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Technical DataBalance Quality of Rotation EquipmentAccording to JIS B 0513-1985, balance quality is defined as a“quantity that shows the balance of a rigid rotor and is a productbetween a specific unbalance and specified angular velocity.”100000G630G1600ò Procedure for Deciding a Permissible UnbalanceThe following information (numerical values) on the rotor isrequired to determine a permissible unbalance.ò Maximum rotation speed at which the rotor will be used nmaxò Rotor mass mò Rotor bearing positionò Position of balancing planeFor more detailed calculations:ò Position of rotor mass center (center of gravity) is required.1. A grade for balance quality is set based on the rotor type. Thesmaller the grade for balance quality, the higher the balancingaccuracy. As explained in JIS, however, G1 and G0.4 requireparticular caution.2. The permissible specific residual unbalance eper is calculatedbased on the maximum rotation speed at which the rotor willactually be used. eper can be calculated from the followingcalculation formula or from the diagram on the right.Balance quality = e · ωω = 2πn/60 = n/9.55n [min –1 ]ω [rad/s]Balance quality = e · n9.553. The permissible specific residual unbalance is calculatedbased on the permissible specific residual unbalance and rotormass.Permissible specific residual unbalance Uper = eperm [g · mm]4. Distribute actually the permissible specific residual unbalanceto the unbalance of the balancing plane. (The distributioncalculation method varies in accordance with the relationshipamong the bearing position, position and mass of balancingplane and position of the center of mass. For more information,refer to the explanation in JIS.)Permissible specific residual unbalance1000010001001010.10.04G250G100G40G16G6.330 5 100 2 3 4 5 1000 2 3 4 5 10000 2 3 4 5 100000G2.5G1G0.4Maximum rotation speed in practical operationò Re<strong>com</strong>mended Grade for Balance Quality for Various Rotating Machines (JIS B 0905-1992)BalancequalitygradeUpper limitof balancequality mm/s(eper × ω)Examples of rotor typeG4000 4000 ò Rigidly-supported crank shafting* 2 of low-speed diesel engine for ship* 1 with odd number of cylindersG1600 1600 ò Rigidly-supported crank shafting* 2 of large two-cycle engineG630 630 ò Rigidly-supported crank shafting* 2 of large four-cycle engine ò Rigidly-supported crank shafting* 2 of diesel engine for ship* 1G250 250 ò Rigidly-supported crank shafting* 2 of high-speed four-cylinder diesel engine* 1G100 100G40 40G16 16G6.3 6.3G2.5 2.5G1 1ò Crank shafting of high-speed diesel engine* 1 with 6 cylinders or more for <strong>com</strong>pleted products of engines for automobiles, trucksand rolling stock (gasoline or diesel).ò Automotive wheels, rims, wheel sets and drive shafts ò Rigidly-supported high-speed four-cycle diesel engines* 1 with 6 cylindersor more ò Crank shafting* 2 of (gasoline or diesel) engines ò Crank shafting for automotive, truck and rolling stock engines* 2ò Drive shafts with special requirement (propeller shaft, Cardan shaft) ò Crusher parts ò Parts for agricultural machinery ò Partsfor engines (gasoline and diesel) for automobiles, trucks and rolling stock and crank shafting* 2 with 6 cylinders or more with specialrequirementò Equipment for process plants ò Main-engine turbine wheels for ships (For merchant marine) ò Centrifugal separator drumsò Papermaking rolls, printing rolls ò Fans ò Aircraft gas turbine rollers after assembly ò Flywheels ò Pump impellersò Parts for machine tools and general machinery ò Medium and large armatures of motors with a shaft center height of at least80cm or more without special requirement ò Small armatures mainly for high-volume production for use in an environment lesssensitive to vibration or with vibration isolation ò Parts for engines with special requirementò Gas turbines, steam turbines and main turbines for ships (For merchant marine) ò Rigid turbo generator rotors ò Memorydrums for <strong>com</strong>puters and disc turbo <strong>com</strong>pressors ò Main shafts for machine tools ò Medium and large armatures with specialrequirement ò Small armatures (Except for G6.3 and G1 conditions) ò Turbine drive pumpsò Rotating parts of tape recorders and acoustic equipment ò Abrasive wheel shafts of grinding machines ò Small armatures withspecial requirementG0.4 0.4 ò Abrasive wheel shafts, abrasive wheels and armatures of precision grinding machines ò Gyroscopes* *1: Low-speed diesel engines are engines with a piston speed of 9m/s or less. High-speed diesel engines are engines with a piston speed of 10m/s or more.* *2: Crank shafting is an entire unit consisting of a crank shaft, flywheel, clutch, pulley, damper, rotating part of a connecting rod and other parts.*: The rotor mass of a <strong>com</strong>pleted engine product is the total mass of the entire crank shafting.114

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