Sept-October 2010 - Preview

Sept-October 2010 - Preview

Sept-October 2010 - Preview


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Uno Langmann Limited2117 Granville St.✆604-736-8825 800-730-8825www.langmann.comtues-sat 10am-5pm or by appt. Sep“Squeak and Squawk”, paintings andbronze sculptures by 19th C. artistsFrancois van Severdonck, PierreJules Mene, Paul Delabrierre,Thomas Bretland, Michael Thirkildsen,Arthur Bartels and Eugene Verboeckhoven;Oct “Destination: TheGreat White North”, historical works byCanadian John A. Hammond, ManlyMacDonald, Frederic Marlett Bell-Smith, Eric Riordon, John Little,Rene Richard, Alice Blair Thomas andFrank S. Panabaker; Ongoing Rotatingselection of museum quality paintings,objets d’art, and antiques from Europeand North America.★ Vancouver Art Gallery750 Hornby St 604-662-4700✆604-662-4719 (24-hr info line)www.vanartgallery.bc.cadaily 10am-5pm, tues 10am-9pm. Specialadmission (incl tax): adults $19.50,seniors (65+) $14, students $13, children5-12 $7, children 4 and uder free,family (maximum 2 adults, 2 children)$50, members free. Reference Librarywed-fri 1-5pm. Thru Sep 6 The ModernWoman: Drawings by Degas, Renoir,Toulouse-Lautrec and Other Masterpiecesfrom the Musée d’Orsay, Paris,more than 90 works by 19th C. artists;Fiona Tan: Rise and Fall, video installations;OFFSITE, THE GALLERY’S PUBLIC ARTSPACE AT GEORGIA AND THURLOW Ken Lum,new installation; Sep 25-Jan 16, 2011Robert Adams: The Place We Live, ARetrospective Selection of Photographs,traces Adam’s longstandingengagement with the degradation of theenvironment in the face of suburbandevelopment; Oct 2-Jan 23, 2011Jasper Morrison and Naoto Fukasawa,“Everything Everyday”, two designerswho used the term ‘super normal’ todescribe the design of everydayobjects – in order to be recognized assuper normal, objects and events mustremain rooted in the everyday whilesimultaneously signaling their difference;Oct 2-Jan 16, 2011 Song Dong:Waste Not, an installation collaborationbetween the artist and his mother, ZhaoXiangyuan of his mother’s house withover 10,000 worn and broken objects;Thru Jan 3, 2011 In Dialogue with Carr:Douglas Coupland, Evan Lee, LizMagor, Marianne Nicolson, pairing thework of Emily Carr with key contemporaryB.C. artists to draw out a dialoguebetween Carr’s legacy and the artists’response to it; Kerry James Marshall,selection of remarkarble canvases thatdraw critically from both African-Americanhistory and classical painting traditions;Bearing Witness: Works from theCollection, reflects on a number ofsocial and political conditions.Vancouver Maritime Museum1905 Ogden Ave, (in Vanier Park)✆604-257-8300www.vancouvermaritimemuseum.comtues-sat 10am-5pm sun 12-5pm.Admission: $11 adults, $8.50 students,seniors, youth, $30 family, 5 and underfree. HST extra. We Stand On GuardFor Thee, artifacts and paintings commemoratingthe Canadian Navy Centennial;Ebb Flow and Tide, exhibit by theCanadian Artists Society.W2 Storyeum151 W Cordova Stwww.newformsfestival.comdaily 12-7pm. Admission: free or bydonation. Sep 10-18 Traversing ElectronicNarratives, part of New FormsFestival #10, featuring work developedin Vancouver over the past 10 years onthemes of change, location, surveillance,exploration, myth, travel andmeditation, curated by Malcolm Levy;Vancouver Design Nerds and eatArt,“Gramorail”, pedal-powered marriageof kinetic sculpture, vehicle and stagethat allows people to create sound andtechnology through their own energy.Western Front Gallery303 E 8th Ave ✆604-876-9343www.front.bc.catues-sat 12-5pm. Sep 10-Oct 23Sarah Foulquier: Angle Mort (BlindSpot), drawing on the vocabularies ofarchitecture and design, the exhibitincludes sculpture, video and photographicworks that consider the waysin which we sense the physical world.Winsor Gallery3025 Granville St ✆604-681-4870www.winsorgallery.common-sat 10am-6pm. Sep 9-Oct 2 SteveDriscoll, new landscapes shaped by thequiet stillness of the forest and themarch of time, where the intense qualitiesof weather, light and atmosphereare reflected by the expressive use ofpaint; Oct 7-30 Dana Claxton, multimediaartist presents new work exploringideas of spirit, autonomy, beauty,transformation and justice; ThaddeusHolownia, recent photographic seriesconsider the materiality of wood as ametaphor.VERNONAshpa Naira Gallery & Studio9492 Houghton Rd ✆250-549-4249www.ashpanairagallery.comopen May 1-Oct 15 fri-sun 10am-6pm orby appt. Located in Killiney on the westside of Okanagan Lake, this contemporaryart gallery and studio, owned byartist Carolina Sanchez de Bustamante,features original art in a home and gardensetting. Discover a diverse group ofemerging and established Okanagan andCanadian artists in painting, textiles,sculptures and ceramics.Vernon Public Art Gallery3228 31st Ave ✆250-545-3173www.vernonpublicartgallery.common-fri 10am-5pm sat 11am-4pm.Thru Oct 14 David Alexander, “MovingTargets”, focus on the process of landscapeimage development, includesfour large-scale paintings created in thestudio and approximately 50 smallerworks created directly at several sites inCanada that include the High Arctic,Newfoundland, the Canadian Rockiesand B.C.; Scott Bertram, “Unfixed”,body of abstract paintings focused onthe possibilities of the transmission ofmeaning in a non-objective pictorial representation;Brian Monteith, “UnfinishedBusiness”, portraiture-basedexhibition dedicated to Ross Friesen;Sookinchoot Youth Centre, “The Seeingof Oneself”, featuring artwork from theSookinchoot Youth Centre.VICTORIA★ Alcheringa Gallery665 Fort St ✆250-383-8224www.alcheringa-gallery.comSep mon-sat 9:30am-7:30pm sun 12-5pm, Oct mon-sat 9:30am-5:30pmsun 12-5pm. Thru Sep GalleryArtists: Masterworks of ContemporaryIndigenous Art, featuring 2- and3-D works from the Northwest Coastof Canada and Papua New Guinea;Sep 23-Oct 30 “Pacific Patterns andDreamings”, exploration of the elementsof form across indigenous culturesof the Pacific Rim, a selection of60 PREVIEW ■ SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER <strong>2010</strong> ★ OPEN LATE ON FIRST THURSDAYS

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