May 2008 Edition - agosci

May 2008 Edition - agosci

May 2008 Edition - agosci


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eportsNotations ...Secretary’s reportby Melissa BakesIt has been avery busy startto the year withmemberships toprocess, agendas toorganise and minutesto type. We have hadmany membershipscome through at the moment with the upcoming NationalTour. With regards to the National Tour I would just like togive an enormous thanks to Jane Farrall and all the branchrepresentatives for all their hard work in putting this together.I am really looking forward to it as I have heard both Davidand Karen speak before and they are just fantastic and veryinspirational.Recently the executive met up in Adelaide for our once a yearface-to-face meeting. We again had a really productive 2 daymeeting with some new faces that have joined the group. Thereare lots of wonderful ideas for moving forward. I have includedthe minutes from the recent AGM in this copy of AGOSCI InFocus. We had a few laughs at the AGM amongst the seriousbusiness.Just another reminder that with regards to answering phoneenquiries, I would just like to say again that if you are leavinga message, that it may be faster if you could leave an afterhours number if at all possible or try my email address:melb@powerup.com.au, as I am at work during the day anddon’t get to the messages until I get home. That usually meansI can’t get back to anyone until the next day and sometimesI forget throughout the course of a busy day at work. Myapologies to anyone who has had to wait a few days to get areply back from me. Alternatively, you can leave a message onmy mobile: 0414 369 535.All I really have to report on for the moment are the membershipnumbers. At the moment we have around 230 members whichis about the same as this time last year. I have seen somenew names this time around. So the word is getting out there.Thanks again to all of those who have rejoined. Your continuedmembership is appreciated and valued. We continue to groweach year.Money MattersTreasurer’s reportby Jenny ArthurHi everyone! Another year has past and althoughthe books say we had a ‘loss’ last year, this wasdue conference receipts and expenses beingspread over 2 financial years.Overall the conference last year made a profit whichgoes towards the running costs of our organisation. Wehave a number of ongoing expenses, such as insurance,printing and distributing AGOSCI in Focus, meetingexpenses, equipment etc.For our next conference we have employed conferenceorganizers, which will increase the costs for theconference, but decrease the stress for our volunteerorganisers. We have money in the bank but we need thisbuffer to pay for our expenses which are increasing allthe time.At the moment I am preparing for the work involved inthe National Tour which is a busy time for me and shouldbe a fantastic opportunity for all our members.Do you have an AACuser’s story for theAGOSCI website?Contact Sally Hunter:sally@ilc.com.au5

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