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46entitled ‘Europe and Us’, published in Sanat newspaper, for whichhe was accused of insulting the Prophet Mohammad. Following thepublication of the article Grand Ayatollah Fazil Lankarani of Iran issueda fatwa calling for Tagi’s death. He was sentenced to three years in prisonfor the article under Article 283 of the Azeri Criminal Code for “incitingnational, racial and religious enmity”. Following significant internationalpressure, Tagi was granted amnesty on 28 December 2007.Imprisoned – Investigation*Nijat ALIYEV: editor-in-chief of azadxeber.az website. Detained20 May 2012 near Memar Ajami metro station and taken to YasamalDistrict police office. He was charged under Article 234.1 (Illegalmanufacturing, purchase, storage, transportation, transfer or selling ofnarcotics/psychotropic substances) and sentenced to 2 months pre-trialdetention. He is currently held in Kurdakhani investigative prison. Hislawyer Anar Gasimli reported to the Institute for Reporters’ Freedom andSafety (IRFS) on 29 May that Aliyev was beaten by the officers whilein custody. According to Gasimli they also tried to blackmail him. Thepolice told Aliyev that if he does not admit to drug-related charges, theywill sentence him to more than 5 years in prison, under more seriouscharges. They allegedly warned him that they could plant drugs in hisapartment, which would put his family members at risk, said the lawyer,and added that they will take legal measures regarding the case.*Ramin BAYMAROV (BAYRAMLI): editor of the Islamazeri.azwebsite. A court in the Baku district of Absheron sentenced him to 18months in prison on charges of illegal possession of drugs and firearms on8 March 2012. He has been detained since 11 July 2011. T<strong>here</strong> have beendoubts about the reasons for his arrest from the outset. He extensivelycovered issues of interest to Muslim communities in Azerbaijan. He wasarrested on the same day as one of the leaders of the Azerbaijani IslamicParty (IPA), Arif Ganiyev, and it was initially reported that the NationalSecurity Ministry suspected Bayramov of having links with the IranianCultural Centre in Baku and belonging to the radical Shiite group Jafari.Nazim GULIYEV: Founder and editor-in-chief of the newspaper Ideal,currently closed, was reportedly sentenced to thirteen years in prison andconfiscation of his property by the Grave Crimes Court on 15 January 2010.The charges against him are: extortion (under Article 182 of the CriminalCode); hooliganism (under article 221); and illegal manufacturing, purchase,storage, transportation, transfer or selling of narcotics, psychotropicsubstances (under Article 234). Guliyev is serving his sentence in a specialpenitentiary. Previous conviction: Guliyev was arrested in late April 2009and sentenced to six months in prison. Convicted regarding a criminal casefiled in September 2008 by a Nagorno-Karabakh war veteran, who allegedthat two articles published in Ideal in August 2008 harmed her dignity.Guliyev was sentenced to pre-trial detention during a hearing in the NasimiDistrict Court on 30 October 2008; however by then he had gone into hiding.In late April 2009, Guliyev was arrested and on 26 May 2009 he wassentenced to six months on defamation charges (see previous caselist). <strong>PEN</strong>is seeking clarification of the current criminal charges so as to ascertainwhether he is in fact detained for his writings.*Ayudin JANIYEV: regional correspondent for Xural newspaper. He wasdetained by police on 8 September 2011 after complaints from members ofthe religious community in the village of Sarpakaran. Leader of the Sahibaz-Zaman mosque claimed that on 7 September Janiyev went to the houseof a local woman and after a dispute, broke the windows of her house andthen went to the nearby mosque, broke its windows and insulted membersof village who attempted to stop him. The leader of the mosque claims hewas physically assaulted and as a result lodged a complaint with the police.Janiyev was initially sentenced to twelve days of administrative detentionfor hooliganism and resisting a state employee preventing violation of socialorder. The journalist was reported to have rejected legal representationin favour of defending his own rights. On 20 September 2011 LenkeranRegional Court sentenced him to two months of pre-trial detention, laterhanding down a three year prison term upon conviction on 21 November.Janiyev wrote a series of articles critical of the activities of the religiousauthorities in the southern region, particularly Gani Akhundzade, a representativeof the Caucasus Muslim Department. An independent investigationby local journalists, cited by the independent Azerbaijani news agencyTuran, concluded that Janiyev’s charges stemmed from his reporting onauthorities’ alleged involvement in drug trafficking in Lenkeran.*Taleh KHASMAMMADOV: Blogger, human rights defender and founderof ‘Law and Rights 2010’, a legal consulting office. On 11 November 2011Khasmammadov was approached by two men claiming to be policemen.They asked him to giver over material that he had collected pertaining to illegalactions carried out by police officers. Khasmammadov complied withthe request but was called to the regional police department the followingday. T<strong>here</strong> he was charged with ‘hooliganism’, resisting arrest and usingforce against a government representative. It is said that he was assaulted bypolice during his arrest. Khasmammadov’s home and office were searchedand a computer and other possessions confiscated by police. Initially sentencedto two months pre-trial detention, criminal proceedings were openedagainst Khasmammadov on 7 March 2012 at Kurdamir Regional Court.Khasmammadov stated in court that the police officers had targeted himas a result of his work as a human rights defender and blogger. Khasmammadovwas sentenced on 20 April 2012 to four years in jail at the KurdamirRegional Court. The blogger’s lawyer Asabali Mustafayev stated that theywould appeal against the decision.*Hilal MAMEDOV: editor-in-chief of Tolishi Sado (Voice of the Talysh)independent newspaper and human rights activist. Arrested for allegedillegal drugs possession. The non-governmental Baku Institute forPeace and Democracy said on 22 June 2012 that Hilal Mamedov wasabducted by unknown individuals on 21 June. Mamedov’s relatives sayhe has never used drugs and that they believe the arrest is politicallymotivated. No response to this allegation was immediately availablefrom police. Mamedov’s newspaper is printed in the Talysh language, abranch of Persian. The Talysh minority’s leader in Azerbaijan, NovruzaliMamedov, who edited the newspaper before Mamedov, died in prisonin 2009 after he was found guilty of spying for Iran and sentenced to 10years in prison. Update: Mamedov was charged in a Baku court on 4 July2012 with separate counts of treason, incitement to ethnic and religioushatred, and drug possession. If convicted, he faces a life term in prison. Ifconvicted, he faces a life term in prison.Avaz ZEYNALLI: editor-in-chief of the Khural newspaper; Arrested 28October 2011 by members of the Anti-Corruption Fight Office and, on thesame day, sentenced to three months of pre-trial detention by the NasimiDistrict Court and transferred to the Kurdakhani Investigation Prison thefollowing day. The detention was extended to 20 May. (1) Charged underArticle 306.2 of the Azeri Criminal Code (contempt of court). The case isreported to be the result of Zeynalli’s non-ad<strong>here</strong>nce to a court decisionwhich ordered Khural to pay over US$18,000 to two men who had accusedKhural of ‘insulting their honour and dignity’. The newspaper hadappealed for the termination of the fines due to lack of funds. (2) On May4, 2012 another charge was brought against Zeynalli under article 213.1(evasion of taxes or other obligatory payments in significant amount). Histrial is currently ongoing at the Baku Grave Crimes Court. Trial: Opened 2July 2012 at Baku Grave Crimes court during which the head of Azerbaijan

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