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“People engagebetter with somethingthey have helped toshape than withanonymous architecture.”The <strong>Audi</strong> Urban Future Initiative brings together artists, architects,urban planners and scientists to envision the future of urban life andof urban mobility as it might appear in 2030. Dr. Heinrich Wefing,journalist, author and architecture critic, talks about the interaction ofpolitics and architecture, democracy and cities that never stand still.By Katharina Lotter (interview) & Antonina Gern (photos)Dr. Heinrich Wefing had originally intended to followin his father’s footsteps and become an architect. Butafter completing a series of internships, he found he wasreally only interested in the creative side of architectureand felt little inclination to deal with clients, authoritiesand contractors. So he started out studying art history,later adding law, while always retaining his link to architecture.The subject of his law dissertation, in fact, wasparliamentary architecture and how democracy expressesitself through its buildings. Prior to his appointmentas deputy editor of the political section of the Germanweekly newspaper Die Zeit, he worked for many years onthe literary and arts section of the Frankfurter AllgemeineZeitung, where he made architecture and urban planninghis special focus. Dr. Wefing chaired the <strong>Audi</strong> UrbanFuture Summit, as well as the <strong>Audi</strong> Urban Future Award2010 workshop and conference in London and the awardceremony in Venice. He also moderated the Metropolis &Mobility Dialogue of the <strong>Audi</strong> Urban Future Award 2012in Ingolstadt.“Although a city consists of stationary structures, it’s alsomade up of people, and it’s an artifact that’scontinuously changing,” says architecture and culturalexpert Dr. Heinrich Wefing.<strong>Audi</strong> magazine: Dr. Wefing, after chairing the <strong>Audi</strong> UrbanFuture Initiative, what impressions will you takeaway with you?Dr. Heinrich Wefing: First of all, it’s exciting toobserve what happens when architects meet people whobuild cars. It’s taught me so many new things about >>047 / inspire / <strong>Audi</strong> magazine <strong>Audi</strong> magazine / 048

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