The Nobel Prize in Literature 1951 was awarded to ... - Ijsidonline.info

The Nobel Prize in Literature 1951 was awarded to ... - Ijsidonline.info

The Nobel Prize in Literature 1951 was awarded to ... - Ijsidonline.info


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ISSN:2249-5347IJSIDInternational Journal of Science Innovations and DiscoveriesAn International peerReview Journal for Sciencegenres, dramatic or lyric, epic or satiric, his way of grasp<strong>in</strong>g reality rema<strong>in</strong>s fundamentallythe same. It does not matter <strong>in</strong> his case if the results are not always on a level with the<strong>in</strong>tentions, for each work plays the role of a s<strong>to</strong>ne <strong>in</strong> an edifice he <strong>in</strong>tends <strong>to</strong> build; each is apart of his mission, a mission that always bears on the same subject: the misery andgrandeur of what is human, the slavery <strong>to</strong> which earthly life condemns us, and the heroicstruggle of the spirit for its liberation. This is the theme <strong>in</strong> all the works we choose <strong>to</strong> recallat this time: Gäst hos verkligheten (1925) [Guest of Reality]; Hjärtats sånger (1926) [Songsfrom the Heart]; Han som fick leva om sitt liv (1928) [He Who Lived His Life Over Aga<strong>in</strong>];Dvärgen (1944) [<strong>The</strong> Dwarfl]; Barabbas (1950). It is needless <strong>to</strong> cite others <strong>to</strong> give an ideaof the scope of Lagerkvist's <strong>in</strong>spirations and the power of his genius.One of the foreign experts who, on the fiftieth anniversary of the <strong>Nobel</strong> Foundation,criticized the his<strong>to</strong>ric series of <strong>Nobel</strong> <strong>Prize</strong> laureates, gave as criteria two conditions whichseemed equally <strong>in</strong>dispensable <strong>to</strong> him: on the one hand the artistic value of the f<strong>in</strong>ishedwork, on the other its <strong>in</strong>ternational reputation. Insofar as this last condition is concerned, itcan immediately be objected that those who write <strong>in</strong> a language that is not widespread willf<strong>in</strong>d themselves at a great disadvantage. In any case, it is extremely rare that a Nordicwriter could make a reputation with the <strong>in</strong>ternational public, and, therefore, a fairjudgment on this k<strong>in</strong>d of candidate is an especially delicate matter. However, <strong>Nobel</strong>'s willexplicitly prescribes that the <strong>Prize</strong>s should be <strong>awarded</strong> without any consideration ofnationality, so that they should be <strong>awarded</strong> <strong>to</strong> the worthiest, be he Scand<strong>in</strong>avian or not.»That should also signify that if a writer seems worthy of the <strong>Nobel</strong> <strong>Prize</strong>, the fact that he isSwedish, for example, should not <strong>in</strong> the end h<strong>in</strong>der him from obta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g it. As for PärLagerkvist, we must consider another fac<strong>to</strong>r, which pleases us very much: his last work hasattracted much sympathy and esteem outside our frontiers. This <strong>was</strong> further proved by the<strong>in</strong>sistent recommendations with which Lagerkvist's candidacy has been susta<strong>in</strong>ed by amajority of foreign advisers. He does not owe his <strong>Prize</strong> <strong>to</strong> the Academy circle itself. That themov<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>terpretations of the <strong>in</strong>ner conflicts of Barabbas have found such repercussionseven <strong>in</strong> foreign languages clearly shows the profoundly <strong>in</strong>spired character of this work,Call for research and Review articles publication: ijsidonl<strong>in</strong>e<strong>in</strong>fo@gmail.com

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