO ®2 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VReceptacles SCHUKO ®2 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VReceptacles SCHUKO ®2 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VReceptacles SCHUKO ®2 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VFusing1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A1 LS 16A, 3p, C2 LS 16A, 1p, CFusing1 LS 32A, 3p, C2 LS 16A, 1p, CFusing1 Neozed D02, 3p1 Neozed D01, 1pFusing1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A1 LS 32A, 3p, C1 LS 16A, 3p, C2 LS 16A, 1p, CConnection optionfor 1 cable up to5x 10 mm 2Connection optionfor 1 cable up to5 x 10 mm 2Connection optionfor 1 cable up to5 x 10 mm 2Connection optionfor 1 cable up to5 x 25 mm 2Enclosure size260 × 225 mm (HxW)Part numberEnclosure size260 × 225 mm (HxW)Part numberEnclosure size260 × 225 mm (HxW)Part numberEnclosure size390 × 225 mm (HxW)Part number92001592001192001093001327
AMAXX ® receptacle combinations, ■ for wall/surface mountingStandard combinations made of AMAPLAST ® , Protection type IP 44ready wired for installationFront cover electric grey RAL 7035, enclosure hinged to one side.Fusing behind a transparent cover.Further combinations on request or at www.AMAXX.infoCEE receptacles1 CEE 32A, 5p, 400V1 CEE 16A, 5p, 400VCEE receptacles1 CEE 32A, 5p, 400V1 CEE 16A, 5p, 400VCEE receptacles1 CEE 32A, 5p, 400V1 CEE 16A, 5p, 400VCEE receptacles1 CEE 32A, 5p, 400V1 CEE 16A, 5p, 400VCEE receptaclesCEE receptaclesCEE receptaclesCEE receptaclesReceptacles SCHUKO ®2 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VReceptacles SCHUKO ®2 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VReceptacles SCHUKO ®3 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VReceptacles SCHUKO ®3 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VFusing1 LS 32A, 3p, C1 LS 16A, 3p, C2 LS 16A, 1p, CFusing1 Neozed D02, 3p1 Neozed D01, 3p2 Neozed D01, 1pFusing1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A1 LS 32A, 3p, C1 LS 16A, 3p, C3 LS 16A, 1p, CFusing1 LS 32A, 3p, C1 LS 16A, 3p, C3 LS 16A, 1p, CConnection optionfor 2 cables up to5 x 25 mm 2Connection optionfor 2 cables up to5 x 25 mm 2Connection optionfor 2 cables up to5 x 25 mm 2Connection optionfor 2 cables up to5 x 25 mm 2Enclosure size390 × 225 mm (HxW)Part numberEnclosure size390 × 225 mm (HxW)Part numberEnclosure size520 × 225 mm (HxW)Part numberEnclosure size390 × 225 mm (HxW)Part number9300109300994000593001128
Standard combinations made of AMAPLAST ® , Protection type IP 44ready wired for installationFront cover electric grey RAL 7035, enclosure hinged to one side.Fusing behind a transparent cover.Further combinations on request or at www.AMAXX.infoEnergyCEE receptacles1 CEE 32A, 5p, 400V1 CEE 16A, 5p, 400VCEE receptacles1 CEE 32A, 5p, 400V2 CEE 16A, 5p, 400VCEE receptacles2 CEE 32A, 5p, 400VCEE receptacles2 CEE 32A, 5p, 400VCEE receptaclesCEE receptaclesCEE receptaclesCEE receptaclesReceptacles SCHUKO ®6 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VReceptacles SCHUKO ®4 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VReceptacles SCHUKO ®2 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VReceptacles SCHUKO ®3 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VFusing1 FI 63A, 4p, 0,03A1 LS 32A, 3p, C1 LS 16A, 3p, C6 LS 16A, 1p, CFusing1 FI 63A, 4p, 0,03A1 LS 32A, 3p, C2 LS 16A, 3p, C4 LS 16A, 1p, CFusing2 Neozed D02, 3p2 Neozed D01, 1pFusing1 FI 63A, 4p, 0,03A2 LS 32A, 3p, C3 LS 16A, 1p, CConnection optionfor 2 cables up to5 x 25 mm 2Connection optionfor 2 cables up to5 x 25 mm 2Connection optionfor 2 cables up to5 x 25 mm 2Connection optionfor 2 cables up to5 x 25 mm 2Enclosure size650 × 225 mm (HxW)Part numberEnclosure size650 × 225 mm (HxW)Part numberEnclosure size390 × 225 mm (HxW)Part numberEnclosure size390 × 225 mm (HxW)Part number95000495000793001494000829
