Modern Materials Handling - October 2011

Modern Materials Handling - October 2011

Modern Materials Handling - October 2011


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Expansion of the Panama Canal andits Impact on Supply Chains andGlobal Trade” by Zubieta. Scheduledfor completion in 2014, the expansionof the Panama Canal is certainto change global freight movementand open up new opportunities, butprecisely how is yet to be determined.Zubieta will detail how theseinfrastructure improvements willbenefit importers and exporters andexplain how you can prepare for itsimpact on your operations.Wednesday’s keynote will be“How Supply Chain and LogisticsPerformance Impacts Trade” byRatliff. He will detail how your supplychain and logistics performanceimpacts trade and is critical forcompanies that want to increaseexports. This keynote will provideinsight into what elements of supplychain and logistics performance needimprovement and how to make theseimprovements to boost exports.Modex will also include 70 educationalsessions outlining leadingtrends, best practices, and state-ofthe-artequipment and technologysolutions. Modex is partnering with17 industry organizations that willco-locate.“Co-locating these events withModex 2012 will allow manufacturing,distribution and supply chainprofessionals unparalleled educationand networking opportunitiesas well as exposure to the broadestmaterial handling, logisticsand supply chain equipment andtechnology display of any expo ofits kind in North America,” saidJohn Nofsinger, chief executive officerfor MHIA. “For our members,attendees and exhibitors, the colocationswill add even more valueto the event; the largest being theGeorgia Logistics Summit which lastyear hosted 1,300 attendees from21 states and expects to draw evenmore in conjunction with Modex2012.”“These co-located events will

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