Report Descriptions - Oconee Fall Line Technical College

Report Descriptions - Oconee Fall Line Technical College

Report Descriptions - Oconee Fall Line Technical College

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DPR Sitehttps://kms.tcsg.edu/DPR/<strong>Report</strong>sResearch/<strong>Report</strong>Desc.aspxPage 17 of 2711/8/2012CCG DPR TEST -DC274 All Metrics -<strong>College</strong>DPROnly8 MISThis is TEST data. It is for internal use by DPRStaff Only for testing purposes and runsagainst CCA_STATE_TEST table. The Context,Progress and Outcome metrics for Complete<strong>College</strong> Georgia (CCG) all in one report for theselected college. This report has no drilldownviews to campus, major or student, it displaysonly the totals for the college.Graduates with Certificates/Diplomas of lessthan one year, at least one year but less thantwo, at least two years but less than four, andAssociate Degrees by Discipline. There is adrilldown to a summary by discipline.Graduates with Certificates/Diplomas of lessthan one year, at least one year but less thantwo, at least two years but less than four, andAssociate Degrees. There is a drilldown tostudent demographic information that isexportable to Excel.Graduates with Certificates/Diplomas of lessthan one year, at least one year but less thantwo, at least two years but less than four, andAssociate Degrees by Major. There is adrilldown to student demographic informationthat is exportable to Excel.A first time, <strong>Fall</strong> Cohort forCertificates/Diplomas of at least one year butless than two and for Associate Degrees. Thesestudents are tracked to determine graduationtimes of 100%, 150% and 200%. The datadisplays by award level, Full Time/PartTime/Transfer and Home Campus. There is adrilldown to student demographic informationthat is exportable to Excel.A first time, <strong>Fall</strong> Cohort forCertificates/Diplomas of at least one year butless than two and for Associate Degrees. Thesestudents are tracked to determine graduationtimes of 100%, 150% and 200%. The datadisplays by award level, Full Time/PartTime/Transfer, then by Home Campus,Program Area (PAS) Group and Major. There isa drilldown to student demographic informationthat is exportable to Excel.Students who are not in High School, enrolledfor the first time at any postsecondaryinstitution as a non-High School student. Ofthis cohort, the number enrolled in only Math,only English, or both Math and English LearningSupport classes during their first academic year(during <strong>Fall</strong> through the following Summer).There is a drilldown to students by homecampus and from there a drilldown toDC248Outcome 1 DegreeProduction - ByDisciplineLevel28 MISDC246Outcome 1 DegreeProduction - By HCLevel28 MISDC247Outcome 1 DegreeProduction - ByMajorLevel28 MISDC242Outcome 2Graduation Rate -By HCLevel28 MISDC243Outcome 2Graduation Rate -By MajorLevel28 MISDC249Progress 1 Enrollin Remedial - ByHCLevel2FY MIS

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