AMAXX ® receptacle combinations, ■ for wall/surface mountingStandard combinations made of AMAPLAST ® , Protection type IP 44 / IP 67ready wired for installationFront cover electric grey RAL 7035, enclosure hinged to one side.Fusing behind a transparent cover.Further combinations on request or at www.AMAXX.infoCEE receptacles2 CEE 32A, 5p, 400VCEE receptaclesCEE receptacles2 CEE 32A, 5p, 400V1 CEE 16A, 5p, 400VCEE receptaclesCEE receptacles1 CEE 63A, 5p, 400V (IP 67)switchable, with mechanical DUO lock1 CEE 32A, 5p, 400V (IP 44)switchable, with mechanical DUO lockCEE receptaclesReceptacles SCHUKO ®3 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VFusing2 LS 32A, 3p, C3 LS 16A, 1p, CConnection optionfor 2 cables up to5 x 25 mm 2Receptacles SCHUKO ®4 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VFusing1 FI 63A, 4p, 0,03A2 LS 32A, 3p, C1 LS 16A, 3p, C4 LS 16A, 1p, CConnection optionfor 2 cables up to5 x 25 mm 2Receptacles SCHUKO ®4 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230V (IP 44)Fusing1 FI 63A, 4p, 0,03A1 LS 32A, 3p, C4 LS 16A, 3p, CConnection optionfor 2 cables up to 5 x 25 mm 2Enclosure size390 × 225 mm (HxW)Part number930015Enclosure size650 × 225 mm (HxW)Part number950009Enclosure size650 × 225 mm (HxW)Part number95002630
Standard combinations made of AMAPLAST ® , Protection type IP 44ready wired for installationFront cover electric grey RAL 7035, enclosure hinged to one side.Fusing behind a transparent cover.Further combinations on request or at www.AMAXX.infoEnergyCEE receptacles1 CEE 63A, 5p, 400V1 CEE 32A, 5p, 400V1 CEE 16A, 5p, 400VCEE receptacles1 CEE 63A, 5p, 400V1 CEE 32A, 5p, 400V1 CEE 16A, 5p, 400VCEE receptacles1 CEE 63A, 5p, 400V1 CEE 32A, 5p, 400V1 CEE 16A, 5p, 400VCEE receptacles1 CEE 63A, 5p, 400V1 CEE 32A, 5p, 400V1 CEE 16A, 5p, 400VCEE receptaclesCEE receptaclesCEE receptaclesCEE receptaclesReceptacles SCHUKO ®2 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VReceptacles SCHUKO ®2 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VReceptacles SCHUKO ®4 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VReceptacles SCHUKO ®4 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VFusing1 FI 63A, 4p, 0,03A1 LS 32A, 3p, C1 LS 16A, 3p, C2 LS 16A, 1p, CFusing1 Neozed D02, 3p1 Neozed D01, 3p2 Neozed D01, 1pFusing1 FI 63A, 4p, 0,03A1 LS 32A, 3p, C1 LS 16A, 3p, C4 LS 16A, 1p, CFusing1 Neozed D02, 3p1 Neozed D01, 3p4 Neozed D01, 1pConnection optionfor 2 cables up to5 x 25 mm 2Connection optionfor 2 cables up to5 x 25 mm 2Connection optionfor 2 cables up to5 x 25 mm 2Connection optionfor 2 cables up to5 x 25 mm 2Enclosure size520 × 225 mm (HxW)Part numberEnclosure size520 × 225 mm (HxW)Part numberEnclosure size650 × 225 mm (HxW)Part numberEnclosure size650 × 225 mm (HxW)Part number94001094000995001395001431
AMAXX ® receptacle combinations, ■ for wall/surface mountingStandard combinations made of AMAPLAST ® , Protection type IP 67ready wired for installationFront cover electric grey RAL 7035, enclosure except 650 x 112,5 mm, hinged to one side.Fusing behind a transparent cover.Further combinations on request or at www.AMAXX.infoCEE receptaclesCEE receptacles1 CEE 16A, 5p, 400VCEE receptacles1 CEE 32A, 5p, 400V1 CEE 16A, 5p, 400VCEE receptacles1 CEE 63A, 5p, 400V1 CEE 32A, 5p, 400V1 CEE 16A, 5p, 400VCEE receptaclesCEE receptaclesCEE receptaclesCEE receptaclesReceptacles SCHUKO ®4 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VReceptacles SCHUKO ®2 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VReceptacles SCHUKO ®2 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VReceptacles SCHUKO ®2 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VFusing1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A4 LS 16A, 1p, CFusing1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A1 LS 16A, 3p, C1 LS 16A, 1p, CFusing1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A1 LS 32A, 3p, C1 LS 16A, 3p, C2 LS 16A, 1p, CFusing1 FI 63A, 4p, 0,03A1 LS 32A, 3p, C1 LS 16A, 3p, C2 LS 16A, 1p, CConnection optionfor 2 cables up to5 x 25 mm 2Connection optionfor 1 cable up to5 x 10 mm 2Connection optionfor 2 cables up to5 x 25 mm 2Connection optionfor 2 cables up to5 x 25 mm 2Enclosure size390 × 225 mm (HxW)Part numberEnclosure size650 × 112.5 mm (HxW)Part numberEnclosure size520 × 225 mm (HxW)Part numberEnclosure size650 × 225 mm (HxW)Part number93002196003094001495003132
