Elliptic Modular Forms and Their Applications - Up To

Elliptic Modular Forms and Their Applications - Up To

Elliptic Modular Forms and Their Applications - Up To


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48 D. Zagier5 <strong>Modular</strong> <strong>Forms</strong> <strong>and</strong> Differential OperatorsThe starting point for this section is the observation that the derivative ofa modular form is not modular, but nearly is. Specifically, if f is a modularform of weight k with the Fourier expansion (3), then by differentiating (2)we see that the derivativeDf = f ′ := 1 df2πi dz = q df∞ dq =∑na n q n (51)(where the factor 2πi has been included in order to preserve the rationalityproperties of the Fourier coefficients) satisfies( ) az + bf ′ cz + d= (cz + d) k+2 f ′ (z) + k2πi c (cz + d)k+1 f(z) . (52)If we had only the first term, then f ′ would be a modular form of weight k +2.The presence of the second term, far from being a problem, makes the theorymuch richer. <strong>To</strong> deal with it, we will:• modify the differentiation operator so that it preserves modularity;• make combinations of derivatives of modular forms which are again modular;• relax the notion of modularity to include functions satisfying equationslike (52);• differentiate with respect to t(z) rather than z itself, where t(z) is a modularfunction.These four approaches will be discussed in the four subsections 5.1–5.4, respectively.5.1 Derivatives of <strong>Modular</strong> <strong>Forms</strong>As already stated, the first approach is to introduce modifications of the operatorD which do preserve modularity. There are two ways to do this, oneholomorphic <strong>and</strong> one not. We begin with the holomorphic one. Comparingthe transformation equation (52) with equations (19) <strong>and</strong> (17), we find thatfor any modular form f ∈ M k (Γ 1 ) the functionn=1ϑ k f := f ′ − k 12 E 2 f, (53)sometimes called the Serre derivative, belongs to M k+2 (Γ 1 ). (We will oftendrop the subscript k, since it must always be the weight of the form to whichthe operator is applied.) A first consequence of this basic fact is the following.We introduce the ring ˜M ∗ (Γ 1 ):=M ∗ (Γ 1 )[E 2 ]=C[E 2 ,E 4 ,E 6 ], called the ringof quasimodular forms on SL(2, Z). (An intrinsic definition of the elements ofthis ring, <strong>and</strong> a definition for other groups Γ ⊂ G, will be given in the nextsubsection.) Then we have:

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