Healthy Futures Report - LIME Network

Healthy Futures Report - LIME Network

Healthy Futures Report - LIME Network


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FINDINGS4.5.4 IdentificationAll Australian Medical Schools identifiedIndigenous students through the admissionsprocess. However, only half the medicalschools require applicants accessingIndigenous services to provide supportingevidence of their identity includingconnection to community.Medical schools that require proof ofidentification may do so through theirIndigenous support unit. These Indigenoussupport units often require candidates toprovide confirmation of their Indigenousidentity in order to access Indigenous specificprograms. In most cases this involvesindividuals completing a ‘Confirmation ofAboriginality’ form, which must be endorsedby an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islandercommunity organisation. The form is usuallybased on the government ‘three-partdefinition’ which requires information ondescent, self-identification and communityrecognition. 98When collecting information on the numbersof Indigenous people in Australia,identification is only provided by individualson a voluntary basis. This is the same for thoseapplying for entry into tertiary institutions.There area isolated cases where non-Indigenous people have unintentionallymarked the ‘Indigenous box’ during thetertiary admissions application process. Inthese instances, the Indigenous Support Unitsusually identify these individuals and steerthem in the right direction. Anecdotalevidence suggests that some non-Indigenousindividuals have taken advantage of alternativeentry options for Indigenous Australians bydeliberately marking the ‘Indigenous’ box.Identification is a sensitive issue. Somemedical schools asked for guidance on ways toaddress identification issues during selectionprocesses.4.6 Support4.6.1 FinancesEighty-six percent of Indigenous medicalgraduates interviewed during this studyidentified financial hardship as one of thedifficulties they experienced during theirstudies. Three graduates surveyed mentionedthat they had deferred training during theircourse for financial reasons.Financial support is a big thing especiallywith six years out of the workforce. This is abig burden especially for older studentswith families where the financial impact isnot just on personal compromise butcompromises the family as well.Indigenous medical graduateGraduates interviewed in this study stated thatfinancial support during studies comprisedsome form of government assistance(Abstudy), scholarship, grant or employment.All graduates interviewed said that they hadbeen employed in part-time work at somepoints during their university life (Figure 3).Figure 3. Financial support received byIndigenous medical students during theirdegree.Number of people20151050AbstudyScholarshipEmployedAnecdotal evidence suggests that some non-Indigenous individuals have taken advantageof alternative entry options for IndigenousAustralians by deliberately marking the‘Indigenous’ box.35

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