Highly resistant to chemicals, made of AMELAN ® ,with highly heatproof contact supports and nickel-plated contacts, Protection type IP 44 / IP 67ready wired for installationFront cover grey RAL 7000, enclosure, external 130 x 225mm, hinged to one side. Fusing behind a transparent cover.Further combinations on request or at www.AMAXX.infoEnergyCEE receptaclesCEE receptacles1 CEE 16A, 5p, 400VCEE receptacles1 CEE 32A, 5p, 400V1 CEE 16A, 5p, 400VCEE receptacles1 CEE 32A, 5p, 400VCEE receptaclesCEE receptaclesCEE receptaclesCEE receptaclesReceptacles SCHUKO ®3 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VReceptacles SCHUKO ®2 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VReceptacles SCHUKO ®3 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VReceptacles SCHUKO ®3 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VFusing1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A3 LS 16A, 1p, CFusingFusing1 FI 63A, 4p, 0,03A1 LS 32A, 3p, C1 LS 16A, 3p, C3 LS 16A, 1p, CFusing1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A1 LS 32A, 3p, C3 LS 16A, 1p, CConnection optionfor 1 cable up to5 x 10 mm 2Connection optionfor 1 cable up to5 x 10 mm 2Connection optionfor 2 cables up to5 x 25 mm 2Connection optionfor 2 cables up to5 x 25 mm 2Enclosure size260 × 225 mm (HxW)Part numberEnclosure size130 × 225 mm (HxW)Part numberEnclosure size650 × 225 mm (HxW)Part numberEnclosure size260 x 225 mm (HxW)Part number92003691002094001593002833
AMAXX ® receptacle combinations, ■ ready wired for installationAMAXX ® receptacle combinations ■ Mobile, AccessoriesStandard combinations made of AMAPLAST ® , Protection type IP 44ready wired for installationFront cover electric grey RAL 7035, enclosure except 130 x 225 mm and 650 x 112,5 mm, hinged to one side.Fusing behind a transparent cover.Further combinations on request or at www.AMAXX.infoCEE receptaclesCEE receptaclesCEE receptacles1 CEE 16A, 5p, 400VCEE receptacles2 CEE 16A, 5p, 400VCEE receptaclesCEE receptaclesCEE receptaclesCEE receptaclesReceptacles SCHUKO ®3 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VReceptacles SCHUKO ®6 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VReceptacles SCHUKO ®3 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VReceptacles SCHUKO ®3 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VFusingFusing1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03AFusing1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03AFusingwith lead1,5 m H07RN-F5G1,5with SCHUKO ® plug16A, 230VConnection option2 m H07RN-F5G2,5 withCEE plug 16A, 5p, 400VConnection option1.5 m H07RN-F5G2,5with CEE plug16A, 5p, 400VConnection option2 m H07RN-F5G2,5 withCEE plug 16A, 5p, 400VEnclosure size130 x 225 mm (HxW)Part numberEnclosure size390 x 225 mm (HxW)Part numberEnclosure size650 x 112.5 mm (HxW)Part numberEnclosure size260 x 225 mm (HxW)Part number91003193002496006092003434
Protection type IP 44 / IP 67EnergyAMAXX ®Screw setAMAXX ®Attachment setAMAXX ®Cable glandsAMAXX ®Support/carrier frameConsisting of:4 screws 6 x 70 mm Pozidrivesize 3, galvanized steel4 Unive<strong>rs</strong>al dowels8 x 50 mm for concrete,aerated concrete, solidbricks, ventilated bricks,gypsum plaster boardsPart no. 990606for lateral installationof AMAXX ®combinations, for mountingeither on the left or righthand side (set of 2 for 1combination)Part no. 990620black RAL 9005, singlepackagingM 20for cable from6-13 mmIP 54: Part no. 990607IP 67: Part no. 990607 +O-ring 20405000yellow RAL 1003suitable for AMAXX ®Receptacle combinationswith the sizes:260 x 225 mm,390 x 225 mm and520 x 225 mmon the pages 24 to 34Part no. 15696M 32for cable from13-21 mmIP 54: Part no. 990608IP 67: Part no. 990608 +O-ring 20425000M 40for cable from14-28 mmIP 67: Part no. 99060935
