Sept-October 2010 - Preview

Sept-October 2010 - Preview

Sept-October 2010 - Preview


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Lil ChrzanILLUMINATIONS<strong>Sept</strong>ember 21-<strong>October</strong> 17Opening Reception:<strong>Sept</strong>ember 21, 7-9pmThe Sound of Stillness, <strong>2010</strong>, oil on canvas, 36" x 48"Photo: image this photographics4360 Gallant Ave,North Vancouver, BCV7G 1L2604-924-1378www.seymourartgallery.com★ Hunter Bisset Gallery2035-88 W Pender St, Tinseltown Mall✆778-373-9165 604-715-5608www.hunterbisset.comwed-sat 12-5:30pm sun 12-4:30pmmon & tues by appt. Sep 9-Oct 3Christina Renaud, Paige Vanderkemp,Brian Ball, Linda Jones, Carla Rasmussenand Wakako Sekimoto,“Pieces of the Whole”, new works bygallery artists; Oct 7-31 Cheryl Hunter,Kim Pollard and Danuta Frydrych,“Light and Dark”, for every light there isa shadow, for every joy there is a sadness,without that dichotomy we cannottruly see what is before us.Ian Tan Gallery2202 Granville St ✆604-738-1077www.iantangallery.common-sat 10am-6pm sun 12-5pm.Sep 11-30 Wim Blom, paintings; Oct2-21 David Wilson, paintings.Inuit Gallery of Vancouver206 Cambie St, Gastown✆604-688-7323 888-615-8399www.inuit.common-sat 10am-6pm sun 11am-5pm.Sep 18-Oct 8 Landscape, originaldrawings by Inuit artists illustratingthe landscape, some depict the bountyand expanse of the Arctic tundra,while others a more abstract landscapeof the mind, a fascinating viewof the environment through Inuit eyes;Oct 15-Nov 5, Cape Dorset AnnualPrint Release; Oct 23-Nov 12 ArcticAviary, Inuit sculpture depicting thesubject of birds, both literally and assymbols of spiritual flight.JACANA Gallery2435 Granville St ✆604-879-9306www.jacanagallery.comtues-sat 10am-6pm sun 12-5pm. ThruSep 12 Peng Liu, “A Gift from Johann”,paintings draw our attention to thepassing of time and capture moments inbetween; Sep 15-Oct 10 VeronicaPlewman, “Waterways and Inlets, NewLandscapes”, landscapes reflect themoodiness and mercurial rhythms ofWest Coast weather and topography;Oct 1-Nov 7 Michael Cutlip, “NewWorks”, paintings are intricate collagesof playful world unfolds and involve randomimagery, colours that reference the1950s kitchen and gestural markingscombine with wry visual wit to create asense of order in disorder.★ Jennifer Kostuik Gallery1070 Homer St ✆604-737-3969www.kostuikgallery.common-wed and fri-sat 10am-6pm thurs10am-8pm sun 1-5pm. Sep 16-Oct 17William Betts, reverse drilled mirroredplexi works exploring cultural aspectsof images and memory, the imagesselected represent personal memoriesusing other people’s pictures acting asavatars for Betts’ own life.★ Jeunesse Galleryof Fine Arts2668 W 4th Ave ✆604-737-2438www.jeunessegallery.common-sun 10am-6pm. Thru Sep IvDrou, “Autumn colours”, tempera onpaper; Thru Oct Roxsane Tiernan,“City of Treasures”, recent mixedmedia works.Jewish Museum & Archivesof British Columbia300-950 W 41st Ave ✆604-257-5199www.jewishmuseum.casun 1-5pm, mon-thurs 10am-5pm, fri10am-3pm. Thru Oct 7 Home Awayfrom Home: Building Identity and Communityat Jewish Summer Camps;Opening Oct 21 In Search of the JewishRoyal City; Ongoing The Ties That Bind,a history of the Jewish communities ofB.C. from 1858 to the present.Joyce Williams AntiquePrints & Maps114-1118 Homer St, Yaletown ✆604-688-7434www.jwprintsandmaps.comtues-sat 11am-5pm. Offering a largeselection of antique maps, Japanesewoodblock prints, botanical, architectural,natural history, decorative andfine art prints from the 16th-20th centuries,featuring Charles van Sandwyk,etchings and watercolours andMitsuaki Sora, woodblock prints. Oct15-16 Vancouver Antiquarian BookFair, Vancouver Public Library, 350 WGeorgia St, Vancouver, BC.Katherine McLean Studio1-1359 Cartwright St (Rear), GranvilleIsland✆604-684-8452 604-377-6689www.katherinemclean.comthurs-sun 11am-5pm. Sep-Oct KatherineMcLean, “Unintended Gardens”,contemporary encaustic painting andceramic sculpture, a celebration of thewildflowers of the roadside and mountainmeadows.54 PREVIEW ■ SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER <strong>2010</strong> ★ OPEN LATE ON FIRST THURSDAYS

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