March/April 2009 - Port Canaveral

March/April 2009 - Port Canaveral

March/April 2009 - Port Canaveral

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Boosting LOCAL IMPORT/EXPORT CAPACITYIn February, the <strong>Port</strong> Authority partnered with the EconomicDevelopment Commission of Florida’s Space Coast (EDC) to hosta full-day seminar on international trade. The seminar was freeof charge and designed to educate new-to-export businesseson trade basics and expand the knowledge of experiencedimporters and exporters.“We got involved because we believe that good education,along with maximization of our foreign trade zone’s positiveinfluence, are important ways to increase our community’sopportunities in global trade,” said the <strong>Port</strong>’s Deputy ExecutiveDirector of Business Development Robert Giangrisostomi.“And experts will tell you that global trade is essential to oureconomic recovery on a local and national level.”The seminar was held at the <strong>Port</strong>’s Maritime Center and fundedby an international trade grant awarded to the EDC by the stateof Florida and Enterprise Florida. It included a welcome addressby <strong>Port</strong> CEO Stan Payne plus talks by seven other speakerswith varying perspectives on the business of internationaltrade in Brevard County. During breaks and after the seminar,participants were given an opportunity to network with, andask questions of, representatives from foreign trade zoneoperators, freight forwarders and customs brokers who areclosely involved in trade through the <strong>Port</strong>.Trade experts at the state (Enterprise Florida) and federal(Department of Commerce) levels conducted a joint seminar thatwas a highlight. It was a two-part talk entitled ‘Export 101.’ Otherspeakers included a certified public accountant who spoke aboutAttendees learn about transportation and foreign trade zone servicesoffered at the <strong>Port</strong>tax strategies, a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcementagent and a specialist in global trade financing. Shannon Feeley,a <strong>Port</strong> Business Development Manager, educated the audienceon the purpose, benefits and process of getting involved with<strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong>’s Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) 136.The $60,000 grant that provided funding for the seminar alsowill enable the EDC to offer mini-grants to local companiesinterested in securing new foreign business and help the <strong>Port</strong>Authority maximize the effectiveness of FTZ 136.The <strong>Port</strong> is engaged in analyzing the boundaries of this traderesource to see if they efficiently meet the needs of BrevardCounty and to identify additional areas that could benefitfrom inclusion. Several local municipalities attended the tradeseminar to educate themselves in preparation for discussionsabout potential boundary adjustments, which could be put intoeffect next year.Second <strong>Port</strong>s Group VISITS THE SPACE COAST<strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong> hosted a meeting of the South Atlantic andCaribbean <strong>Port</strong>s Association (SAPCA) on <strong>March</strong> 5-6, attendedby about 50 representatives of organizations with an interest inpromoting trade in the region. This is the second time in recentmonths that the <strong>Port</strong> has brought industry representativesinto the area to enjoy a Space Coast welcome and boost localhospitality revenues. In December, the North Atlantic <strong>Port</strong>sAssociation held its first meeting south of Virginia here.A reception and dinner were held for the SACPA at the RadissonResort at the <strong>Port</strong> in Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, followed by a morning oftalks and discussion. <strong>Port</strong> CEO Stan Payne addressed participantsabout growth at <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong>, especially the successful cruisebusiness and how it has been developed and sustained, andthe $125 million Seaport <strong>Canaveral</strong> petroleum terminal — thelargest private investment at the <strong>Port</strong>.<strong>Canaveral</strong> <strong>Port</strong> Authority CEO Stan Payne welcomed the visitors andbriefed them on the <strong>Port</strong>’s business.Dr. Walter Kemmsies, Chief Economist with Moffatt & Nichol,presented an informative talk on the current economy with10 <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2009</strong> PORT CANAVERAL

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