ReferencesMAN Service-Station, Braunschweig, GermanySIGNAL IDUNA ParkDortmund, Germany36
EnergyYas Marina Circuit, Abu Dhabi, UAECeramica Marca Corona,Sassuolo, ItalyFor all solutions.At any time.All over theworld.37
"Finally, there is a complete solution for localindustrial data networks."All fromone source.38
Data transferYou are familiar with MENNEKES as a competent provider of high-quality industrial plugs andsockets. One current example are our AMAXX ® energy receptacle combinations.Based on this competence and the close cooperation with our custome<strong>rs</strong>, we have developeda new compact solution for energy and data on the basis of AMAXX ® .The result: a modular system that combines energy and data technology.Easily planned, calculatedand ordered◼ All energy and data componentsfrom one source.◼ Complete solution instead ofindividual installations.Modular structure◼ Equipped with standardnetwork components.◼ Easy retrofitting orexpansion.Suitable for industrialapplication and safe▪ Protection type IP 44 andIP 67.▪ Protected against dust,moisture and other environmentalinfluences.Industrial EthernetClearly arranged andappealing◼ Elegant and robust AMAXX ®enclosure system.◼ Also available in yellow.◼ Compact design.Physical separationbetween network andenergy enclosure.▪ More energy receptaclecombination units withCEE- and SCHUKO ®receptacles on pagespage 18 - 33.39
Industrial networkSystemsolutions suitedfor industrialneeds.Industrial Ethernet allows the utilization of the Ethernet standard for networkingdevices in industrial production. With Industrial Ethernet, you canincorporate devices required for coordination and control of productionprocesses into the present Ethernet network.floordistributorIncoming goods40
Industrial Ethernet by MENNEKES is optimally suited for establishing local networks or sub-networksin rough industrial environments. Wherever data and electricity are required in production orlogistics – for example in the incoming goods department or on field level (machine sector) or indispatch. And both indoo<strong>rs</strong> and outdoo<strong>rs</strong>. With industrial ethernet by MENNEKES individual installations,special solutions and overdimensioned distribution cabinets are things of the past.Main serverAdministrationIndustrial EthernetProduction41
Industrial network in detail3KRAFT ®Power supplyfor terminalRJ 45 data portreceptaclesequipmentElectronic measuring equipmentfor quality controlPC for incoming goods bookingsPrinter for storage receiptsLabel printer for weight notes42
Power supplyfor terminalequipmentIndustrial EthernetElectronic scale with electricsupplyModem for remote machinemaintenanceTouch screen BDE terminal43
Application example: Incoming goodsIn the network enclosure:◼ Fibre optic cable (OWG) bundlescan be connected through thesplice cassettes and distributed to6 OWG couple<strong>rs</strong> SC/ST duplex.◼ 1 OWG output is used for additionalnetwork enclosures in production.◼ 4 OWG outputs free (reserve).◼ 6-port Ethernet switch for DIN railinstallation with OWG port(ST, MM).◼ 1 short-circuit proof switchingpower supply 24V for DIN railinstallation (power supply fo<strong>rs</strong>witch).◼ 4 RJ45 Cu ports led throughvia lockable Cepex data port receptacles.◼ 1 RJ45 Cu port led through viaseparate lead for external connection(e.g. AirKRAFT ® ).Network enclosureEnergy enclosure44
productionNetwork enclosureEnergy enclosureIn the network enclosure:◼ 1 ready-made 4-fibreOWG breakout cable withST plugs.◼ 2 OWG fibres with ST plugsare located as reserve in thebottom part of the enclosure.◼ 3-port Ethernet switch forDIN rail installation withOWG port (ST, MM).◼ 1 short-circuit proof switchingpower supply 24V forDIN rail installation (powe<strong>rs</strong>upply for switch).◼ 3 RJ45 Cu ports led throughvia lockable Cepex data portreceptacles.Industrial EthernetAdvantages at a glance:◼ Physically separated enclosures with hinged Front cover.◼ Standard pre-punched cable inserts.◼ Cable gland set with several seal inserts for variable cable insertion.◼ External data access via lockable Cepex data port receptacles possible.◼ External installation by one single fitter.45
