Modern Materials Handling - October 2011

Modern Materials Handling - October 2011

Modern Materials Handling - October 2011


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AutomatedVerticalStorage SystemsIt All Adds UpTo VALUEFOCUS ON Automated storagefull-width extractor bar that provides apositive method of storing and retrievingtrays (holding a maximum capacity of500 pounds each). With a footprint measuring69 x 99 inches, the machine canrange in height from 12.5 to 40 feet in6-inch increments. Lauyans & Company,502-774-2200, www.lauyans.com.Small parts are expensive. Traditionalshelving eats up valuable ß oor spaceand exposes parts. WhatÕs more, partscan be tough to Þ nd and reach; keepingaccurate inventories a challenge.The Lauyans Small Parts StorageSystem (SPSS) is a USA manufacturedsolution offering high density storageutilizing vertical space for greaterfootprint capacity, worker safety,security, labor savings and the mostcompetitive pricing available.Before you decide to buy anyAutomated Storage System, go onlineand check out our pricing.www.SPSSonline.comIt All Adds Up To VALUELauyans & Company, Inc.1-866-LAUYANS (528-9267)USA ManufacturedGoods-to-person shuttlesystem uses pick-to-light/put-to-light technologyThe OSR shuttle system providesautomated storage for small parts andincorporates pick-to-light/put-to-lighttechnology based on the goods-topersonprinciple. Developed to providehigh product density for a large rangeof products, the system can handle highquantities of small, discrete orders.Depending on system configuration,picking performance rates of up to1,000 order lines per man-hour can bereached. The system groups requiredorders together for batch picking andtransports them to a workstation. Brightdisplays indicate to the operator boththe position and the quantity of the productto be picked, as well as the positionof the container to which the product(s)should be transferred. Knapp LogisticsAutomation, 678-388-2880, www.knapp.com/usHigh-speed AS/RS handlesup to 3,000 cases per hourThe Uni-Shuttle HP automated storageand retrieval system offers flexiblestorage functionality with high-capacitytransport and sorting capabilities. Able tohandle as many as 3,000 cases per hour,independent high-speed shuttles run oneach level at speeds up to 1,312 feet perminute. The efficient system can be flexiblyconfigured to handle a variety of loadsizes, shapes or types. Highlights includeautomatic sequencing of loads prior to orduring retrieval, and just-in-time continuousretrieval. Murata Machinery, 704-394-6900, www.muratec-usa.com.VLM savesup to 90% offloor spaceThe Modula verticallift module enhancespicking and storagewhile savingup to 90% of floorspace. Ideal forsmall items such astools and electronicand pharmaceuticalcomponents, products are stored withinmetal trays which are automaticallystored and retrieved as needed. Theunit features a vertical lifting platform todeliver trays, adjustable tray heights on1-inch increments, and a low energy usevertical lifting motor. Overall unit heightsare offered in 3.94-inch to maximizefacility ceiling height. Each tray’s standardnet load capacity is 440 pounds.

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