Sept-October 2010 - Preview

Sept-October 2010 - Preview

Sept-October 2010 - Preview


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ilies free. Thru Oct 31 New Old and NewNew: Recent Acquisitions of Asian Art,features art created from 1629 to 2009;Thru Jan 16, 2011 Fleeting Beauty(Reprise), six never before exhibitedwoodblock prints; Ongoing ChineseArt: A Seattle Perspective, includesworks from each dynastic period,including jades, ceramics, sculptures,painting, calligraphy, bronzes and contemporarywork; Live Long and Prosper:Auspicious Motifs in East AsianArt, work from the Chinese, Japaneseand Korean collections including paintings,lacquerware, jade, textiles andporcelain; “Looking West, Finding East”,modern Japanese prints from the 50sand 60s, with sculptures and paintingsby George Tsutakawa and Paul Horiuchi,and modern and contemporaryceramics by Yanagihara Mutsuo.★ Shift Studio105-306 S Washington St, TashiroKaplan Bldg info@shiftstudio,orgwww.shiftstudio.orgfri & sat 12-5pm or by appt. Sep 2-25Jessie Lyle and Fred Runkel, “Light,Shadow and Liminality”, series of paintings,photographs and prints made inconsideration of thresholds, passagewaysand spaces in between; Oct 7-30Adam Campbell, Basil Seymour-Davis, Dana Idlet, Duane Gardner,Greg Moore, Jan Gosnell, JenniferLibby Fay, Leilani Law, Maggie Ivy,Megan Chapman, Sabine Schmidt,Samual Grey and William MayesFlanagan, “Thirteen underground”, 13studio member artists from FayettevilleUnderground in Fayetteville, Arkansas.SPAC GallerySeattle Pacific University3 W Cremona ✆206-281-2079www.spu.edu/depts/viscom/page/community/cgallery.aspmon-fri 9am-5pm. Oct 11-Dec 3 “Ripe”,contemporary experiments in the genreof still life that can remind us of thebeauty that’s painful and bloody - birth,woundedness, ecstasy, transformation,decay and death, artists include GalaBent, Zack Bent, Eric Elliot, LindaHutchins, Gregory Jacobsen, SteveLevin, Christian van Minnen andNatalie St. Martin.★ Traver Gallery200-110 Union St ✆206-587-6501www.travergallery.comtues-fri 10am-6pm sat 10am-5pmsun 12-5pm Open 1st Thurs Artwalks5-8pm. Located just across the streetfrom the Seattle Art Museum, theTraver Gallery is one of the country’spremier exhibition spaces for contemporarystudio glass, painting, sculptureand installation art. Sep 3-Oct 3Shelley Muzylowski-Allen and DeboraMoore; Oct 8-31 Gregory Grenon,Nick Mount and Richard Marquis.★ Vetri International Glass1404 1st Ave ✆206-667-9608www.vetriglass.common-sat 10am-6pm sun 12-5pm.Showcasing emerging talent in artglass as well as production work byinternationally renowned artists suchas Dale Chihuly, Martin Blank andDavide Salvadore. Vetri representsthe work of over a hundred artists.Western Bridge3412 4th Ave S ✆206-838-7444www.westernbridge.orgthurs-sat 12-6pm and by appt. Admissionis free. Sep 11-Dec 18 MartinCreed, four works built around theoppositions contained in the title“Open/Closed, Big/Small, Full/Empty,On/Off”; Tauba Auerbach, “Ouroboros1”, an 8-part cycle of folded photographicprints using folds as its primarydevice and only imagery.SPOKANENorthwest Museum ofArts & Culture2316 W First Ave ✆24-hr hotline:509-456-3931 509-363-5344www.northwestmuseum.orgwed-sat 10am-5pm. Admission: adults$7, seniors and students $5, childrenunder 5 and Museum members free,Family MACFest Days $15, 1st fridaysby donation 5-8pm. Sep 1-May 2011100 Curious Things, marks the start ofincreased public digital access to theMAC collection; Thru Oct 9 Harold Balazs,largest overview of Balazs’ extensivecareer; Thru Oct Rob Roberts,"Gathering to Sing and Dance", photographsof the local, regional and visitingtribal peoples’ traditional summer celebrations;Oct 30-May 7, 2011 Women'sVoices, Women's Votes, WashingtonState celebrates its centennial ofwomen's suffrage; Thru Nov 13 RubenTrejo: Beyond Boundaries, Aztlán ymás allá, survey of over 45 years ofsculpture, mixed media constructions,paintings and drawings; Thru Dec 4Mestizo: Collections and CulturalFusions, unique Mestizo identity fusedfrom the disparate cultures of theindigenous people and the colonizingEuropeans; Thru Apr 23, 2011 LivingLegacy: The American Indian Collection,explores the MAC’s American IndianCollection with a focus on the ColumbiaRiver Plateau tribes; OngoingSpokane Timeline: Personal Voices,century of Spokane history; CampbellHouse Tours in the historic turn of the20th century house offered hourly 12-3pm Wed-Sat.TACOMA★ Museum of Glass1801 Dock St ✆253-284-4750www.museumofglass.orgwed-sat 10am-5pm sun 12-5pm 3rdthurs 10am-8pm (free admission 5-8pm). Admission: free for members,$12 adults, $10 seniors, military andstudents (13+ with ID), $10 groups of10+, $5 children (6-12 yrs), childrenunder 6 free, admission is free every3rd thurs from 5-8pm. Thru Sep 19Preston Singletary: Echoes, Fire andShadows; Oct 23-Sep 6, 2011 GlimmeringGone: Beth Lipman andIngalena Klenell; Thru Jun 2011 Mastersof Studio Glass: Richard CraigMeitner; Thru Oct 2011 Kids DesignGlass, 52 glass sculptures designed bychildren and crafted by professionalglass artists; Ongoing MAIN PLAZAREFLECTING POOL Martin Blank: FluentSteps, monumental sculpture of individualislands of glass span the entirelength of the 210 ft-long reflecting pool;Cappy Thompson, “Gathering theLight”, installation of painted stories onglass.Tacoma Art Museum1701 Pacific Ave ✆253-272-4258www.TacomaArtMuseum.orgwed-sun 10am-5pm, 3rd Thurs 10am-8pm, free from 5-8pm. Admission:members free, adults $9,students/military/seniors (65+) $8,family $25 (2 adults + up to 4 childrenunder 18), children 5 and under free.Thru Oct 3 Where Sky Meets Earth:The Luminous Landscapes of VictoriaAdams, landscape paintings;Opening Oct 21 Mighty Tacoma: PhotographicPortrait <strong>2010</strong>, interactivecelebration and creative exercise incommemoration of Tacoma Art Museum’s75th Anniversary Year; Thru Feb80 PREVIEW ■ SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER <strong>2010</strong> ★ OPEN LATE ON FIRST THURSDAYS

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