Rough operatingenvironment:Machining industryXXL network enclosure520 × 260 mm (H × W) witha Cepex data port receptacle2 × RJ45 and a Cepex dataport receptacle 2 × ST modules(OWG), for connectingmeasuring equipment inthe test field. An integratedreceptacle SCHUKO ® suppliesthe power for networkrevision.Top section: Power supplystiffener wall.Bottom section: Splicecassette with 6 OWGconnecto<strong>rs</strong> E2000 (DIAMOND),1 stiffener wall for protectingthe OWG fibres from contact.Fast installation of deviceswith pre-mounted networkinstallation kit with DIN railsand stiffener walls. Due toits unive<strong>rs</strong>al design and thegenerous installation depth,the XXL network enclosureallows the installation ofvaried network components.Industrial EthernetWith its protection degreeup to IP 67 and the impactresistant enclosure, thenetwork can also be installedfast and safely in extremeenvironments!XXL network enclosure with many different installation options.47
AMAXX ® empty enclosure with Cepex data port receptaclesStandard combinations made of AMAPLAST ® , Protection type IP 44Front cover electric grey RAL 7035 or yellow RAL 1021, bottom part with nuts for installation of a mounting plate, includinga height-adjustable mounting rail with mounting rail latches, cable glands with multiple sealing grommetsCepex data port receptacles with RJ45 connection1 pieceprepared for 2 E-DAT modules RJ45, OpDAT module LC or ST(Make BTR - not Delivery contains)Patch fieldCepex data port receptacles with RJ45 connection2 piecessame lock, prepared for 4 E-DAT modules RJ45, OpDAT module LC or ST(Make BTR - not Delivery contains)Patch fieldSwitchVoltage supplySwitchVoltage supplyWiring Cepex data port receptaclesWiring Cepex data port receptaclesEnclosure sizeEnclosure size130 x 225 mm (HxW)130 x 225 mm (HxW)Part numberPart number25104GE25104YellowGrey25102GE25102YellowGrey48
patch field, RJ45 connectionStandard combinations made of AMAPLAST ® , Protection type IP 44 / IP 67Front cover electric grey RAL 7035 or yellow RAL 1021, hinged to one side, bottom part with nuts for installation of amounting plate, including a height-adjustable mounting rail with mounting rail latches, cable glands with multiple sealinggrommetsCepex data port receptacles with RJ45 connectionPatch field1 pieceMaterial: sheet steel, powder-coated, colour blackfor mounting below transparent window including front plate,prepared for installation of max. 6 RJ45 modules type:BTR (E-Dat module 8(8) port)Rutenbeck (UM real. Cat. 6a, B)Dätwyler (Unilan RJ45 module MS-N 1/8 Cat. 6a)1 LWL T-SC Duplex coupling, 2 LWL T-ST couplingsConnection receptacles3 × Harting RJ45, type Han 3A, IP 67, metal design with self-closing lid.Delivery contains data module couplings RJ45, Cat.5 / class DPatch fieldIndustrial EthernetData modules can only be patched with open window!SwitchVoltage supplySwitchVoltage supplyWiring Cepex data port receptaclesWiring Cepex data port receptaclesEnclosure sizeEnclosure size390 x 225 mm (HxW)390 x 225 mm (HxW)Part numberPart number25307GE25307YellowGrey25703GE25703YellowGrey49
AMAXX ® with Cepex data port receptaclesStandard combinations made of AMAPLAST ® , Protection type IP 44Front cover electric grey RAL 7035 or yellow RAL 1021, hinged to one side, bottom part with nuts for installation of amounting plate, including a height-adjustable mounting rail with mounting rail latches, cable glands with multiple sealinggrommetsCepex data port receptacles with RJ45 connection2 piecessame lock, prepared for 4 E-DAT modules RJ45(Make BTR - not Delivery contains)Patch fieldCepex data port receptacles with RJ45 connection2 piecessame lock, with 4 RJ45 connection module couplingType E-DAT module coupling 8(8) 90°, Cat.6, Make BTRPatch field1for snapping onto a DIN-railMaterial: sheet steel, powder-coated, colour blackFront plate ready for fitting max. 8 RJ45 modules type:BTR (E-Dat module 8(8) port)Rutenbeck (UM real. Cat. 6a, B)Dätwyler (Unilan RJ45 module MS-N 1/8 Cat. 6a)Delivery contains: 4 connection modules type Type E-DAT module 8(8)port, Cat.6, Make: BTRSwitchVoltage supplySwitchVoltage supplyWiring Cepex data port receptaclesWiring Cepex data port receptaclespartly wired with 4 patch cables AWG26, 2RJ45, Cat.6with short cable bend protectionEnclosure sizeEnclosure size390 x 225 mm (HxW)260 x 225 mm (HxW)Part numberPart number25700GE25700YellowGrey25209GE25209YellowGrey50
