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ANALOG CORNERAnalog Signal ChainHeadsetMic 1Mic 2Mic 3TRS/TRRSEnhancedAccessoryDetection3 chADCDA7322DSPMulti-ch Beamforming,Acoustic Echo Cancellation,Noise SuppressionDRC (Compressor/Expander/Noise Gate),Psychoacoustic Bass Boost,n-band Equalizer,Volume LevellingAsync Sample Rate Conversion3D SoundAlways On Voice Trigger4 chDACSPI / I 2 C 3 x I 2 S PLLL HeadphoneClass GR HeadphoneClass GL SpeakerL Line OutR SpeakerR Line OutDA7322/23: Multi-Channel DSP CODECwith Beamforming, Voice Trigger andEnhanced Accessory DetectionDA7322/23 is a family of multi-channel audio DSPCODEC with an integrated voice engine package, voicetrigger and enhanced accessory detection, suitable forthe next generation of portable multimedia devices. The24-bit DSP engine integrates a voice package includingmulti-channel beamforming, noise suppression andacoustic echo cancellation (AEC). This facilitateshigh performance speech enhancement with greatlyimproved voice quality for VoIP and speech recognitionapplications. The embedded DSP engine also providesa variety of audio enhancements and processing.XR1008/XR2008 AND XR1009/XR2009:Low Power Rail-to-Rail AmplifiersThe XR1008/XR2008 are single/dual amplifiers offering75MHz bandwidth while consuming only 505µA supplycurrent and the lower power XR1009/XR2009 single/dual amplifiers provide 35MHz at only 208µA supplycurrent. When compared to other competing productson the market today, the XR1008/XR2008 devicesoffer 6 times the bandwidth and even the lower powerXR1009/XR2009 devices offer 3 times the bandwidth.The XR1008/XR2008 single/dual amplifiers targetindustrial applications such as smart meters, ultrasonicheat meters and other applications requiring highspeed and low power. The XR1009/XR2009 are single/dual amplifiers with an ultra low 200µA supply currentfor portable instrumentation and applications such asinteractive whiteboards.FEATURES• Multi-channel DSP CODEC with ultra low powerstereo headphone driver• TRS/TRRS (three pole or four pole) enhancedaccessory detection• Three bidirectional I 2 S interface with asynchronoussample rate conversion• PDM output support for digital input Class D speakers• Voice package including multi-microphonebeamforming, noise suppression and acoustic echocancellation AEC• DSP filter engine• Analog and digital microphone support• EasyRoute ball out arrangement in the66 WL-CSP packageFEATURES• 505μA supply current• -0.3V to 3.8V input voltage range with 5V supply• 50V/µs slew rate• 15mA linear output current• Fully specified at 2.7V and 5V supplies• Up to 75MHz bandwidth• 0.07V to 4.86V output voltage range with 5V supply• 12nV/√Hz input voltage noise• TSOT-5, MSOP-8 and SOIC-8 packages• 1k MSRP: $0.51 to $0.82 USISL28025: Precision Digital Power Monitorwith Real Time AlertsThe ISL28025 is a bidirectional high side and low sidedigital current sense and voltage monitor with a serialinterface. The device monitors power supply currentand voltage and provides the digital results alongwith calculated power. The ISL28025 provides tightaccuracy of less than 0.1% for both voltage and currentmonitoring. The ISL28025 serial interface is PMBuscompatible and operates down to 1.2V voltage. It drawsan average current of just 1.3mA and is available in thespace saving 16 ball WLCSP package.FEATURES• 0V to 60V bus voltage sense range• High or low (RTN) side sensing• Auxiliary low voltage input channel• Programmable averaging modes• Internal temperature sense• 55 I 2 C slave addresses• 0.05% voltage and current gain error• Bidirectional current sensing• ∆∑ADC, 16-bit native resolution• Internal 3.3V regulator• I 2 C/SMBus/PMBus interface• 1k MSRP: starting at $0.95 USDrivers®AP1695: 500V Offline, High PF,High Efficiency Dimmable LED Driver ICThe AP1695 is a high performance power factor (PF)corrected LED driver for offline dimmable retrofit lamps.It uses a boundary conduction mode (BCM)/pulsefrequency modulation (PFM) technology to regulateoutput current with high power factor/low THD, andlow EMI. The AP1695 uses primary side regulationto regulate the LED current, removing the need foroptocouplers and loop compensation thereforereducing the total solution cost.To buy products or download data, go towww.FutureElectronics.com/FTMFEATURES• BCM operation• Wide range of dimmer compatibility• Low start-up current• Valley-mode switching to minimize thetransition loss• Easy EMI• High PF and low THD (PF>0.9, THD

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