Sept-October 2010 - Preview

Sept-October 2010 - Preview

Sept-October 2010 - Preview


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www.elizabethleach.comJustine Kurland: This Train is Bound for GloryELIZABETH LEACH GALLERY, PORTLAND OR – Sep 2-Oct 2, <strong>2010</strong> Justine Kurland and her young sonCasper spend months at time travelling throughout the American West on photographic road trips thatcapture as well as become the subjects of her work. The New York-based photographer gained recognitionright out of graduate school, and is known for her idyllic photos of adolescent girls, women andtheir children, often unclothed and set in pristine natural environments. The current body of work,inspired largely by her son’s strong interest and fascination with trains, explores the remains of our commercialrail system and the nomadic cultureof hobos, street kids and train hoppers whobuild their lives around riding the rails.Kurland, who received her MFA fromYale in 1998, still shoots film, trekking alarge or medium format camera and tripodto locales that allowed her to capture freighttrains moving through incredible vistas.The images consider utopian ideas of freedomwhile questioning the romanticism of atransient lifestyle.Kurland’s work has been exhibited innumerous galleries and museums throughoutthe world including the Museum ofModern Art in New York and the Instituteof Contemporary Art in Philadelphia. Herwork is also part of the collections of theJustine Kurland, Keddie Wye, Keddie (2007), digital c-print [ElizabethLeach Gallery, Portland OR, Sep 2-Oct 2]Whitney Museum, New York, the National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington, D.C., theMuseum of Fine Arts, Montreal, and the Guggenheim Museum, New York. Allyn CantorArtist in Residence Exhibition”, work byPONCHO Artists-in-Residence and GregoryM. Robinson Pathways scholars;Oct 7-29 Kelda Martensen, “Somethingis Shifting”, prints and artistbooks with a fresh perspective incorporatephotography, collage and drawingwith a contemporary take on the methodsof traditional printmaking.★ Seattle Art Museum1300 First Ave ✆206-654-3100www.seattleartmuseum.orgOlympic Sculpture Park (2901 WesternAve) hours: open daily, opens 30 minprior to sunrise, closes 30 min aftersunset. Free to the public. SAM hours:wed-sun 10am-5pm, thurs & fri 10am-9pm. Suggested admission: adults $15,seniors (62 and over) and military (withID) $12, students $9, children 12 &under free, SAM members free. Sep 4-Feb 13, 2011 Amy Blakemore: Photographs1988-2008, 20-year surveyranging from black and white streetphotographs of the late 1980s to recentportraits and landscapes; Oct 8-Jan 17,2011 Picasso, featuring more than 150paintings, sculptures, drawings, printsand photographs from the MuséeNational Picasso in Paris; Thru Oct 24James Ensor and Georg Baselitz:Graphic Works, more than 50 printsfrom private collections of the late 19thcentury Belgian (Ensor) and the contemporaryGerman (Baselitz); Thru Jul3, 2011 Jacob Lawrence, “Freeing theFigure”, Lawrence’s free and anatomicalapproach to the human figure is shownin context with the work of his predecessorsand peers; Cris Brodahl, newpaintings incorporate frames that shapeand manipulate the gallery space; ThruAug 14, 2011 Behind the scenes: thereal story of Quileute Wolves, 30objects provide a public platform for thedisplay and authentic interpretation ofartworks; Thru Aug 28, 2011 Order andBorder, examine how stripes decorateand structure objects, bodies andspaces; Ongoing Walter Oltmann andNick Cave, “A Quartet of Suits”, installationof four suits redefined and staged inan encounter that defies convention;Light in the Darkness, six paintings inthe European art galleries; OLYMPICSCULPTURE PARK Ongoing Featuring 22sculptures on 9 acres including LouiseBourgeois, Alexander Calder, MarkDion, Mark Di Suvero, Ellsworth Kelly,Roy McMakin, Richard Serra, AnthonyCaro and Tony Smith; Thru Oct 31Andrew Dadson, Jenny Heishman,Jessica Jackson Hutchins, WhitingTennis and Mungo Thomson, “SummerProjects”, new work involving newencounters with sculptures alreadyinstalled in the park; Thru Mar 4, 2012Trenton Doyle Hancock, “A BetterPromise”, site-specific, immersiveinstallation tells his dramatic storythrough text and images including walldrawings and sculptural elements.★ Seattle Asian Art Museum1400 E Prospect St, Volunteer Park✆206-654-3100www.seattleartmuseum.orgwed-sun 10am-5pm thurs 10am-9pm.Suggested admission: adults $7, seniors(62 and over), students and military$5, children 12 & under free, SAMmembers free. First thurs free admission.First fri seniors free. First sat fam-78 PREVIEW ■ SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER <strong>2010</strong> ★ OPEN LATE ON FIRST THURSDAYS

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