Switch box / LWL switch boxStandard combinations made of AMAPLAST ® , Protection type IP 44Front cover electric grey RAL 7035 or yellow RAL 1021, hinged to one side, bottom part with nuts for installation of amounting plate, including a height-adjustable mounting rail with mounting rail latches, cable glands with multiple sealinggrommetsCepex data port receptacles with RJ45 connection2 piecessame lock, with 4 RJ45 connection module couplingType E-DAT module angle coupling 8(8) 90°, Cat. 6, Make BTRPatch field1for snapping onto a DIN-railFront plate ready for fitting max. 6 connection modulesRJ45, Cat.6, Real 10, Make: Reichle & De-MassariIll. similarDelivery contains:4 connection modules type RJ45, Real 10, Cat.6, screenedwith support plate incl. frame for snapping into the patch fieldMake: Reichle & De-MassariCepex data port receptacles with RJ45 connection2 piecessame lock, with 4 RJ45 connection module couplingType E-DAT module angle coupling 8(8) 90°, Cat. 6, Make BTRPatch fieldIndustrial EthernetSwitchVoltage supplyWiring Cepex data socketspartly wired with 4 patch cables AWG 26, 2 RJ45, Cat.6with short cable bend protectionSwitch1 FL switch SF 8TXUnmanaged Industrial EthernetSwitch with 8 TX portsData rate: 10/100 MBit/s24V DC, 0° to +60° Cmax. cable length: 100 mMake: PHOENIX ContactWiring Cepex data sockets4 patch cables AWG 26, 2 RJ45, Cat.6with short cable bend protectionVoltage supply1 power unit 24V DC-12W/0.5ARated voltage 12WEnclosure sizeEnclosure size260 x 225 mm (HxW)260 x 225 mm (HxW)Part numberPart number25211GE25211YellowGrey25212GE25212YellowGrey51
AMAXX ® with Cepex data port receptacles, Switch box / LWL switch boxStandard combinations made of AMAPLAST ® , Protection type IP 44Front cover electric grey RAL 7035 or yellow RAL 1021, hinged to one side, bottom part with nuts for installation of amounting plate, including a height-adjustable mounting rail with mounting rail latches, cable glands with multiple sealinggrommetsIll. similarCepex data port receptacles with RJ45 connection2 piecessame lock, with 4 RJ45 connection module couplingType E-DAT module angle coupling 8(8) 90°, Cat. 6, Make BTRPatch fieldCepex data port receptacles with RJ45 connection2 piecessame lock, with 4 RJ45 connection module couplingType E-DAT module angle coupling 8(8) 90°, Cat.6, Make BTRPatch field1Material: sheet steel, powder-coated, colour blackfor snapping onto a DIN-rail with 2 LWL modulesST/ST-MM couplings(Front plate prepared for installation of max. 8 connection modulesFutureCom S250, RJ45 or LWL modules FutureLink)Make: CORNING1 patch cable OpDAT Duplex ST-ST, 50/125, 1 mSwitch1 FL switch SF 7TX/FX, STUnmanaged Industrial EthernetSwitch with 7 TX ports and 1 FX portST socket: multi-mode fibre, 1300 nmData rate: 10/100 MBits/s, 24V DC,0° to +60° CMake: PHOENIX ContactWiring Cepex data port receptacles4 patch cables AWG 26, 2 RJ45, Cat.6with short cable bend protectionVoltage supply1 power unit 24V DC-12W/0,5ARated voltage 12WSwitchVoltage supply1 switch EL 100U2-6TX-1FX-ST-MM 1 power unit 24V DC-12W/0.5AUnmanaged industrial Ethernet layer Rated voltage 12W2 switch with 6 TX ports and 2 FX ports,ST socket: multi-mode fibre, 1300 nmData rate: 10/100 MBits/s24V DC, -10° to +55° CMake: EKSWiring Cepex data sockets4 patch cables AWG 26, 2 RJ45, Cat.6with short cable bend protectionEnclosure sizeEnclosure size260 x 225 mm (HxW)520 x 225 mm (HxW)Part numberPart number25213GE25213YellowGrey25402GE25402YellowGrey52
