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34revolutionary propaganda”. His brother Nyima Gyaltsen was sentencedto thirteen years’ imprisonment for leading the protest. Three other monksco-accused with the Gyaltsen brothers were sentenced to lesser termsranging from two-six years for their participation in the protest, and havenow been freed on expiry of their sentences. Place of detention: TibetAutonomous Region Prison (formerly Drapchi Prison), Lhasa. Treatmentin prison: Said to have been severely tortured whilst under interrogation.Honorary member: <strong>PEN</strong> America.JANGTSE DhonkhoD.o.b.: 1978. Profession: Poet, member of the Sichuan Province WritersAssociation. Date of arrest: 21 June 2010. Sentence: 4 years in prison.Expires: 21 June 2014. Reportedly arrested at his home on 21 June 2010.Details of trial: Tried by the Ngaba Intermediate People’s Court on 3October 2010, for “inciting activities to split the nation”. Sentenced on30 December 2010 to four years in prison. Lawyers and family memberswere reportedly not permitted to speak in court. It is thought that JangtseDhonkho may be convicted for his articles on the 2008 Tibetan unrest inthe literary magazine Shar Dungri (Eastern Snow Mountain), which isnow banned in Tibet (see DHONKHO, BHUDHA and KHELSANGJinpa in ‘main cases’ above). Professional details: Has reportedlypublished a collection of poetry and is the recipient of several Tibetanliterary awards. Honorary member of: Independent Chinese <strong>PEN</strong>Centre (ICPC).Dolma KYABProfession: Writer and teacher. Date of arrest: 9 March 2005. Sentence:Ten and a half years in prison. Expires: 8 October 2015. Detailsof arrest: Dolma Kyab was reportedly arrested in the city of Lhasa for allegedlyendangering state security in his book. The charges against DolmaKyab appear to be based on his unpublished book Sao dong de Ximalayasha(The Restless Himalayas). In another book, Dolma Kyab reportedlygives sensitive information on issues such as the location and number ofChinese military camps in Tibet. Following his pre-trial detention at the TibetanAutonomous Region Public Security Bureau Detention Centre, alsoknown as the ‘Seitru’, Dolma Kyab reportedly contracted tuberculosis andwas transferred to Chushul Prison in March 2006 after receiving medicaltreatment for his condition. Details of trial: Dolma Kyab was chargedwith ‘espionage’ and ‘illegal border crossing’. His trial was conducted insecrecy. Place of Detention: Reportedly transferred to Xi’ning Prison,Qinghai Province, north-western China on 19 July 2007. Health concerns:Said to be in very poor health and has to do hard labour. Honorarymember of: English, American and German <strong>PEN</strong>.Paljor NORBU (aka Panjue Ruobu)D.o.b.: 1927 Profession: Printer. Date of arrest: 31 October 2008 Sentence:7 years in prison Expires: 30 October 2015 Details of arrest:Reportedly arrested from his home in Lhasa for allegedly printing ‘prohibitedmaterial’, including the banned Tibetan flag. His family were notinformed of his arrest. Details of trial: Reportedly tried in secret in November2008, possibly on charges of ‘inciting separatism’, and sentencedto seven years in prison. His family were informed of the sentence inwriting but have not been allowed to visit him. His w<strong>here</strong>abouts are unknown.Other information: According to Human Rights Watch, Norbucomes from a family with a long history of printing and publishing Buddhisttexts for monasteries. He is said to be an internationally renownedmaster printer. He used both modern and traditional woodblock printingtechniques in his workshop, which employed several dozen workers. Inaddition to religious texts, the shop also printed prayer flags, folk reproductions,books, leaflets and traditional literature. After his arrest theshop was closed down and books and woodblocks confiscated.Tashi RABTEN (pen-name Te’u rang)Profession: Writer and university student. Co-editor of the banned literarymagazine Shar Dungri (Eastern Snow Mountain). Date of arrest: 6 April2010 Sentence: Four years in prison Expires: 5 April 2014 Details ofarrest: Reportedly arrested with fellow student editor DRUKLO (pennameShokjang) because of their critical writings and activism. Reportssay that about sixteen policemen approached the students’ residence atthe Northwest National Minorities University, w<strong>here</strong> they seized Rabtenand Druklo’s books, mobile phones, laptops and course material. Druklowas reportedly released on 8 May 2010. Details of trial: Tried behindclosed doors at a court in Aba prefecture on 2 June 2011. Details of thecharges against him have not been officially confirmed, although he isthought to be convicted of inciting separatism for a collection of politicalarticles entitled Written in Blood on the suppression of the March 2008protests in Lhasa and surrounding regions. Treatment in prison: Said tobe held without access to his family since his arrest, although a deliveryof food and clothes were allowed in autumn 2010. Feared to be at risk oftorture in detention. Professional details: Tashi Rabten edited the bannedliterary magazine Shar Dungri (Eastern Snow Mountain) on the 2008protests in Tibet, and co-authored a collection of writings on democracy,freedom and equality called Written in Blood. Prior to his arrest TashiRabten, aged twenty-five, was a student at the Northwest MinoritiesUniversity in Lanzhou, and had reportedly been under surveillance forsome time.*Ugyen TENZIND.o.B.: 1987 Profession: Singer and songwriter Date of arrest: mid-February2012 Sentence: Two years in prison Expiry: 19 March 2014 Detailsof arrest: Tenzin was arrested a month after the release of his album AnUnending Flow of my Heart’s Blood, in which he sings a song dedicated tothe Tibet’s exile prime minister. Details of trial: Reports say that Tenzinwas sentenced for his patriotic songs and for being one of the leaders in aprotest in Nangchen, Yulshul prefecture. Treatment in prison: Tenzin hasbeen reportedly been beaten in custody. Previous political imprisonment/problems: In 2008 Tenzin was imprisoned for one year for his activismagainst mining operations in Tibet.Kunga TSEYANG (aka Gangnyi ‘Snow Sun’)D.o.b.: c.1989 Profession: Tibetan writer and environmentalist. Dateof arrest: 17 March 2009 Sentence: Five years in prison Expires: 16March 2014 Details of the trial: On 17 November 2009 a courtin the Prefecture of Golok, Qinghai Province, sentenced Tseyangon various charges including posting articles online. Professionaldetails: Tseyang studied at Labdrang Tashi Kyil monastery and theInstitute for Higher Buddhist Studies. He has written many articlesabout Buddhism and Tibetan art and culture, including the widelyread,“China must apologize to His Holiness the Dalai Lama”Tseyang is also an environmental activist and a regular contributor to theYutse Environment Department as a photographer. Tseyang lives in theLungkar monastery in Golok county (eastern Tibet).Imprisoned: investigationDROKRU Tsultrim: Tibetan writer from Ngaba county, was reportedlyarrested on 24 May 2010 after police searched his room at the Gomang

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