Compact network distributorCompact network distributorfor Energy and data.MENNEKES receptacle combination unit, ready wired for installation,protection type IP 44, physical separation of energy and dataEnclosure:1 AMAPLAST ® enclosure 118 × 170 mm (with 25705 H × B),160 x 245 mm (with 25715 H × B), electric grey RAL 7035Fitted with:2 (4) Receptacles SCHUKO ® 16A, 2p+E, 230V, IP 54, black RAL 90051 data socket Cepex attachment socket with 2 E-Dat modules RJ45, Make BTRwith lable field, lockable, IP 44, black RAL 9005Cable entries / supply:2 M 25 at the top (closed)1 M 25 at the bottom (with cable gland)1 M 25 2 x 8 at the bottom (with cable gland)(seal insert for 2 individual cables up to 8 mm diameter)with terminal for 1 cable up to 3 x 4 mm² (5 x 4 mm²)AccessoriesPart no. 25705 (2 SCHUKO ® receptacles)Part no. 25715 (4 SCHUKO ® receptacles)Industrial EthernetAMAXX ® DIN-rail adapterFor horizontal installation of switches, power units and relaysin empty AMAXX ® enclosure.Suitable for DIN-rail and floor installation.Installation height: 70 mmPart no. 2505853
ReferencesJulius Kleemann GmbH & Co. KG, Metallverpackungen, Karlstein, GermanyGildemeisterDrehmaschinen GmbHBielefeld, GermanyData andEnergy.54
Meyer Wharf Ship Construction Hall, Papenburg, GermanyTKMS Blohm + VossNordseewerke GmbH,Emden, GermanyIndustrial Ethernet55
AMAXX ® AutomationEnergy andautomationcomponents inone enclosure.56
AMAXX ® Automation offe<strong>rs</strong> new pe<strong>rs</strong>pectives for up to date industrial installations.This extended enclosure programme also cove<strong>rs</strong> the industrial secto<strong>rs</strong> in automation. Energy,industrial ethernet and automation can be installed jointly, space-saving and professionally in theproductive sector with its high mechanical demands.Simply planned▪ Enclosure solutions ready forthe installation of small controls(SPS), actuato<strong>rs</strong>, contacto<strong>rs</strong>,relays, KNX/EIB, or otherelectronic and pneumaticcomponents.Suitable for industrialapplication and safe▪ Protection type IP 44and IP 67.▪ Protected against dust,moisture and other environmentalinfluences.Clearly defined andappealing▪ Elegant and robust AMAXX ®enclosure system.▪ Also available in yellow.▪ Compact design.Clear installation advantages▪ Shorter installation times.▪ Less material required.▪ Fast installation of theenclosures.Physical separation ofnetwork and energyenclosure with seperatingmembrane plate.▪ Power supply also possiblefrom the top through anempty tube.Automation57
1Cable glands with4Mounting platemultiple sealing grommetswith pre-mounted support railfor cable with diamete<strong>rs</strong> from 5-7 mmand blanking plugs5Separation plate withmembrane bushes2Empty tube for supply cableDustproof, easy to install, alsofrom the top, for safe separationsuited for the separation of special cablesof the energy cables, 19 mm diameter6Fine-wire fuse for mains unit3Snap-in DIN-railsFuse clamp with glas tube fuse T 6.3Adifferent installation depths possibleDimension drawing 1 MB 571-5Top view of the enclosure ReductionM 40 to M 32Lettermma 204b 184Closed handle attachmentc Ø 7d 670Bottom enclosure viewe 650f 75g 130h 125i 135Support rails latchable in two heights.(Delivery contains 4 support rails)j 125k 60l 7MembranesM32MembranesM32m 145n 225Plug-type separation wall(order no.: 161561)Rear view MP windowo 175p 111q 102r 67s 50t 174u 113Automationv 62w 180x 30.65y 35.5059
Electronic counter. Pneumatics. SPS.Application examplewith a small controland a pneumaticvalve.Possible application fields:• Machine and production facilities: Installation of compact controls SPS• Sewage treatment plants and water works: Pump control, dosingand fill level monitoring• Building management: Heating, air conditioning, ventilation andlighting• Agriculture: Feed and climate control• Alarm management: data recording and error signalling modules GSMTransparent operating window, secured withscrews, can only be opened with a tool.The modulplates can be fitted withpush buttons or indicating camps with22.3 mm diameter.The emergency stop button is well visible onthe yellow enclosure and easy to actuate.60
AMAXX ® automation enclosureStandard combinations made of AMAPLAST ® , Protection type IP 44Front cover electric grey RAL 7035 or yellow RAL 1021, hinged to one side, bottom part with nuts for installation of amounting plate, including: a height-adjustable DIN-rail with mounting rail latches, cable glands with multiple sealinggrommetsTriple data enclosurewith transparent operating window (lockable)3 × liftable DIN-rails1 × mounting plate 230 × 166 mm, mounted1 × mounting plate 130 × 166 mm, mounted1 × empty tube with 19 mm diameter (for seperation of supply cable)1 × seperation plate with 2 membranes M 32Triple data enclosurewith transparent operating window (lockable)3 × liftable DIN-rails1 × mounting plate 230 × 166 mm, mounted1 × mounting plate 130 × 166 mm, mounted1 × empty tube with 19 mm diameter (for seperation of supply cable)1 × seperation plate with 2 membranes M 32CEE receptacles Receptacles SCHUKO ®2 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VCEE receptacles Receptacles SCHUKO ®1 CEE 16A, 5p, 400V 2 SCHUKO ® 16A, 230VFusing1 FI 25A, 2p, 0,03A2 LS 16A, 1p, C1 glas tube fuse T 6.3AEnclosure sizeFusing1 FI 40A, 4p, 0,03A1 LS 16A, 3p, C2 LS 16A, 1p, C1 glas tube fuse T 6.3AEnclosure sizeAutomation650 x 225 mm (HxW)650 x 225 mm (HxW)Part numberPart number25505GE25505YellowGrey25506GE25506YellowGrey61
Application examples:Sewage treatment plantSewage treatment plantSachtleben GmbH,Meggen, GermanyHa<strong>rs</strong>h environment:Local sewage treatmentplantThe transmission of processdata from overflow protecto<strong>rs</strong>,level senso<strong>rs</strong> and separato<strong>rs</strong>to the control room is realisedwith a small control with GSMmodule.The laptop is connected to theSPS with a patch cable and anRJ45 plug directly from outsidevia the operating window.62
QuarryGrevenbrücker Kalkwerk GmbH & Co.KG, a company of Schaeferkalk Group, Grevenbrück, GermanyHa<strong>rs</strong>h environment:The motor is pre-heated electrically to start the 60 tdump truck. This prevents long warm-up times of theengine and the dump truck is ready for operation rightafter starting up.The drive<strong>rs</strong> should be able to start and monitor theheating process at anytime, anywhere via the mobilephone network.Outside temperatures are thus considered in realtime.To safely protect the sensitive GSM module and the loadrelay from strong dust impact and moisture, the deviceswere installed in a dust and spray water-protectedAMAXX ® enclosure.Thanks to the yellowsignal colour, the drive<strong>rs</strong>can already detect theenclosure from afar. Inaddition, it is protectedfrom passing vehicles inthe T-bar.Remotecontrolvia mobilephone.Automation63
MENNEKESElektrotechnik GmbH & Co. KGIndustrial plugs and socketsAloys-Mennekes-Str. 1D-57399 KirchhundemRefer to our brochures and catalogues to keep up to date.Download the latest ve<strong>rs</strong>ions from our website in practicalPDF format or request print copies by phone or E-Mail.Tel. +49 (0) 27 23 / 41-1Fax +49 (0) 27 23 / 41-2 14info@MENNEKES.dewww.MENNEKES.dePowerTOP ® Xtra.Plugs and connecto<strong>rs</strong> fortoughest conditions.Screwless connections.For CEE plugs, connecto<strong>rs</strong>and receptacles.Distributo<strong>rs</strong>.For ceiling, wall andfl o o r.For energy, data,compressed air and light.Event and entertainmenttechnology.Plugs and receptacles fo<strong>rs</strong>tage, TV, radio andopen air events.Stainless steeldistributo<strong>rs</strong>. Wind andweather proof.Service stations for powerand water. Save operation atany time of a year.MENNEKES catalogue.For further information please visit our website:www.MENNEKES.deRequest brochures by phone at:+49 (0) 27 23 / 41-1Request brochures by E-Mail to:service@MENNEKES.deService byMENNEKES ® .Always wellinformed.958000DS 5TA 03.10S